I have the base Titan Quest game, if you're interested in trading something for it.
well, I don't have much to offer, that's why I was looking for a coupon lol.
I have 75% off Empire Total War, 40% off the Witcher 2.
Valve coupons and Half Life Deathmatch.
Any interest for my inventory?
I'd appreciate that From Dust coupon... I can offer only coupons in return. :\
How much are you selling it for?Well, if you have PayPal I can just sell it to you instead of you hunting down a coupon to buy it, lol.
How much are you selling it for?
Here is my inventory:
Some odd reason its not showing the Tropico Trilogy Holiday 2011 pack
Someone trade for my Orange Box! Anything but coupons and TF hats please.
Please excuse my ignorance, SteamGAF, but were any (Stardock?) coupons released into the wild that would help a man obtain Sins of a Solar Empire?
I fancy a bit of that action, but may have to trade my way to a coupon (if indeed there is such a thing), as, y'know, we just had a sale and all, and you know how the wallet tends be after these things. Cheers.
I don't remember seeing any Paradox coupons or Sins coupons. I don't think there were any. But it is possible I'm wrong and they're just really rare.
Is it unusual to use a coupon and still have it in your inventory?
Wow, three coal, I'll take it!
Were there any Activision coupons handed out during the Gift Grab? I'm hoping there was because I would like the King's Quest Collection.
Side question: Is it better to get the KQ collection on Steam or the collection on GOG.com where it is split into 3 different downloads?
Old picture of course, they've already erased coals from accounts.
Ps. There is no way to activate steam code key to gift inventory, right?
i got a Duke Nukem Forever steam key and Binding of Isaac gift on steam if anyone has trades. not expecting much.
i got a Duke Nukem Forever steam key and Binding of Isaac gift on steam if anyone has trades. not expecting much.
Incoming PM!i got a Binding of Isaac gift on steam if anyone has trades. not expecting much.
Incoming PM!
edit- also have a bunch of vintage TF2 hats that I can trade.
I just looked up what Minecraft cost nowadays...
I just looked up what Minecraft cost nowadays...