I'll take the rest! It's easy, just click this link and offer them to me.
I tried but it tells me there's an error with the trade and I should try later. Doh!
I'll take the rest! It's easy, just click this link and offer them to me.
I recall screwing up because they had the CE for offer, AND a CE upgrade, and I bought both. Maybe they sorted it out afterwards though, at least for newer games.With some Ubi games it's actually theoretically possible to buy them twice because of the standard and deluxe CD key "DLC" that is packaged with the respective subs, but as long as Steam knows to ignore it when running a check there won't be any trouble and thus far I believe Ubi has been on the ball in that regard. You can purchase multiple editions of Dragon Age for the same reason:
One of the requirements for being in the main series of Humble Bundles is Windows/Mac/Linux compatibility, so it would be really strange to have a Mac-themed one.
Ah, whoops. Was thinking the main thing was DRM free then perhaps a Linux version, not all three for sure. My bad!If it is a proper numbered Bundle it will be cross all platforms and have a Mac version.
EDIT: thread is still fast.
I recall screwing up because they had the CE for offer, AND a CE upgrade, and I bought both. Maybe they sorted it out afterwards though, at least for newer games.
Or here, this is mine: http://steamcommunity.com/id/warionomics/ Add me.
Is there any way I can gift my cards? I'll never use them. I have 5.
I have the following numbers.
Just saw this on Facebook.
Thanks for BotW, DedValve!
I know I posted just the link, but things get lost quickly, esp. when there's no amazing gif to go along with it.
After watching a 30 min. video of this being played at a tournament (with crowd), I am so... so sold on this. It is going to be amazing.
Just saw this on Facebook.
Must be regional? Doesn't even show on store for me.
Hell yes, HIB10. Just take my wallet now Humble. I didn't buy a ton of popular indie games this past sale because I just knew this thing was coming soon-ish after they skipped december for the first time in the history of HIBs. It's likely to be a great one.
Haha, odd, it wouldn't work for me. I even fired up Chrome to use the "Add to Wishlist" button Enhanced Steam adds to Community hubs but that was ill-fated, too.
Anno 1404 no longer has a store page, but Discovery's has endured for some reason.
They have to have a lot of high quality games planned for Humble Indie Bundle 10. I'm guessing Rogue Legacy will be one of them.
I tried but it tells me there's an error with the trade and I should try later. Doh!
To be fair I can't find Dawn of Discovery in here. Strange!
I have the Store page of Anno 1404 Jase.
Nidhogg is, seriously, one of the best 1v1 video games of all time.
Spelunky, the stanely parable, papers please, gone home, monaco, brothers, the swapper,bastion
Is this likely?
I see trailers but no store page.Going to http://store.steampowered.com/app/33250/ just redirects me to the page for Dawn of Discovery (33210).
Dawn of Discovery is the name of the game in North America (I keep mixing that fact up with Anno 1404, though, haha).
Never been so hyped for a humble bundle before.
Humble X will be every game I bought this sale, watch.
I suspect a lot of folks here will have most of the titles in HIB X already... but let's hope it's a wonderful one for those who don't.
Ok I didn't knew that, thanks for the info.
So you can't see the page of Anno 1404?
Like this:
So you can't see the page of Anno 1404?
I can view it in the UK, must be a AUS thing.
Ok I didn't knew that, thanks for the info.
So you can't see the page of Anno 1404?
Like this:
Well I just fucked myself over. Can't use the community market right now since I added funds via a Visa gift card and you have to wait 7 days or some such for "security purposes".
I mean I get it I guess, but it completely blows. Guess I just have to sell my last cards instead of buying the ones I need to craft a second level badge.
Edit: Shit, can't even sell my last cards either.
I want to freeze myself until Tuesday for HIB X.
I don't know what to do until then. Maybe I should stare at my library in grid view now that I got a fuckton of games this sale? I'm even considering *gasp* playing games.
What things have come to.
Have a feeling most of those are too new and too expensive, though Stanley Parable's there I'll definitely buy. Plus who knows if they even are planning LInux/Macintosh versions for some of those, I can see Stanley Parable telling you to come back later for Linux, but Brothers?Spelunky, the stanely parable, papers please, gone home, monaco, brothers, the swapper,bastion
Is this likely?
I can now.I've also added it to my wishlist.
Just added anno and the expansion to my wishlist on the app but dawn doesn't work yet for me
Any word on a anno+xpac bundle or prices?
Just saw this on Facebook.
...runner 2 is not with a discount ???
Anyone know where I can find Left 4 Dead 2 cheap? I totally missed the free giveaway, and I feel excluded now all my friends are playing it...
Just added anno and the expansion to my wishlist on the app but dawn doesn't work yet for me
Any word on a anno+xpac bundle or prices?