Gamemaker Pro for 1$ is an amazing price.
FF14 has the best soundtrack of any MMO, and it definitely helps build the atmosphere during tense encounters. Turn 13 of Coil is probably still my favorite song in that game (though I have not played since vanilla, got bored with the raid encounters/patching)
The concept of microtransactions isn't really the issue, the issue with PUBG is all the specifics about it:
- Replicating the least consumer friendly version of micro transactions that are currently legal
- Getting a single random piece of a random outfit (this could include shoes, ffs) with no dupe protection or alternative way of acquiring pieces
- Implementing MT in Early Access to "test" it with no acknowledgement that this goes against their stated policy to not introduce MT in Early Access
- Already had churned up a bunch of negative community feedback over the past weeks because of seemingly arbitrary and power hungry admin behaviors towards players
Waiting for Beserkia to hit that cheap price Zestria did on the Namco store
You already have the alternative way of getting individual pieces. Buy them directly on the Steam market. You can even sell off your crates in the market so you can afford it.The concept of microtransactions isn't really the issue, the issue with PUBG is all the specifics about it:
- Replicating the least consumer friendly version of micro transactions that are currently legal
- Getting a single random piece of a random outfit (this could include shoes, ffs) with no dupe protection or alternative way of acquiring pieces
- Implementing MT in Early Access to "test" it with no acknowledgement that this goes against their stated policy to not introduce MT in Early Access
- Already had churned up a bunch of negative community feedback over the past weeks because of seemingly arbitrary and power hungry admin behaviors towards players
There's a LOT of better models to emulate than the CS:GO one (which faced legal trouble in the past IIRC), and managing to make a more greedy version of that system is just... it's kind of obviously a greed powered play. I know the TERA company is the publisher for PUBG but the PUBG dev team is their own thing as far as I know so this is 100% their decision.
I don't have any issues at all with cosmetic micro transactions (I buy them in just about every game I play that has them), but I seriously dislike the choices and mentality displayed by the PUBG team lately, especially contrasted with a couple months ago. It's really hard to not just see it as the $$ taking over, despite being many times more successful than they ever expected already.
But it is an average 2d platformer and I am a sucker for 2d platformers...
but fidel does look awesome.
If you go game over is Fidel Castrated ? ;D
That game doesn't look like a platformer; it is a puzzle game.
So I'll comment on this list from the bottom up.
The streamer drama is a non issue. It's going to provide fodder for forum chatter for a few days but that's it. Nobody is going to stop playing the game because their favorite streamer got banned. I was watching Twitch yesterday and the guy who got banned (Dr Disrespect) was happily streaming the game and had the most viewers of anyone doing so. He doesn't care, the dev doesn't care... nobody except maybe a few people give a shit about the banning incidents.
On the other hand, going back on their word to not implement microtransactions in early access can be a problem. I suspect that's why the dev felt he needed to provide his explanation in that announcement earlier. I remember Killing Floor 2 had a similar thing happen where they implemented microtransactions in the game while early access was still going on and there was a bit of an outcry over it. I don't know if it had any lasting effects on the overall popularity of the game but it does seem to have a lower profile than I thought it would so maybe that was one of the reasons. Then again, you have games like Payday 2 or Ark Survival Evolved that pulled off all kinds of shady shit with DLCs/microtransactions and it never really affected them negatively. The bottom line is that people will continue to play the games they find fun to play.
Some people are okay with loot boxes and some aren't. In the case of PUBG though, there is an alternative way to acquire those loot box items (through the Steam community market). If someone doesn't want to gamble with crates and keys then they can buy the specific item they want at a price determined by a player driven economy. This caters to both sets of people so I think it's okay.
and anther cool indie reelase date ... this time from TinyBUILD
Phantom Trigger - Pre-Launch Trailer (Aug 10):
No Environmental Station Alpha? eh
Every tier does, you just need to register the Gamemaker keys on their site, wait a couple of weeks, and your steam key will be delivered.
Cooked Served Delicious source code!
Make the health inspector even sexier!
It was made with ClickTeam Fusion
ModBot said:Instructions for Demon Lizardman:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
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Cook, Serve, Delicious! --MB-A038BB21312D5046- Taken by Orakio Rob. 3 entrants total.
Uncanny Valley --MB-31090E12661AF429- Taken by CGriffiths86. 2 entrants total.
Is Symphonia worth it? I know it has some issues, looks like a mod fixes most of them, but is the game good? The only Tales games I've played are Phantasia (SFC) and a few hours of Vesperia.
and anther cool indie reelase date ... this time from TinyBUILD
Phantom Trigger - Pre-Launch Trailer (Aug 10):
C&D from Hyper Light Drifter devs in 3... 2... 1...
It looks like GRIMOIRE is really planned for today.
I'm on the verge of adding to my whishlist so that I can get an email notification when the game gets discounted in the future.
