She probably defected to the US like all the other famous Aussies.![]()
She probably defected to the US like all the other famous Aussies.![]()
Anyone know if The Bureau is worth $7.50?
I was interested in it before it came out but when it did all I heard were stories about how it's awful.
Its a fine 3rd person shooter with an ok story. I think it would be worth that much as an easy weekend game.
Hey now, don't yell at me or I may be tempted to throw a phone at you.(Yes, I know that Crowe is from NZ, but "close enough" and all that.)
here's a question. I already have tomb raider.
if I buy the tomb raider game of the year edition....would I be able to keep all the DLC but gift the actual game since I already have the actual game?
<edit> nvm, they have just the dlc for purchase as a bundle available.
Thank you! I think I'll go for it.
Ittle Dew is my twentieth Steam game at 100% achievements.
The speed run on this was a massive headache, I mapped a path out all nice and neat but you have little control over the boss behaviors and they really screw things up.
Next up to 100%:
Oniken? (one left)
Powerpuff Girls? (two left)
DuckTales (four left)
Or I can try to tackle my of my really low percent games:
Anodyne? (17%)
Dungeon Defenders (6%, do I really want this tho?)
Hard Reset (9%)
Left 4 Dead 2 (9%, wish I could bring over my 360 cheeves)
Orcs Must Die (29%)
Psychonauts (14%, my wife is yelling at me to do this one)
Revenge of the Titans (26%)
Trine (19%)
Ittle Dew is my twentieth Steam game at 100% achievements.
The speed run on this was a massive headache, I mapped a path out all nice and neat but you have little control over the boss behaviors and they really screw things up.
Next up to 100%:
Oniken? (one left)
Powerpuff Girls? (two left)
DuckTales (four left)
Or I can try to tackle my of my really low percent games:
Anodyne? (17%)
Dungeon Defenders (6%, do I really want this tho?)
Hard Reset (9%)
Left 4 Dead 2 (9%, wish I could bring over my 360 cheeves)
Orcs Must Die (29%)
Psychonauts (14%, my wife is yelling at me to do this one)
Revenge of the Titans (26%)
Trine (19%)
SteamGAF is slowly turning into my refuge.
It's one of the only threads I even consider posting in anymore.
Listen to your wife, she sounds pretty smart.Psychonauts (14%, my wife is yelling at me to do this one)
It's one of the only threads I even consider posting in anymore.
Just continued my play through of Shadow warrior And SWEET MERCIFUL LO WANG is the Sword the Best Melee weapon in a game ever !
Nothing is quite as satisfying as to run through 10 + enemies slicing and dicing and then turning around to see the utter carnage you left behind . then dropping a few Nukes to kill off the survivors .
Flying Wild Hog . i tip my hat off to you guys !
Congrats man, I planned to complete Ittle Dew but that 15 minute achievement sounded troublesome and after trying one time I decided to leave 100% for a possible future. Fun game though, enjoyed my time with it.Ittle Dew is my twentieth Steam game at 100% achievements.
The speed run on this was a massive headache, I mapped a path out all nice and neat but you have little control over the boss behaviors and they really screw things up.
Next up to 100%:
Oniken? (one left)
Powerpuff Girls? (two left)
DuckTales (four left)
Or I can try to tackle my of my really low percent games:
Anodyne? (17%)
Dungeon Defenders (6%, do I really want this tho?)
Hard Reset (9%)
Left 4 Dead 2 (9%, wish I could bring over my 360 cheeves)
Orcs Must Die (29%)
Psychonauts (14%, my wife is yelling at me to do this one)
Revenge of the Titans (26%)
Trine (19%)
Caveat emptor, Enslaved might be a fun game overall, but the PC port is all sorts of atrocious.
This is especially weird given the outstanding port Ninja Theory did for DmC. Honestly, anyone had the same problem as me?
Yep, me too. I don't post much but when I do I usually do it here. I browse the rest of GAF to check for news, but as of late most the other threads give me headaches.
Just bought Arkham Asylum and City, was thinking of getting Origins but i played it on Xbox 360 and it felt like a buggy mess.
