Looks like it fits my criteria. Thank you.Castle Crashers?
I played it on Windows 7 and it was a buggy mess. I experienced 3-5 game breaking glitches where I had to restart the game.I beat it on Win 7 or 8 64-bit zero issues, including saves.
Looks like it fits my criteria. Thank you.Castle Crashers?
I played it on Windows 7 and it was a buggy mess. I experienced 3-5 game breaking glitches where I had to restart the game.I beat it on Win 7 or 8 64-bit zero issues, including saves.
Another problem. It's asking me to insert disk 2, but Im using a portable hdd and there's no option select my hard drive! Think Im stuffed now.
it's ok i fixed it. I chose disk 1 to install instead of just the dishonored folder.
For future reference, rather than using Steam's backup function, depending on how much space you have to spare, you can either:
- Move your entire steamapps folder and plonk it the root of Steam's new installation directory, or
- Move the game folders of the specific games you want to back up and then plonk them in steamapps\common (or steamapps\common\[account name] for older Valve titles and SiN)
How gracefully does that handle steam thinking the game is installed? I thought the benefit to the built in feature was that you didn't have to do any trickery since otherwise steam won't recognize it in your library
Oh, that level? Just kill the dude then the other dude but don't let that other other dude kill you.hotline miami is testing me. i need to at least finish this level before i go to bed. i hate having to work saturday mornings.
If I activate a Steam-code and Gabe says I already own the game/DLC, will that make the code unusable or still active?
Question regarding the Abbyssal Forge DLC that is also included in the Season Pass for Darksiders 2.
If I activate a Steam-code and Gabe says I already own the game/DLC, will that make the code unusable or still active?
Question regarding the Abbyssal Forge DLC that is also included in the Season Pass for Darksiders 2.
This is just so beautiful.
If I activate a Steam-code and Gabe says I already own the game/DLC, will that make the code unusable or still active?
Question regarding the Abbyssal Forge DLC that is also included in the Season Pass for Darksiders 2.
Unless there is a DLC in the game-key you do not already have. Then it will absorb the key, add the included DLC's to your library and the key is not usable. But if you already have the game and DLC's that are included in the game-key, the key wil not be used.It will still be usable key
Oh, I also always play the demo before buying indies (and if there isn't one, I better be really convinced I'm going to like it). This eliminates another wide swath.
- Antichamber (Steam store not up yet, dev)
- The Cave (dev)
- The Stanley Parable: HD Remix (dev)
- The Witness (dev)
See my thread:I got the Thief Bundle a week ago or so and just got around playing them. Is there any essential mods that could make the experience better (especially for the first one) or should I just play them vanilla ?
We don't really know much about the Witness at all.. I am not sure Stanley Parable is going to do anything for me the original mod didn't already.
Wishful thinking.Both games are made by smart people who are putting a lot of effort into them. So, I cannot imagine them fail.
You cannot go wrong with these ones in 2013:
Not anymore! Be interesting to see what they do next, and where.We'll see. My only sure bets so far are Monaco and The Cave. I would also include Trials Evolution as Day 1 (beta convinced me of that), but I'm not sure how many people would label that as indie.
We'll see. My only sure bets so far are Monaco and The Cave. I would also include Trials Evolution as Day 1 (beta convinced me of that), but I'm not sure how many people would label that as indie.
Have you been able to play Monaco? A coop-game sounds great, but I cannot tell whether it is a sure bet. The Steam page is not convincing.
We'll see. My only sure bets so far are Monaco and The Cave. I would also include Trials Evolution as Day 1 (beta convinced me of that), but I'm not sure how many people would label that as indie.
I have been looking for someone to split a 4 pack with me ($11.25 instead of $13.50).
The Witness is coming out this year?
Island Snapshot
By Jonathan Blow | Published: January 3, 2013
Current puzzle count: 505.
I would be interested in a slot as well.
Indie games I'm looking forward to this year:
The Cave
The Witness*
Radio the Universe
The Iconoclasts*
Heaven Variant
Project Reds (Double Fine kickstarter)
Does Planetary Annihilation count?
...damn, might as well only play indies this year![]()
*: Might not come out this year.
Edit: Oh, and Fez.
So, for 2013, my list of games to buy:
- Antichamber (dev) originally announced for 2012, and now for 2013 with high confidence since the game is finished
- Contrast (dev) announced for Q1 2013, but I don't think we can trust this date
- Gorogoa (dev) late 2013, might well be postponed to 2014
- Gunpoint (dev) no date
- Miegakure (dev) no date
- Monaco (dev) For sure in April 2013
- Owlboy (dev) postponed
- The Cave (dev) this month
- The Stanley Parable: HD Remix (dev) let us say 2013, but might be postponed
- The Witness (dev) 2013
When's the summer sale.
My friends and I finished Trines 2 today and had a blast. Are there any games similar to that? Has to be co-op with 3+ players and no zombies.
I estimate 180 days til the Summer Sale give or take 30 days.
Can you give me a better estimate? I think I need to start skipping meals already.
You're not alone.I must be the only one who loved Nightsky. D:
Is this worth £1.99 considering it's only 15 mins long?
Depends on the flavor of the sandwich. I wouldn't eat a shit sundae even if it was free, for example.Is a sandwich worth buying if you're going to eat it in 5 minutes anyway? :b
I haven't played it myself tbqh so I don't know, but will pick it up after I've gone through some of my backlog. Finishing at least one game before purchasing another, ahah.