Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Did Volgarr never go on sale besides the standard half off or whatever?
Anyone know what the story is with the Amazon sale and the $5 codes you got if you bought a digital game over xmas? Do we just wait for the codes in an email?
which one are you missing?
$45 good price?
you could always save the html page, or dig around the page to find the script running the snow.
Did Volgarr never go on sale besides the standard half off or whatever?
Thanks WisK for Mark of the ninja!
MisterRoboto claimed your Ys: The Oath in Felghana #1 key. There were 75 entrants.
Beelzeboss claimed your Ys: The Oath in Felghana #2 key. There were 72 entrants.
SephirothRK claimed your Ys: The Oath in Felghana #3 key. There were 84 entrants.
eyeless claimed your Ys: The Oath in Felghana #4 key. There were 73 entrants.
WonkersTHEWatilla claimed your Ys Chronicles I&II Plus #1 key. There were 90 entrants.
MotorbreathX claimed your Ys Chronicles I&II Plus #2 key. There were 62 entrants.
Lonewolf_92 claimed your Ys Chronicles I&II Plus #3 key. There were 86 entrants.
Chocobro claimed your Ys Chronicles I&II Plus #4 key. There were 69 entrants.
Htown claimed your Ys Origin #1 key. There were 91 entrants.
Necromanti claimed your Ys Origin #2 key. There were 83 entrants.
XShagrath claimed your Ys Origin #3 key. There were 84 entrants.
Danielsan claimed your Ys Origin #4 key. There were 102 entrants.
I just played a little bit of Bleed not two hours ago and I'm really enjoying it so far. The controls take some getting used to, as side scrolling shooter types usually play a certain way I have to rewire my brain to get accustom to the scheme of jumping with a shoulder button while using the stick to aim and shoot simultaneously -- all while not thinking that the trigger is the shoot button and hopping around madly for no reason.Hello all. I hope the final day of sale has been productive, or at least enjoyable as you look over all the games you gotten. I know I have several I can't wait to play, though for now I must settle for what this laptop can play like Bleed, a surprisingly good high score chasing side-scroller that combines platforming with twin stick shooting in a humorous package.
Also as a bit of bragging, please excuse it as it's from happiness, I finally got a background I wanted.
Unfortunately not on the Steam sale itself, but it was given a daily special on the Humble Store.Did Volgarr never go on sale besides the standard half off or whatever?
Thanks for And Yet It Moves.Not the greatest games but someone may want to up their steam count.
See my previous post, click on my profile, add me as a friend, send me a msg or something, I'll send the globes overI'll take 3 and 10 if no one else wants them. My steamID is Naka82. Not sure what you need from me as I've never done this card trading stuff but I really want to complete the snow globes, haha.
Did Volgarr never go on sale besides the standard half off or whatever?
I played Metro 2033 and loved it to death. The more scary parts really got to me though, is Last Light even worse in that aspect or about the same? Im afraid I wont be able to finish the game if it becomes a true horror FPS in later levels.
I have #4 and 5 cards.
I need 1 and 10.
I have #4 and 5 cards.
I need 1 and 10.
Congrats everyone!Dreams-Visions claimed your F.E.A.R. key. There were 14 entrants.
belucheez claimed your FTL Faster Than Light key. There were 16 entrants.
Ingueferroque claimed your Metro 2033, Risen, and Sacred Citadel key. There were 8 entrants.
Bboy AJ claimed your Bastion key. There were 5 entrants.
Gravelord_Nito claimed your Awesomenauts key. There were 4 entrants.
jwtsonga claimed your Broken Sword Director's Cut key. There were 9 entrants.
Toki767 claimed your Scribblenauts Unlimited key. There were 25 entrants.
Uga claimed your Batman Arkham City GOTY key. There were 13 entrants.
grimmiq claimed your F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin key. There were 6 entrants.
Tellaerin claimed your Frozen Synapse key. There were 9 entrants.
Relax.MX claimed your Awesomenauts Cluck Costume key. There were 3 entrants.
NoPiece claimed your English Country Tune key. There were 6 entrants.
Sgt.Pepper claimed your Orcs Must Die! GOTY key. There were 6 entrants.
KenOD claimed your Sanctum Collection key. There were 1 entrants.
Boss Doggie claimed your Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Uprising key. There were 3 entrants.
Rummy Bunnz claimed your McPixel key. There were 4 entrants.
Frustrated_Grunt claimed your Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box key. There were 1 entrants.
Looks like Modbot came back to life and the Ys giveaway has been done!
Congrats to all winners! I hope you actually play them. And also spread the word about the games .
I had been voting pretty regularity for the community votes on my phone and it said I was up to 5 cards. However when I loaded up steam they are nowhere to be found, any ideas?
well many people were praising it for how good it was, I loved the original but never played the 2nd. After jumping on the hype train and getting it I really didn't see what was so special about it. I'm sure you and many others will disagree but I do feel metro is the better shooter here
I played it on a 680 and it ran great on max settings 1080p, not sure if that helps you though
I had been voting pretty regularity for the community votes on my phone and it said I was up to 5 cards. However when I loaded up steam they are nowhere to be found, any ideas?
I haven't bought anything yet this sale, but I think I'll splash out €3.50 for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and another €2.50 for the Civilization V upgrade to Gold Edition, which includes the first expansion (Gods & Kings).
Brave New World is still too pricey right now at €10, so will leave it 'til next time.
Anyone know if there'll be a further expansion after that?
The original 2033 is still being lauded as one of the most unoptimized games. Last Light goes a long way to fix those issues.
XCOM got me into the strategy genre, so don't be afraid to dive into that one. Both choices are quite excellent.
They are still there
Leaning toward XCOM simply because it offers something different from what I have right now. Damn why must I be so indecisive?!!! Haha. I need to watch videos and stew on this a bit.![]()
Trying to decide if I should get it on PC or PS4
That depends on your PC. The PC version has many graphical features the PS4 version doesn't have.Trying to decide if I should get it on PC or PS4
That depends on your PC. The PC version has many graphical features the PS4 version doesn't have.
so which bargain bin games do you recommend? which games that are under the radar and have a great discount?
Fuck, really? I had the opportunity to get it for the Xbox One and waited for the PC version to become cheaper thinking it would be the best version. Damn it!Don't get AC4 on PC. It is an unoptimized mess.
My first of the day!
A little mod for FF7, just 1.8 GB for the graphics and like 400 MB for the music and sound...and easy to install without all the Bootlog shit, i want to hold some nostalgia, i guess is a good combination not 19 GB like the other...
A little mod for FF7, just 1.8 GB for the graphics and like 400 MB for the music and sound...and easy to install without all the Bootlog shit, i want to hold some nostalgia, i guess is a good combination not 19 GB like the other...