it already lost to Mortal Kombat Komplete
And Skyrim.
it already lost to Mortal Kombat Komplete
Should run ok on Medium settings.
Borderlands 2 GOTY is the item that's 125% off. That said, it's no longer available from the Borderlands 2 page and you can't add it to your cart (or at least I couldn't).
Hey guys,
Im interested in buying Bioshock Infinite (my first steam game), but unsure how well it would run on my computer.
I have an iMac with 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 with NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 1024 MB. I bought it today for other reasons than gaming, but it would be a pleasant surprise if it could run it decently.
What do you guys think?
Hey guys,
Im interested in buying Bioshock Infinite (my first steam game), but unsure how well it would run on my computer.
I have an iMac with 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 with NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 1024 MB. I bought it today for other reasons than gaming, but it would be a pleasant surprise if it could run it decently.
What do you guys think?
I'm wondering the same thing, is this an error?Why are yesterday's "Big Deals" now crappy deals? I thought they were supposed to remain at yesterday's prices through today.
Why are yesterday's "Big Deals" now crappy deals? I thought they were supposed to remain at yesterday's prices through today.
because these are real gamesThese popular deals seem really circumspect to me, they just brought back all of the AAA releases.
Thanks, I would probably bought it but for some reason they changed the discount from 75% to 35% despite being still in the yesterday's deals section... shit.
Why are yesterday's "Big Deals" now crappy deals? I thought they were supposed to remain at yesterday's prices through today.
The card market is weird. I normally just dump my cards because I really don't care, but I was curious about the Tomb Raider background I had from the summer sale. As I expected it was 3-4 cents for the past month. But the odd part is there are a few spikes where someone bought one for over $10?! I don't get it. Did they think that was funny? The store defaults to showing the cheapest cards so I don't see how it could be a mistake. Who knows...
Anno 2070 75% off
this is the game with triple drm?
Price of individual games: 6,11€
Bundle cost: 14,99€
And it seems as though zerokoolpsx was right about 1000 being the level cap. PalmDesert still has over 2000 holiday sale cards left; at this late date, I imagine he'd just keep leveling the badge up if it was possible.
JaseC was probably right about the badge being "unlimited" only because Valve would raise the cap as more people hit it (sure explains why the later badges are just crops of the header and footer images) but since it's so late in the sale and so few people are at level 1000 I'm doubtful that will happen again.
He may still be the only person with a level 100 foil. Congrats to the dude, at any rate!
I have a Mac Mini late 2011 model with an intel HD 3000. All I really wanted it for was to run League and several indie games that I wanted. Works great for that purpose. The one thing is Mac games don't run to hot on my integrated graphic card but I'm sure it'd run fine on yours. But even then, I just put bootcamp and Windows 7 and I think you'd be ace.
Take advantage of the sale. One day left!
the guy owns almost as many games as JaseC and has more badges, pretty much all of them maxed out.
(He also has more DLC![]()
Well, sale's over for me, as I expected. Bioshock's the only deal left on my wishlist, but I can wait for the $5 mark at the end of 2014. Got plenty of stuff to play until then.
Hey guys,
Im interested in buying Bioshock Infinite (my first steam game), but unsure how well it would run on my computer.
I have an iMac with 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 with NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 1024 MB. I bought it today for other reasons than gaming, but it would be a pleasant surprise if it could run it decently.
What do you guys think?
I wanted to buy sonic racing transformed. Was it ever a flash that I missed?
Who knows when it will next go on sale...![]()
Thanks, I think i'll take my chances and buy it!
My computer has far worse specs than those and mine can still run the game at low settings. It will run just fine.
Your first Steam game should be Team Fortress 2, though.
I bought Counter Strike with all that card money I made.
Take that Valve!
Shows 75% off for me. Maybe the discount going back up was an error? YNAB is also 75% off for me, NS2 90% off, etc.
and finally got stanley parable which should do it for me, unless they put out that humble bundle with the swapper and rogue legacy
I don't understand this whole snow globe collection thing. Apparently I have all 10. Is it worth clicking on "Craft Badge"? Or is it a case of if it's passed me by at this point, there's no point in bothering.
It's well deserved Grief, you are among one of the fine members in this amazing Community.
Thanks for posting that Grief. It's made me feel all warm and fuzzy which is very welcome today.