Bulk removal?
Damn, wanted to remove Max Payne 1 & 2 (RU) but it would remove everything from that package. Not as useful as I hoped.
Yeah that's a bit unfortunate. I wanted to get rid of some unused betas that clutter up your library (Arma 2, Chivalry etc.) but they're tied to the game so it would remove it all.
Must be nice for you guys to want to utterly remove games you paid for. You're not content with just shunting them into a folder? Maybe I'm just a packrat or missing the point.
Some of these games are the garbage that got onto Steam through $1 Greenlight bundles. Should have been more prudent while activating them. That's totally on me. Games you've never heard of that you didn't know you owned and you'll never play because even if you did it would probably just launch a Unity asset dump. No loss if those go away right?
I don't mean to sound like HolyBaikal v2.0 but people lose interest in things all the time, so why is it difficult to imagine that one could lose interest in the +1 game?
Well, they seemed to handle the guy that request 200 games to be removed in one go just fine, so 700 wouldn't be impossible i'd say![]()
How can you remove multiple games in one shot? I can't seem to find that option.