I just did SCIENCE!
And got the Orange Box. >_>
Open to trade it for pretty much everything but coupons and Bad Rats!
Would you take 7 coals for it? Also have some random coupons, 25% off Warner Bros., 33% off 2K games etc.
-Frozen Synapse
-Toki Tori
-Dungeon Defenders (Key, not able to trade)
-World Basketball Manager 2010
-33% off Tropico 4
-33% off any Ubisoft game
-50% off Poker Night at the Inventory
-50% off Frozenbyte Collection
-50% off Delve Deeper
-50% off Anomaly Warzone Earth
-Hard Reset
-Renegade Ops
On Offer:
Overlord Complete Pack and Killing Floor Complete are the two Steam Gifts.
Green squares cover games already promised to others.
Renegade Ops
Orcs Must Die!
Bioshock 2
Fallout: NV
Other game offers
So I can make SCIENCE! again?
Sure, I guess. Steam ID is same as my username, just add me!
Sorry RibbedHero, between 7 coals and Shadow Ops, I'll try my luck >_>
So I can make SCIENCE! again?
Sure, I guess. Steam ID is same as my username, just add me!
Sorry RibbedHero, between 7 coals and Shadow Ops, I'll try my luck >_>
On Offer:
Overlord Complete Pack and Killing Floor Complete are the two Steam Gifts.
Green squares cover games already promised to others.
Renegade Ops
Orcs Must Die!
Bioshock 2
Fallout: NV
Other game offers
Have: Hard Reset
Want: Coal
A bunch of people want it, so best offer wins.
I have:
- 4 coal
- The Ball
- HL2: Episode 1
- 50% off Rockstar
Looking for:
- Fate of the World
- Greed Corp.
- Frozen Synapse
- Cargo! The Quest for Gravity
- Orcs Must Die
steam id http://steamcommunity.com/id/ghostrock
Have: Hard Reset
Want: Coal
Do not want: Non-golden Coupons.
A bunch of people want it, so best offer wins.
Have: Hard Reset
Want: Coal
Do not want: Non-golden Coupons.
A bunch of people want it, so best offer wins.
Have: 10 Coal
Want: Hard Reset pretty please
Quoting for new page![]()
-Hard Reset
-Renegade Ops
-Frozen Synapse
-Toki Tori
-Dungeon Defenders (Key, not able to trade)
-World Basketball Manager 2010
-33% off Tropico 4
-33% off any Ubisoft game
-50% off Poker Night at the Inventory
-50% off Frozenbyte Collection
-50% off Delve Deeper
-50% off Anomaly Warzone Earth
Offers, please.
-Hard Reset
-Renegade Ops
-Frozen Synapse
-Toki Tori
-Dungeon Defenders (Key, not able to trade)
-World Basketball Manager 2010
-33% off Tropico 4
-33% off any Ubisoft game
-50% off Poker Night at the Inventory
-50% off Frozenbyte Collection
-50% off Delve Deeper
-50% off Anomaly Warzone Earth
Offers, please.
Kscorp, bumping up the offer to 10 coal from my buddy.
-Hard Reset
Offers, please.
-Hard Reset
-Renegade Ops
-Frozen Synapse
-Toki Tori
-Dungeon Defenders (Key, not able to trade)
-World Basketball Manager 2010
-33% off Tropico 4
-33% off any Ubisoft game
-50% off Poker Night at the Inventory
-50% off Frozenbyte Collection
-50% off Delve Deeper
-50% off Anomaly Warzone Earth
Offers, please.
Looking for:
Games that have achievements that I don't already own.
(can consider other offers as well)
-Hard Reset
-Renegade Ops
-Toki Tori
Kscorp, bumping up the offer to 10 coal from my buddy.
-Hard Reset
-Renegade Ops
-Frozen Synapse
-Dungeon Defenders (Key, not able to trade)
-World Basketball Manager 2010
-33% off Tropico 4
-33% off any Ubisoft game
-50% off Poker Night at the Inventory
-50% off Frozenbyte Collection
-50% off Delve Deeper
-50% off Anomaly Warzone Earth
Offers, please.
can i give ya 3 coal for that overlord pack
i'll give you railworks 3 and 4 coals for killing floor complete
...and 50% off anomaly: warzone earth if you want that
Taking coal offers for Payday: the Heist
Taking coal offers for Payday: the Heist
So you wont accept coal for humble introversion bundle?Have (Inventory):
25% off any one Valve title
50% off AI War: Fleet Command
50% off ARES Extraction Agenda
75% off Sacred 2
9 x Coal
Humble Introversion Bundle (Uplink, Darwinia, DEFCON, Multiwinia)
Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World (From Indie Royale)
Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! (From Indie Royale)
Humble Indie Bundle 3 (Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, Hammerfight, And Yet It Moves)
Gish (From the Humble Voxatron Debut)
Hacker Evolution: Untold (From the Indie Gala)
Renegade Ops
Borderlands Game of the Year Edition