Putting together the pieces, I've gotten Dead Space running fine (60fps locked) like this:
Set v-sync to OFF

Set Mouse Sensitivity All the Way Up

Catalyst 10.5(ATI):
Set V-Sync to Application Controlled and un-check Triple Buffering

Using the "+" icon navigate to the Dead Space.exe;
[STEAM - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dead space\Dead Space.exe"]
Set Application Detection Level to High, Force Triple Buffering & Vsync

Lastly I used X-Mouse Button Control to force the game to recognize mouse buttons 4&5 on my MX518. Again, you will have to navigate to the Dead Space.exe withe the "ADD" button:

Set v-sync to OFF

Set Mouse Sensitivity All the Way Up

Catalyst 10.5(ATI):
Set V-Sync to Application Controlled and un-check Triple Buffering

Using the "+" icon navigate to the Dead Space.exe;
[STEAM - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dead space\Dead Space.exe"]
Set Application Detection Level to High, Force Triple Buffering & Vsync

Lastly I used X-Mouse Button Control to force the game to recognize mouse buttons 4&5 on my MX518. Again, you will have to navigate to the Dead Space.exe withe the "ADD" button: