I have a 50% off any Bethesda game.
Looking for a cheap game or some coal.
I have Vegas: Make It Big, is that of any interest to you? Alternatively have you got any suggestions for stuff you'd want?
I have a 50% off any Bethesda game.
Looking for a cheap game or some coal.
Anyone want Magicka, SupCom 2, Hunted, 50% off Frozenbyte, or 50% off RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platnium?
One question, can I use coupons when there is already promotion on a game price?
Come at me GAF.
Interested in HL 2 Episode 2 for Supcom2? :>
One question, can I use coupons when there is already promotion on a game price?
have : renegade ops and payday
want : 3x Dungeon Defenders, offers
World of Goo x6 (3 coal each)
Vouchers: (1 coal each)
25% off Valve
25% off Ubisoft
25% off Sega
10% off Telltale
60% off Hearts of Iron 3
50% off Orcs Must Die
50% off GTA: Vice City
50% off Sequence
50% off Delve Deeper
25% off Dead Island
Would like:
I have a 50% off any Bethesda game.
Looking for a cheap game or some coal.
how does one even get that many tradable games? I thought purchases as gifts didn't go into the inventory?
Got 4 achievements today and 2 were games. Nice... Then again, I got:
Call of Chtulu: Corners of the Earth
Consider pretty much anything that isn't a coupon.
In the impossibly rare event that you don't have Left 4 Dead 2 already, I'd totally trade you for Cthulhu...
Sorry... already got L4D2.
The Binding of Isaac and Dead Rising 2 are gone, and I now have Silent Hill Homecoming and Hunted: The Demon's Forge.
Alright, I'm now rid of Metro 2033, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, and Devil May Cry 4. I got Dead Space and Half Life Complete (kind of). Yep.
Somehow I now have nearly 70 pieces of coal. Dunno how that happened.
Now looking for:
- Payday
- Serious Sam 3
- Anything on my wishlist
Hey dude, how about that Earth Defense force package for RE5?
Got a Holiday Gift copy of Portal 2. I want... I dunno, video games?
No longer have RE5! Guess I should post my updated inventory.
No longer have RE5! Guess I should post my updated inventory.
15 coal
X-Superbox (6 games)
Two Worlds II
Chantelise - A Tale of Two Sisters
AI War: Fleet Command <<<<<<<<<< This has an Xmas achievement btw
Beat Hazard Complete (Game + all DLC) <<<<<<<<<< This has an Xmas achievement btw
Half - Life 2: Episode 1
-50% 1,2,3 Kick it
-50% Bloodbowl Legendary Edition
-50% Gratuitous Space Battles
-50% Max Payne 2
-50% Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
-50% Defence Grid: Awakening
-50% Valve x2
-50% Payday: The Heist
-50% Scratches
-33% Valve
-25% Valve x2
-25% Deep Silver
All Humble Bundles!
Serious Sam 3, Hard Reset, Duke Nukem Forever, F.E.A.R. 3
No longer have RE5! Guess I should post my updated inventory.
Anyone wanna trade a useless coupon for a useless coupon? I need the achievement![]()
Do you still have Orcs must die?
You should, I just recently bought Dead Space for you.![]()