I'm still looking to sell Shadowgrounds (1 coal).
I'm also looking to trade for AAAAAA! or Rock of Ages. I can offer 5 coal for either.
Want: Offers. I'll take anything as long as its a reasonable offer. The only thing I don't much want is coupons though - but make offers anyways.
Anybody wants the following?
Valve 33%
Brink 50%
Activision 25%
Konami 25%
The Wonderful End of the World 50%
Vegas: Make It Big
Is it just me or has everyone been getting that game lately? I have a copy of that too, can't trade it for love nor money.
Anyone interested in any of this stuff?
I'll take anything at this point.
2 coal for the orange box
tell me if youa re interested
I've got:
Renegade Ops + DLC
The Ship
Coal x2
50% off Frozenbyte collection
I'll take it, sent you a pm
I've got:
Renegade Ops + DLC
The Ship
Coal x2
50% off Frozenbyte collection
Anything in particular you're looking for? I'm interested in Renegade Ops.
Have: 2x Dungeon Defenders
Frozen Synapse
$3 Paypal for each copy
No coal or coupons.
I've got an extra copy of Rush to trade. (bought a pack of games and I already had it so I got a giftable copy)
Not sure what I want so make me offers?
Whoa, you get extra copies from that pack with Rush, Edge and Toki Tori if you own some already? I was holding off buying it because I thought it'd get absorbed.
Yeah got an extra Rush one even if it told me I wouldn't haha
For these?Have:
-40% The Witcher 2.
This is what I have:
Is anyone interested in the game?
Coupon for either Saints Row 3
Got a copy of The Witcher and The Orange box up for trade. Give me an offer!