Silly questions:
1. Is there any way to do the equivalent of ctrl-F to search in the Steam browser? That would be really nice. :lol Or I guess I could just use a different browser instead...
2. I heard a couple of people mention DLC for Mass Effect 2, but I don't see it for sale in the store. Can you get it on Steam, and if so how much does it cost? *edit* Someone feel free to correct me, but some searching seems to indicate that I would have to get it off the Bioware store, and it would be like $16 total USD?
3. Aside from the soundtrack and the couple of extra armor/weapon items, is the deluxe version a lot better in your random internet opinion?
4. For anyone who monitors retail, is $24 a price you're unlikely to see Mass Effect 2 for in the near future? I'm very unlikely to play Mass Effect 2 soon since I haven't even started Mass Effect 1, so I can afford to wait a while. (my apologies if asking about a $24 game offends anyone

) *fake edit* It looks like the normal PC version is around $30 with shipping/tax from Amazon and Wal-mart so that's not a huge discount. I'll probably wait unless the deluxe edition is that much better or someone convinces me otherwise.