Enter the Dragon Punch
how many of you motherfuckers can i expect to see on tribes tonight?
And then they'll ask for more money in a few months...
And then they'll ask for more money in a few months...
DF have been pretty up front that $3.3m isn't going to cut it and they are funding through Fig, putting up capital themselves and have external funding. In the campaign page they mentions something they said ages ago that they'd need at least the same budget as the first which they state as a range between $10-13.5m.
As much as I'd love to see Psychonauts 2, after DF's last couple of crowdfunding and EA titles I'm a tad of the wary side.
They could get 100M and they would still find way to f-up. They are simply not good with money.
or making good games
As much as I'd love to see Psychonauts 2, after DF's last couple of crowdfunding and EA titles I'm a tad of the wary side.
Oh god, the achievement icons for this game are actively murdering my eyes.
This is a scheduled automated repost on behalf of me0wish, who is running this raffle.
I won one of the Indie 4 stuff, but the key doesn't workit seems to be cut in the middle for being too long or whatever, and replaced by ... halfway through.
oh well, no big deal.
I don't get it. What's the difference between this and Shadowrun Dragonfall/Hong Kong?
Different devs.
My trust in DF is equal to zero.
I have the impression DF now is only betting on nostalgia factor. After their failures, I won't give them money if not by purchasing their titles while 75% off.
Day of the Tentacle release date is absurd, they took how many months to do that?
The remastering seems like a filter that can be applied by ScummVM or so.
I bet the game will be 15€ because why not, I bet Maniac Mansion won't be included because why not (they can do just another remaster and selling it for 15€.
I mean, those titles are legendary and very good, the best of the best from LucasGames, but it's clear DF took those projects just because they need a little amount of work to become "playable" on modern OS, like Grim Fandango (I like the original, but DF could do much more if they wanted, they did the bare minimum and the game was also broken as hell), generating the maximum amount of money from nostalgic fans.
I won't repeat myself on Broken Age, you already know what I think about that.
Basically this.Tell us more, please.
It took them two years to find one programmer? And it will take them estimated another 2.5 years for them to make the game?
I am really regretting funding this game. Once they do refunds I am going to cancel my pledge
Hi Folks,
Apologies for the downtime. Between deployments and holidays I have been swamped.
Here are things where they stand now on our programmer front:
*I have been asked to clarify that we CURRENTLY have a programmer. He has done some work and much consulting for Project Phoenix already. The problem is that his current work is delaying his full commitment here by about 2 months.
*Current estimates place dev at about 2.5 years out from completion. This is 2.5 years from the time we get our full-time programmer on board. That means we are expecting early 2018 for a finalized build and 6 months for testing after that.
*We put out the notice that we are looking for programmers to supplement the work our main programmer will be doing, as well as simply getting things started as soon as possible.
*On this note, we are reviewing the people who identified themselves to us and we will move forward to interview relevant applicants soon.
In other news:
One Uematsu theme from the game has been arranged and is pending approval. We hope to include a short video with Nobuo Uematsu in a future update and, in preparation for this, we would like to ask you for any music related questions you would like to ask. We will compile this list, possibly modify the wording, and translate a limited number of questions. Please either sound off in the comments here or message us on KS.
We know a lot of people are disappointed with the delays and organization of Project Phoenix. We are not considering refunds at this time. To initiate refunds is to give up on the project since there would be no money left to complete it. If we make the decision to call it quits then we will work out some kind of remediation with backers at that time. Until then we are pressing on.
Basically this.
We know a lot of people are disappointed with the delays and organization of Project Phoenix. We are not considering refunds at this time. To initiate refunds is to give up on the project since there would be no money left to complete it. If we make the decision to call it quits then we will work out some kind of remediation with backers at that time. Until then we are pressing on.
I dunno, part of the issue with these rereleases is that Double Fine has to negotiate with Disney to let them use their license. Which, depending on how the licensing is handled, means that Disney will either want an upfront fee from DF so that they can make the game, that they want a piece of the profits that come in after it hits store shelves, or some cases both.
It isn't as simple as DF just running the game through a filter and calling it a day. They're redoing the sprite work and the backgrounds aren't any longer low res, and if you don't like how it looks then there's still the original version option in the remaster.
Say what you will about how they broke up Broken Age and half assed Act 2 or their Spacebase shenanigans, i'll grant you they're no angels. But the handling on these remasters so far has met or exceeded my expectations. If anything, i wish they had handled the 2 Monkey Island remasters so that they would've been more faithful to the original games.
I may actually bite on this.Xrd in Nuuvem!! ~$12
It's of course puchase region blocked. But is it blocked while activating it? I can't find any info about it
I'm not saying Grim Fandango was bad. But it was just a high resolution version of the game (well, a remaster in the end). I'm ok with this, but they could provide some additional stuff to make it much better. The fact DF included the original game is a plus, of course, what I really don't justify is the game shipped literally filled with bugs, even gamebreaking.
I don't know about Disney fee (we should se if DF went to Disney and told "Ehy, we want to re-release those titles on PC/Console, how much we need to pay? Or if simply Disney itself wanted to re-release the game again and contacted DF because Schafer is still in business and he was involved with the original games, because Disney released pretty much its whole catalogue on PC after they grabbed LucasGames).
Saorsie Ronan was nominated for a Golden Globe
Oh shit. Somebody let me know if they can purchase using VPN + paypal and activate on steam without any problems.Xrd in Nuuvem!! ~$12
It's of course puchase region blocked. But is it blocked while activating it? I can't find any info about it
Xrd in Nuuvem!! ~$12
It's of course puchase region blocked. But is it blocked while activating it? I can't find any info about it
Refund requested
How long does this usually take?
No risk no funUp to a week to get the money back. But you should wait to refund the game. I haven't found information if it's region blocked
Xrd in Nuuvem!! ~$12
It's of course puchase region blocked. But is it blocked while activating it? I can't find any info about it
But here's the full update:
*I have been asked to clarify that we CURRENTLY have a programmer. He has done some work and much consulting for Project Phoenix already. The problem is that his current work is delaying his full commitment here by about 2 months.
*Current estimates place dev at about 2.5 years out from completion. This is 2.5 years from the time we get our full-time programmer on board. That means we are expecting early 2018 for a finalized build and 6 months for testing after that.
You get the ultimate weapon pack (cosmetics) IIRC
It seems you can buy Xrd on Nuuvem with a VPN. At least i'm getting to the paypal checkout phase without being blocked.
let us know if it lets you go through with it. I might pick it up if Nuuvem lets me.
I've already gotten the game on steam so I won't get it from Nuuvem, but afaik, if they checked and blocked because of the paypal country, it would have stopped me before getting to the "pay now" screen.
It lets you try to pay, but there will be an error in the transaction.
Lightning Returns is out! Waiting for port impressions and also sorta waiting for it to get a larger discount.
XCOM 2 looks soooo good. So hyped for that game.
Also the PC Gamer cover is really great and cheesy, I love it