You really think he'll crack?
Sounds about right.Maybe Grimoire is actually a 20+ year performance piece.
I think the world was pretty cool. There was a lot of variety to the areas. I have my favorites out of the cast, but the plot was sort of juvenile.I'm into retrogaming, so I don't mind outdated graphics and mechanics. The things I'm looking for in a game like this are 1) a fun and interesting world to explore and 2) characters/plot that put a smile on my face. Will I find it in Symphonia?
It looks like GRIMOIRE is really planned for today.
I'm on the verge of adding to my whishlist so that I can get an email notification when the game gets discounted in the future.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 7 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
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Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Bone - Episode 1 & Episode 2 --MB-BB649C33BAA6A0D7- Taken by gabbo. 1 entrants total.
Homefront --MB-724C1820CCF2EDF8- Taken by dot. 8 entrants total.
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition (regionlocked) --MB-B5F4964B3696C9E8- Taken by sadblob. 7 entrants total.
Risen 3 Complete Edition (regionlocked) --MB-BF604AFEBCB96E41- Taken by Arminsc. 6 entrants total.
Saints Row 2 (blocked in GER) -- MB-CDF4B411C87B1DFF
Saints Row The Third (blocked in GER) --MB-18313FC0A49EB504- Taken by sixteen-bit. 2 entrants total.
Secret Files: Tunguska --MB-51ACE864E717DA90- Taken by Mikurden. 8 entrants total.
Someone sell me on Fidel.
How long is it?
As a puzzle game with randomly generated content, "length" isn't the right consideration
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.
ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
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- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Cook, Serve, Delicious! --MB-ED58A870F6000154- Taken by voodooray. 1 entrants total.
Lost Horizon --MB-151443F888AE036A- Taken by Mikurden. 8 entrants total.
Secret Files: Tunguska --MB-796B3D1C2CB15689- Taken by madjoki. 2 entrants total.
dude, you're a reviewer. You get your games for free (I assume). Maybe don't go telling people what the "right consideration" is for what they determine is a purchasing factor.
Do you remember that RPG called Unsung Story that was kickstarted years ago? The develepor Playdesk quit it's development and passed the rights to Little Orbit.
The key to the Gothic games is to learn how to make the permanent stat boosting potions and use those to strengthen your character. The game is insanely hard though regardless. I had to use all kinds of tricks like kiting the orc at the beginning of the game to fight a guard and then kill him for the xp. Gothic 3 and Risen are a joke. The games never go back to that insane difficulty of Gothic 2. They also never go back to the greatness of Gothic 2 either in my opinion but are very enjoyable in their own right.So, I want to talk about a game I finished yesterday:
Gothic II: Gold Edition
The first thing that has to be said is that the version sold on both Steam and GOG is the Gold Edition, which includes the expansion Night of the Raven. Unlike in most other games, this expansion not only adds more content to the game, but deeply changes the game itself, turning it into a very hardcore experience.
Now, I didn't think Dark Souls was all that hard (just for reference), and I had played Gothic 1 before, so I thought I knew what I was doing. And it's not that I was wrong, after all I did manage to beat it, but the game turned out to be so frustratingly hard that I'm quite sure my experience would have been much better without the added difficulty from the expansion.
First, for those who have not played Gothic or Risen, a basic explanation about the most peculiar things about Piranha Bytes' games: there is no level scaling, and no enemy respawn. That means two things: the difficulty of the enemies sets the order you do things, and XP is a limited resource (save for a few glitches, but I'd rather not count those).
This first aspect (fixed monsters) meant I spent long stretches only trying to find out what I could do that did not involve impossible fights, which severely limited my freedom. Sometimes I would have to insist on near-impossible fights, saving and reloading multiple times until I got it right (and had luck). The second aspect meant that in order to beat this game, I had to become a completionist (or I'd pass on essential XP) and a min-maxer - and that's just not my style at all.
I had played Gothic 1 and loved it, and I thought both of these aspects where strong points. For G2, though, It's not that I disliked the game and the 70 hours I spent in it, but the difficulty took the series strengths and turned them against me, and so G1 will go down as the better game in my memory.
So, unless you like very hard experiences, min-maxing, and are a completionist, I'd recommend playing this without the expansion. I'm pretty sure I'd have enjoyed this game much more that way, and the new content wasn't even really interesting IMO. I think there is a way to take NOTR out of the gold edition, but I didn't really look into it.
Anyway, I'm still looking forward to playing Gothic 3, and then the Risen trilogy, and the upcoming Elex. For now, though, I will give it a rest and play something different from the backlog.
What a relief.
I have never gotten a coupon from GMG.
I mean Ink
dude, you're a reviewer. You get your games for free (I assume). Maybe don't go telling people what the "right consideration" is for what they determine is a purchasing factor.