I rarely play things on hard because I find most games are not balanced for it I imagine Strider is but I don't see myself doing that I don't want any show stoppersAre you playing on Normal or Hard? normal is good difficulty but Hard is for those that want a good challenge.
I'll replay it again someday on Hard mysefl~
SF AE port was atrocious, they almost fixed it in a year or so. I wouldn't entrust minesweeper to these guys.
it's an amazing game and I encourage anyone to get it because it's so good. but there are still a lot of bugs and when I went to try new game plus I just crash to desktop and I have to mess with video settings in order to get it to work. when it works the game is great and I would put it on par with City. okay maybe not that good but pretty good anyway. The story isn't all over the place like City and the Detective portions are neat (probably not fun for a second playthrough but whatever, still really neat)Not to come off like total shill or anything, but all of the major issues that the game had on release were patched and I just replayed it this week and it confirmed that.
Also, bitches hate anything that isn't Rocksteady.
This thread is really chill, it's one of the main reasons why I signed up for NeoGaf in the first place, seeing a bunch of people just discuss games on Steam and acting really nice to each other was awesome.It's one of the only threads I even consider posting in anymore.
It's one of the only threads I even consider posting in anymore.
Aw yess Path of Exile and Awesomenauts Playfire rewards! I haven't played those yet but have them installed.
It may not be a lot of cash but every little bit helps hehe.
Yeah, sure. First Time. Come on GMG, who haven't played TF2, or at least started it for the hats?Playfire said:Team Fortress 2 - play for the first time - £0.10
Yeah, sure. First Time. Come on GMG, who haven't played TF2, or at least started it for the hats?
Never played it. Don't care about hats or keysYeah, sure. First Time. Come on GMG, who haven't played TF2, or at least started it for the hats?
Literally play for the first time everFor the play for the first time, do they mean literally the first time ever, or first time while Playfire tracks it?
I'd hate for my 700 hours in Dota 2 to cheat me out of 10 cents.
- Missing lighting effectsQLOC are one of the best in this business. I don't know what screwed up version of SSFIVAE you were playing, but my version was smooth as butter.
They've been praised time and time again here. You must have been playing the game on a damn toaster.
There are companies that warrant great discontent from people, but QLOC is definitely not one of them. They are the cream of the crop.
For the play for the first time, do they mean literally the first time ever, or first time while Playfire tracks it?
I'd hate for my 700 hours in Dota 2 to cheat me out of 10 cents.
Yeah, I like the game, but I just haven't set time aside for it.Of those, I think Revenge of the Titans would be the easiest to increase. The game gets tedious after long sessions though. I quit at 3 hours with 48%
That would be nice, I love L4D but I am quite frankly terrible at it.And if you want to get some achievements in L4D2, let me know I'd be glad to help and raise my % as well. I need to find my mic though xD
I drew up my path on paper, haha, and the solutions to the couple of harder "shortcut" puzzles needed for quick reference.Congrats man, I planned to complete Ittle Dew but that 15 minute achievement sounded troublesome and after trying one time I decided to leave 100% for a possible future. Fun game though, enjoyed my time with it.
It should prompt you if the files on cloud are different than local, although I haven't had to make use of it extensively.How does steam cloud work? I have a whole bunch of games on my desktop that are saved to my cloud but my Surface Pro 2 doesn't seem to be pulling any of them :/
it doesn'tHow does steam cloud work?
Listen to your wife, she sounds pretty smart.
I should replay and hunt achievements in Psychonauts as well. Someday.
"You shall engage the enemy in his own mentality. You shall chase his dreams, you shall fight his demons and you shall live his nightmares! For those of you who fight well, you will find yourselves on the path to becoming international secret agents. In other words: Psychonauts!!!
The rest of you... will die!"
Oh man, I love that game. So much. And that atmosphere, yum.
They aren't a big deal.Steam really needs a way to disable DLC. Installed Bioshock via Steam sharing and it seems there's some cheat automatically enabled through the Season Pass, upgrading my guns automatically.
Invites probably already went out, right?The Battleblocks beta starts on Monday in the afternoon PST.
I'm afraid its the former. If you have 0 play time in a game, you get the cash reward. If you've already played it before even for 1-2 minutes, you wouldn't get the reward.