Baron von Loathsome
Baron von Loathsome?
If I wanted titillation, there are easier ways of getting it than buying and playing Steam shovelware.
Baron von Loathsome?
Well the owner count seems to have dropped heavily from around 500k to 30k with launch, so maybe they're not being countedAre Lawbreakers Steamspy numbers even accurate? I'm pretty sure the beta was using the same appid so that would mean everyone who tried the game before release would be counted as an owner right?
Are Lawbreakers Steamspy numbers even accurate? I'm pretty sure the beta was using the same appid so that would mean everyone who tried the game before release would be counted as an owner right?
it's cheap and contains nudity , we all know who spent their pocket change on this game
If the beta had 500k players, and only 30k bought it, it's probably not a good game.
Can't forget about GoG and Humble DRM-free sales tho.Lawbreakers will probably sell more than Cold Steel, Ys SEVEN and Zwei II combined
Sonic Mania PC is delayed. Fuck them :")
Pre-purchase now for Sonic 1 free.
Mainly to fix some issues with the PC port apparently.
I'm buying Sonic for Switch instead. Sorry!
I feel lot better with digital on Nintendo after seeing both the 3ds and Wii U blown wide open with homebrew. Worst comes to worst, I'm likely covered.I'd get it on Switch if there was a cart release. Not trynna go digital on a Nintendo platform :/
I'm buying Sonic for Switch instead. Sorry!
wait what the fuck
The first was on Steam but I can't find it's steam page anymore not even via the steam client. It appears to have been replaced with the new game (2nd image).
I have that newer game on my wishlist and am worried what would happen if I were to try and install it in same directory as the old one.
wait what the fuck
The first was on Steam but I can't find it's steam page anymore not even via the steam client. It appears to have been replaced with the new game (2nd image).
I have that newer game on my wishlist and am worried what would happen if I were to try and install it in same directory as the old one.
The original release was yanked almost a year ago to the day now. It's not in your library because you don't own it.
Think about this.
Dark Elf
sold more copies than Lawbreakers!
Doesn't use same folder. (one has space and other doesn't)
Apparently the new one is unauthorized Chinese clone so thanks Steam Direct![]()
Sorry I shouldve mentioned: I already DO own the game.
Why was it delisted?
It is the 2nd game that I don't own and will get down the line.
So, how long til we get PLAYERUNKN0WN'S BATTLEGR0UNDS?
So, how long til we get PLAYERUNKN0WN'S BATTLEGR0UNDS and Grand Theft Aut0 V?
The plot in Deus Ex games is to me always secondary to the game play and it's emergent properties. Mankind Divided as a a lot of those, and Praque is incredibly well realized.I was thinking in terms of 1. incomplete story and 2. built around a single "hub" city.
There's also a clear focus on rebuilding the game's combat, while neglecting a lot of other aspects of the game. (like, uh, the RPG aspects of the game)
Mankind Divided is a good (not great) game. But it's not a good Deus Ex game.
Laughable. It's okay if our tastes differ on this, but don't expect any understanding from me.Also Prague is super overrated as a hub world. COME AT ME.
Sonic Delaynia.
Sega's 4 days from the release of their most anticipated Sonic game in years and they can't make it over the finish line without hitting the floor.
I know Segas not the titan they once were and theyve got a middling track record with Sonic games but it still amazes me that their streams and overall communication with Sonic stuff is so poor.Well, they basically are treating the PC version as a second class citizen one.
Well, they basically are treating the PC version as a second class citizen one.
Needed more time to implement Denuvo.
New Chrono games:
[Instant Rewards] Chrono Store: Insurgency - 1% claimed - 6000 coins -
#76530 » [Instant Rewards] Chrono Store: Super Trench Attack! - 1% claimed - 3000 coins -
Come on mate they announced the game for PC day 1 and have worked on it alongside the other versions.
Bugs discovered late in development aren't an uncommon thing, but in the case of this game it forced them to delay it, unfrotunately.
I am reminded of Velocity 2X and how it didn't get fixed for Windows 10 users until a whole year later.
Yeah, it's all about priority. The game is finished since a long moment since they already have the game up on Switch eShop and other consoles for review purposes. They just didn't prioritize the PC version. It's not uncommon indeed, they had two weeks before the release to realize that.
Oh hey my giveaway ended heh
Congrats to the winners hope you enjoy the games
Well the game isn't up on PSN nor XBL for download and play is it?
Needed more time to implement Denuvo.
New Chrono games:
[Instant Rewards] Chrono Store: Insurgency - 1% claimed - 6000 coins -
#76530 » [Instant Rewards] Chrono Store: Super Trench Attack! - 1% claimed - 3000 coins -
Mainly to fix some issues with the PC port apparently.
The plot in Deus Ex games is to me always secondary to the game play and it's emergent properties. Mankind Divided as a a lot of those, and Praque is incredibly well realized.
Laughable. It's okay if our tastes differ on this, but don't expect any understanding from me.
Human Revolution had the benefit that people were expecting toss and got a decent Deus Ex from a team that was clearly quite "fresh" and inexperienced in how to do that. The game has very few optional side missions, and the main story is incredibly linear, even by old Deus Ex 1 standards. The bosses are terrible, even in the Directors Cut, where they are just barely acceptable. No comparison with the beauty of the first game that allowed you to just completely ignore them, or come prepared and blow someone up with a word. (Proving the pen is mightier than the sword)
Mankind Divided is, in comparison, far more mature and consistent with the design principles it claims to follow. The split in two parts is sad, but not at all a deal breaker for me. I doubt that it would have sold more if they had reduced the scope of the story and given us a one parter. Bad marketing is to blame ('member the horribly pre-order campaign?) , and perhaps also lack of a mass market appeal. Deux Ex is, after all, quite a refined taste.
It might be good, but the market might be saturated. People in the Lawbreakers thread are defending it and saying that the market for an arena-shooter and something like PUBG doesnt overlap but imo it does.