Madballs in Babo: Invasion
Dungeon Defenders x2
Steam mobile beta invite
Amazon January $5 DD coupon (or DNF:Forever Steam code, since that's what I'm using it for)
Bethesda / Skyrim 33% coupon
Updated my inventory.
Anno 2070 Deluxe Edition (Will more than likely keep for myself, but don't have room in my HDD)
Witcher 2
Payday: The Heist
Counter Strike: Source
Renegade Ops Complete
Puzzle Agent
Flight Control HD
Super MNC
SpaceChem or Dungeons of Dredmor (one or the other) for Flight Control HD?
Does anyone have an extra copy of Nuclear Dawn for sale?
I wanted to purchase it as part of the recent IndieRoyale bundle but I wasn't able to add funds to my paypal in time.
Updated my inventory.
Anno 2070 Deluxe Edition (Will more than likely keep for myself, but don't have room in my HDD)
Witcher 2
Payday: The Heist
Counter Strike: Source
Renegade Ops Complete
Puzzle Agent
Flight Control HD
Super MNC
Updated my inventory.
Anno 2070 Deluxe Edition (Will more than likely keep for myself, but don't have room in my HDD)
Witcher 2
Payday: The Heist
Counter Strike: Source
Renegade Ops Complete
Puzzle Agent
Flight Control HD
Super MNC
Guys, there is discount for SPAZ right now [4$ in US], anyone is willing to trade it with me for anything from this list [can be more than one item]
I dont have much but here is my inventory
Games i own
I dont really play TF2 so if anyone wants to trade something good for those things id listen to the offer!
I have:
50% off Capsized
50% off The Binding Of Isaac
25% off Valve
I want:
Just a head's up so you don't get ripped off, that bill's hat is actually worth something so don't just trade that away to the first person who wants to give you coupons.
Thanks man! good to know for sure!
Edit* What did you mean by worth something, like people pay money for those or something?
I have a bunch of coupons I won't be using in February. Whoever wants them, can get them all.
Could you tell me please what coupons do you have? Thank you
Thanks man! good to know for sure!
Edit* What did you mean by worth something, like people pay money for those or something?
Updated my inventory.
Anno 2070 Deluxe Edition (Will more than likely keep for myself, but don't have room in my HDD)
Witcher 2
Payday: The Heist
Counter Strike: Source
Renegade Ops Complete
Puzzle Agent
Flight Control HD
Super MNC
Looking for:
Dungeon Defenders DLC
You can get that for literally one cent.
At least 1.00.
I have an extra copy of bastion and a world of goo code from the new Humble Bundle i'm willing to trade. Anyone got anything they'd like to trade for that?
Stuff I have:
Interested in Runespell overture + 50% Drakensang + 60% Victoria II + 50% Blood Bowl for Bastion?
Can I get a 60% off Victoria II coupon? Anyone else have any Victoria II coupons?