Microsoft is making as a charitable gift for the dry desert that is the Windows 10 Store. They might deduct the few million of dev costs from their taxes or something.The development wouldn't even be viable without a Steam release.
Tnx lash
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good thing you didn't get ur hopes up
The development wouldn't even be viable without a Steam release.
I wonder how the remakes will even handle modding.
AoE2 HD sold nearly 5 million copies on Steam, these games are going to release on steam at some point.
It's releasing on Steam eventually, just a timed exclusive.
I need a new "hobby" game.
CS:GO is dull, infrequently updated and the community sucks. Pretty burnt out on Dota 2 post-TI. TF2 has been broken for awhile and Valve is taking forever on the next update, which probably won't fix the things they ruined. And PUBG runs like shit on my PC... in fact, played two matches today, one was fine and the next crashed my computer and I had to hard restart.
Any ideas? Doesn't necessarily have to be comp MP... could be a really in-depth, open-ended SP game. Would prefer the Steam environment though. Just need something new.
How do I enable?
How do I enable?
Replaced threads:
So Steam automatically logs you out if you haven't been logged in for 2-3 weeks?
So Battletoads on Steam is now a thing.via Shovel Knight
So Battletoads on Steam is now a thing.via Shovel Knight
And hopefully Killer Instinct by then.
These are the only good games they've ever been in so I'm cool with that.
I like what I've played of Battletoads Arcade.
that agents of mayhem quicklook looks pretty rough
like it was a bigger game that got chopped up into this
Actually this is the first time I've seen square enix slap a "exclusivity on PS4" on all marketing and promo materials for one of their games. It makes me think that it might actually stay exclusive.Damn... Dissidia looks like it will probably be exclusive. Box says Only on PS. I hope that doesn't mean much.
Thanks. This totally seems like a game I will watch more of others play than play myself. So this is just the ticket.Fun little developer playthrough for Heat Signature, designed by Tom Francis of Gunpoint renown. As is expected of Tom it shows systems upon top of systems in a fun little Hotline Miami/Hitman/Dishonored-in-space universe. I'm pretty hyped to see it come out hopefully before too long.
Fun little developer playthrough for Heat Signature, designed by Tom Francis of Gunpoint renown. As is expected of Tom it shows systems upon top of systems in a fun little Hotline Miami/Hitman/Dishonored-in-space universe. I'm pretty hyped to see it come out hopefully before too long.
I need a new "hobby" game.
CS:GO is dull, infrequently updated and the community sucks. Pretty burnt out on Dota 2 post-TI. TF2 has been broken for awhile and Valve is taking forever on the next update, which probably won't fix the things they ruined. And PUBG runs like shit on my PC... in fact, played two matches today, one was fine and the next crashed my computer and I had to hard restart.
Any ideas? Doesn't necessarily have to be comp MP... could be a really in-depth, open-ended SP game. Would prefer the Steam environment though. Just need something new.
I need a new "hobby" game.
CS:GO is dull, infrequently updated and the community sucks. Pretty burnt out on Dota 2 post-TI. TF2 has been broken for awhile and Valve is taking forever on the next update, which probably won't fix the things they ruined. And PUBG runs like shit on my PC... in fact, played two matches today, one was fine and the next crashed my computer and I had to hard restart.
Any ideas? Doesn't necessarily have to be comp MP... could be a really in-depth, open-ended SP game. Would prefer the Steam environment though. Just need something new.
I'm an expat of Team Fortress 2, and while I sort of tolerate CS:GO I've never really been that into the series. That said, I tried Overwatch to get my fix and hoped for a TF2 without all the bloat and duct-tape holding it together, but received a terribly shallow game with poor mechanics but I guess it looks pretty!I need a new "hobby" game.
CS:GO is dull, infrequently updated and the community sucks. Pretty burnt out on Dota 2 post-TI. TF2 has been broken for awhile and Valve is taking forever on the next update, which probably won't fix the things they ruined. And PUBG runs like shit on my PC... in fact, played two matches today, one was fine and the next crashed my computer and I had to hard restart.
Any ideas? Doesn't necessarily have to be comp MP... could be a really in-depth, open-ended SP game. Would prefer the Steam environment though. Just need something new.
I'm an expat of Team Fortress 2, and while I sort of tolerate CS:GO I've never really been that into the series. That said, I tried Overwatch to get my fix and hoped for a TF2 without all the bloat and duct-tape holding it together, but received a terribly shallow game with poor mechanics but I guess it looks pretty!
Rainbow Six: Siege and Titanfall 2 have been the things I've been able to glue myself to lately. Siege is kind of scratching the TF2 itch of having classes with unique abilities, but also scratching a CS itch in it being grounded and hitscan-oriented but without all the things that make CS terrible to play like overbearing match times and economy element, dull weapon variety, terrible movement and gun mechanics, and being unable to accurately toss a grenade without having internalized a rote memorization of arcane shortcuts to get them where you want them. It's also fun because there's a lot of floor and wall destruction that completely recontextualizes how you end up viewing a map. Siege is something I've found to be great for both a casual and competitive ranked experience.
Titanfall 2 is more of a purely casual experience, but it's been satisfying my desire for crazy movement that I got out of rocket jumping in TF2. It's got a smaller community but you're not going to have a hard time finding a match, it's less intense and more carefree and feels like more of a communal experience as you're going to be seeing some of the same people throughout your sessions, and in that sense it reminds me of the pub crawling of old, except in a matchmaking environment. Anyways, this isn't the kind of game to take seriously, but it's been great for being able to swing around with grappling hooks (and learn to slingshot around like Spider-Man with it) and chaining slidehops and wallruns and just gaining crazy freeflow momentum with some giant robot fighting in-between.
There's also Quake Champions, which is launching on Steam tomorrow. So maybe the stars are aligning and telling you to play that. I know I will.
It's great. People use more than three weapons and strategies don't turn into a tug of war of kicking people when they're down, so each round is pretty damn fun.My god...
I can't imagine how bad Siege must be if that's what you think of CS.
My god...
I can't imagine how bad Siege must be if that's what you think of CS.
Seconding the Warframe recommendation. It's really great.
It's great. People use more than three weapons and strategies don't turn into a tug of war of kicking people when they're down, so each round is pretty damn fun.
I dunno, would you call it a good game when it became competitive out of fluke more than intention? Given that only one game mode is actually viable, and that only a small pool of weapons are as well. I call the match times and economy overbearing because I just don't need a game to go on for 30+ minutes, especially when it's paced that way due to the economy element that in itself frames a lot of rounds towards dudes that are properly kitted out versus sacrificial lambs. Mastering the recoil ends up coming down to mastering the recoil of two weapons, because no one wants to learn anything else, I don't know if it's still the case but for the longest time the silenced M4 was king shit on CT side because you didn't need to bother with recoil. I just find it hard to take a game competitively serious when it allows even having your initial shot whiff by chance, at least in Siege you can always make your first shot count.I agree the community is shit, like in almost every other game, but to call the movement and gun mechanics terrible or the economy "overbearing" just makes it seem like you don't really know a good game when you see it. Or just one of those anti-Valve multiplayer people, I dunno.
It's ok if you can't master the recoil or movement but they're pretty much tops in the genre right now even with Valve not updating the game much. They don't have to try because there's really no other competitive shooter that competes with them. As seen by the competitive scene, eSports, etc.
Hey at least get my hyperbole right I said they used three weapons, only needing to learn recoil of twoAgain, if you think only two weapons are used in low level, mid level, high level or pro CSGO then you're completely ignorant. Not much else to say on the matter. I guess some people need weapon unlocks and red dot sights to play FPS these days. Sad!