Thanks CRAZYRABBITS for hunters trophy!
Bought yesterday FF7, if I knew that I need a Squeenix account I wouldn't.
Also, does that online save system work?
The survial edition includes some of the dlc the goty edition includes more but i think even if you buy the goty your still missing some dlc
What's up with the sales lately? A couple days ago Deus Ex HR DC was $5 now it's $10, and yesterday FF7 was $4 now it's $8. What a weird thing to do.
The Squenix weekend has dailies. Yeah, they should specify this on the front page.What's up with the sales lately? A couple days ago Deus Ex HR DC was $5 now it's $10, and yesterday FF7 was $4 now it's $8. What a weird thing to do.
Daily deals during the Squeenix sale.
Yeah, I'll clarify here that the GOTY Edition does not include the Survival Edition bonus content.
Oh well, JaseC, think I'm gonna take the lady to see The Grand Budapest Hotel tomorrow.
;SteveWinwood;105337118 said:Yo jasec did you see Muppets yet
Not yet, but I know why you're asking.![]()
Even worse is that the bonus content in Survival Edition cannot be bought separately
Oh well, JaseC, think I'm gonna take the lady to see The Grand Budapest Hotel tomorrow.
Even worse is that the bonus content in Survival Edition cannot be bought separately
man this whole "insider" thing just blew up like crazy
What's the cheapest Rayman Legends has been so far? Wanna double dip and get it on my Lappy since my PS3 keeps glitching and deleting my save data =_=
Historical Lowest Price: $13.59 at Steam on Wed Mar 12 2014
According to Enhanced Steam, the:
Those threads are massive. Do they have some summary around?
Thanks to whoever suggested Strider. Exactly what I was looking for.
I also got the TR DLC and Lego Batman 2 DC Superheroes.
But I imagine I'll be playing Strider until I beat it. Really sharp looking and nice feel.
Thanks again!!!!
This is especially weird given the outstanding port Ninja Theory did for DmC. Honestly, anyone had the same problem as me?
Just bought Arkham Asylum and City, was thinking of getting Origins but i played it on Xbox 360 and it felt like a buggy mess.
Just bought Arkham Asylum and City, was thinking of getting Origins but i played it on Xbox 360 and it felt like a buggy mess.
The Steam reviews for Origins are so negative. Like the ratio is 30% positive and 70% negative or something. I doubt it's that bad. Wonder what's up.
Is there a way to make steam not look terrible on high DPI screens, in this case a Surface Pro 2?
The Steam reviews for Origins are so negative. Like the ratio is 30% positive and 70% negative or something. I doubt it's that bad. Wonder what's up.
I've heard it is. Devs also straight up said that they aren't fixing any of the bugs in favor of working on more DLC. They said that if they do decide to fix bugs, they'll only fix the ones that completely halt progress. Think about that for a minute. They just said that they might, might fix bugs that are literally gamebreaking, but they're not gonna do that right now cuz of dat DLC.
Most of them confirm my fears, that it's very buggy.
75% off is still quite good though.
Natalie Imbruglia knows my feelings. Kinda.
The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Sure, deny Australians access to an Australian singer/songwriter's music video. That makes sense.
Ninja Theory didn't do the port of DmC, it was outsourced to QLOC, who have done previous Capcom PC ports like Super Street Fighter 4:AE and Street Fighter X Tekken.This is especially weird given the outstanding port Ninja Theory did for DmC. Honestly, anyone had the same problem as me?
They most recently have worked on RE4: Ultimate HD Edition, which is a fantastic port and easily the definitive version of RE4(Best graphics, PS2 extras, mouse control, Beautiful)
Well, Steam is just ugly. Have you tried a skin? I recommend Metro Steam.
While I have issues with their work on the DMC port I totally agree with you about RE4. Game still controls like complete and utter ass but it's supposed to. The only issue I have is the use of X and C for QTEs. Kinda inconvenient.
RE4 just got a beta patch that lets you rebind the X+C QTE via .ini. At first I thought the port was great, but honestly it has a lot of small problems that have added up for me, e.g. poor positional audio, 30 fps rifle reload animations, apparently inaccurate gamma/color settings, questionable HD textures, and some other stuff. I'd still say it's tied with the Wii version played in Dolphin as the definitive version.
SF AE port was atrocious, they almost fixed it in a year or so. I wouldn't entrust minesweeper to these was outsourced to QLOC, who have done previous Capcom PC ports like Super Street Fighter 4:AE
Sure, deny Australians access to an Australian singer/songwriter's music video. That makes sense.
The Steam reviews for Origins are so negative. Like the ratio is 30% positive and 70% negative or something. I doubt it's that bad. Wonder what's up.
I KNEW I WASN'T CRAZY!!! That rifle animation has been bugging me for a while. There was also 1 cutscene that they forgot to scale up and another one where they forgot the audio.
Still, the rest of the port was pretty good, I can forgive the few issues. The X C rebinding option is nice to hear though.
Aren't you aussies too busy fighting in bars to watch music videos?Sure, deny Australians access to an Australian singer/songwriter's music video. That makes sense.
Aren't you aussies too busy fighting in bars to watch music videos?
Haha yeah, it's pretty blatant when ONLY LEON slows down to 30 fps just to reload. And apparently they don't have the animation files for it or something, so it won't be fixed either
I'd still say it's a solid port, and I think the $20 price isn't bad. Maybe a tad bit steep in the face of the millions of other ports of RE4, but I paid $16 for a pre-order and it felt like a great value.
I feel sorry for you Aussies. It seems like you're never are allowed to have any fun.
Hey, you still have Kylie Minogue, right? >.>
Aren't you aussies too busy fighting in bars to watch music videos?
Tiny Brains -75% for two weeks:
Didn't like the demo and so won't buy myself.