Might and Magic Heroes VI [daily deal today]
B.M.O.C. TF2 hat (worth betwenn 10-40.- depending on who you trade with)
Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
The Wonderful End of the World
Virtua Tennis 4
Call of Cthulu: Corners of the Earth
-50% Bethesda (works on Skyrim -> cheaper than during the sale)
-25% Bethesda
3 coal
You can have pretty much all of the above for the game.
Guess I'll jump in the party.
Frozen Synapse
The Ship
Railworks 2012
Braid (maybe. I'm considering keeping this one since I don't have it on Steam)
I'm open to any games I don't have.
I think someone sent you a PM.Anyone interested?
Braid's hella rad. I'd keep it. Just sayin'![]()
Can anyone trade/buy me Magicka for my 4 coals and coupons? Don't have a credit card and I'd hate it to miss out on this daily deal![]()
Last chance on this before I install it. I have Renegade Ops + DLC.
Looking for game offers.
Anyone interested?
Is Call of Cthulhu still available?
I am being made an offer as I write this. What would you offer?
Anything in my post appeal to you?
I already have all but Railworks, which doesn't interest me.
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Morrowind:GOTY + Disciples II Gold
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate + Disciples II Gold
Two Worlds: Epic Edition + Disciples II Gold
Two Worlds II
Mount&Blade: Warband + Disciples II Gold
Either way you make out like a bandit!
Other Offers Considered.
PM or Steam: Prophane33
Okay, one last roll of those lucky dice.
Here's what I have:
The third one is still Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.
Wow, that's a bunch of coal.
But, since crafting is for mugs, I'm going to try to trade them for something decent. I no longer need the Deus Ex DLCs, thanks to the sublime generosity of AWESOME GAFFER HERE -----> Pallette Swap, but any substantial non-coal or non-coupon offers (no, seriously, you can have the coupons for free if you want, they're of no use to me!) are most welcome. Especially if, by some New Year's miracle, it's Super SF4: AE.
No, seriously - everything for Super. I'll even throw in some TF2 items.
...pwetty pwease? <3
Updated list
Counter Strike: Source
28 Coal
Humble Indie Bundle #3 code
Dirt 3 code
Crappy coupons
BioShock 2
Sonic Generations
Mirror's Edge
Left 4 Dead 1
I'd be up for gifting someone Counter Strike: Sourse if they purchase BioShock 2 for me (they're the same price right now). I'll throw in some coal as well to make it worth it.
I just got a copy of Counter-Strike Source. Anybody want to trade me some coal for it?
Took them, thanks a lot man!I also have HIB2 and HIB3 steam codes. Quote to see them and say if you've taken it so I can edit the post.
New page..
go on! he really wants him some batman
- The Wonderful End of the World
- Hoard
- Solar 2
- Orcs Must Die
- Coal