Don't count on it. Based on Idea Factory's record, It's a lot more likely for Makai Shin Trillion to be on PC, which while not Disgaea, is probably the closest thing you'll ever get on PC.
I kick reason to the curb.
Don't count on it. Based on Idea Factory's record, It's a lot more likely for Makai Shin Trillion to be on PC, which while not Disgaea, is probably the closest thing you'll ever get on PC.
Killer Instinct PC?!?!
Hey Steam friends! I went to the Playstation Experience last night and I have a few codes to give away.
Anyone want any?
It was pretty cool but man, some of those fanboys and fangirls were the epitome of hyperbole.
There was a girl next to me who was literally hyperventilating so loud that the dude in front of her turned around and said, "Seriously?"
It was during the Last Guardian part.
Also everyone collectively flipped their shit during the FF7 remake.
My friend sent me a link. It's
I don't really know who's website it is and all that kind of stuff, but. First of all, i'll say that when you click on the Valve logo it redirects you to another website which looks the same. I don't know if it's Valve's website.
And the second thing.
I don't want to create topic with E3 going on and all those duplicate topics created so i'm posting it here.
My friend sent me a link. It's
I don't really know who's website it is and all that kind of stuff, but. First of all, i'll say that when you click on the Valve logo it redirects you to another website which looks the same. I don't know if it's Valve's website.
And the second thing.
I don't want to create topic with E3 going on and all those duplicate topics created so i'm posting it here.
Looks like it'll be for Win 10.
MOBA and F2P. My two favourite words. >_>
Yep. Don't care one bit for fighting games, but this is great news.Gears of War UE to PC.
One good thing at least.
Gears Ultimate, neat, but how is it being distributed? Strictly through the Windows 10 store?
This is correct. This is what I got when I redeemed it:
Thank you for attending the 2015 PlayStation E3 Experience. Your digital gifts will be sent to your registered Email in a few weeks.
For more E3 updates visit
Anyhoo, I have 4 left. Probably best if I modbot it?
Kinda feel bad for hoping Sunset bombed on X1, so that it's more likely to come on PC.Maybe they'll bring Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive, as well.
it's worth noting that the badge code is also good for $5 psn credit
i'll take one off your hands if you don't mind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
They will neither come to Win7 nor to Steam.I won't be upgrading from Windows 7 for awhile. Hope these games find their way to steam...
Kinda feel bad for hoping Sunset bombed on X1, so that it's more likely to come on PC.
Not sure how the first one is news in any capacity
first real megaton
They will neither come to Win7 nor to Steam.
GFWL2 baby.
Kinda feel bad for hoping Sunset bombed on X1, so that it's more likely to come on PC.
not really. lashman just posted it.