There is no incest, I was lied to by a gaffer!
Jokes aside, Im playing it atm, im digging it, but I like these janky semi-indie, eastern-block feeling games. It feels very much in the line of Orcs and Men, First Templar, Cursed Crusade, Mars War Logs etc.
Seems completely mediocre and completely ok at the same time, if you know what I mean. Like a B movie but for games... a B game
Also the main character is a fucking DICK, this dialogue just happened:
Dude - Yo whats your name anyway?
Girl - Alysa
Dude - Yeah thats a shit name, Ill call you Liz

If anyone is in the mood for a janky ass vampire game with some neat ideas that is porbably completely mediocre, keep in mind that its cheaper on the indiegala store ($4.50), which is where I got it (steam key)