Have: Dead Island, HL2, HL2: Episode 1
Want for it: Costume Quest + NWN bundle + Stalker Clear Sky + Stalker CoP
Want for it: Costume Quest + NWN bundle + Stalker Clear Sky + Stalker CoP
I... I need 1 coal, I'd kill for a coal. My kingdom for a coal.
Do you have anything you want to trade?
I have Brink. I wish to not have Brink. Does anyone wish to make an offer? I'll take games or some coal.
H- Rage
W- Payday: The Heist and some coal.
I can give you Payday and one coal.Quoted for new page.
-25% Valve
-50% Poker Night at the Inventory
-25% Deep Silver
-50% THQ
Have: 5 coal and worthless valve coupon
Either of the five bux games:
Stalker SOC
NWN2 plat
Reposting for new page and some added things.
Have as steam gifts:
L4D (7)
HL2 (3)
HL2Ep1 (3)
HL2Ep2 (3)
HL2DM (1)
Portal (1)
Terraria (7)
Shadowgrounds Survivor (3)
Have codes for below:
Humble Bundle 3 (Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, Hammerfight, And Yet It Moves) (3)
Zombie Shooter 1 (1)
Zombie Shooter 2 (2)
inMomentum (2)
Hacker Evolution: Untold (2)
Hacker Evolution: Duality (2)
Saira (2)
Your Doodles Are Bugged! (2)
Looking for:
Guardians of Graxia
PAYDAY The Heist
Tropico 4
AI War: Fleet Command
Universe Sandbox
Number in parenthesis is the amount of coal I'd accept, if you want to trade for coal. PM if you're interested in anything.
Sorry for long post, I just have a lot of stuff I want to get rid of, might as well get some coals or games out of it.
I'll trade 2 coal for Terraria if you're fine with it.
Kind of want more out of it, since to get coal all you need to do is get a few cheevos.
Coal, Puzzle Chronicles
Defense Grid: The Awakening [4 coal]
Swords and Soldiers HD [4 coal]
or Puzzle Chronicles + 3 coal for both
Bastion [6 coal or 1 coal + Puzzle Chronicles]
Warhammer 40k Dawn of War II [5 coal or 1 coal + Puzzle Chronicles]
Recettear [5 coal or 1 coal + Puzzle Chronicles]
Metro 2033 [4 coal or Puzzle Chronicles]
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy [4 coal or Puzzle Chronicles]
Does anyone have Payday up for trading?
I'll throw in a 50% FEARCollection coupon, 33% Valve coupon and 50% valve coupon if it helps. This is for my bro as I want to play Terraria on multiplayer with him.
I could also trade you some TF2 items if it helped.
Hey, I do. What do you have for it?
Sorry, I have all the valve games so they're worthless to me. :/
I can hold on to a copy if you want to try for 7 coals or so, there are still 10 days (around 60 cheevos, 10 "free") left to the sale after all.
I just love all the coal talk in this thread
Monday Night Combat??
It's like a currency lol.
Except it vanishes Jan 2.![]()
10 coal
I'll look at any game offers.
Have: 50% OFF Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Want: Literally any other coupon.
Payday: The Heist? Maybe a longshot.
Depends how much coal u want for it?
8? Seems what people want for it on reddit.
25% off Valve Games Coupon
50% off Breath of Death + Call of Cthulhu
Spare key for Humble Bundle 3
Swords and Soldiers HD
Guardians of Graxia
AI War