Fallout 4 is at number 3 lol.
I mean, people will be crazy over this.
Console people probably.
Fallout 4 is at number 3 lol.
I mean, people will be crazy over this.
German Steam Vita GAF,
Mediamarkt is selling the Playstation TV for 15€ including three games, just bought one... cause why not
sorry for OT
Ehhh...she looks like an average south east asian city girl to me.
I'm a Malaysian and has been to all of SEA countries. I think I know enough how we looks like to recognize similarities.
Console people probably.
ESL code?
Just accept that most people love Bethsueda brahConsole people probably.
It's based on PC-centric voters.
Who cares, it's not like they're playing Pathologic or Underrail and other interesting games inbetween comments on why Fallout 4 is teh worst everConsoleGAF'll still riot either way :V
Been playing Contradiction - Spot The Liar! I loves it so far.
Sleeper hit of the year, for sure.
I still can't believe it was Kickstarted on £4,010. It's just bananas that it came together so well.
As I wrote in another thread-
It puts all video game mo-cappers to shame
Ain't that right Jenks?
Life is Strange with best original game, best adventure, 2nd best story and 2nd best goty.
Hella yes. Time to mosh, shaka brah.
That's another game I should tackle. Cuz all the people ever rave about is Warren.
That's another game I should tackle. Cuz all the people ever rave about is Warren.
That's another game I should tackle. Cuz all the people ever rave about is Warren.
Should I not play City Skylines until I have After Dark?
I should buy Contradiction just because I enjoyed the giantbomb content around it so much. I'd never go so far as to call it a good game though, too many bullshit requirements to advance the story like randomly jerking about the forest inbetween interviews.
You get the Night/Day cycle and bug fixes free as an update, the only thing you're really pay for are Bike Lanes, Entertainment Districts and maybe a few other things. It's worth buying if you want to support the devs, as they've done a great job with the game so far.
Should I not play City Skylines until I have After Dark?
Paradox knows how to nurture legs on a game, dang. Crusader Kings II does similar stuff. With the success those two have had, reinvesting in the community must pay off quite well. Certainly makes me want to get their DLCs, for the sake of a better product overall.
I hope Stellaris can be Paradox's third pillar.
Paradox knows how to nurture legs on a game, dang. Crusader Kings II does similar stuff. With the success those two have had, reinvesting in the community must pay off quite well. Certainly makes me want to get their DLCs, for the sake of a better product overall.
I hope Stellaris can be Paradox's third pillar.
Fallout 4 is at number 3 lol.
I mean, people will be crazy over this.
I've decided for everything to buy on the sale now, feels good.
Going to pick up:
Xcom: enemy within
Dungeon of the endless
legend of grimrock 2
If you feel like giving som suggestions about changing one of them out go on![]()
Ughhhh not even close to any of these goddesses
Just another reason Marvel blows.
Playing Pillars of Eternity has made me realize I don't enjoy cRPG combat at all and I'm bummed out. Fortunately the writing, world building, characters, etc is all engrossing enough for me to mostly ignore it, but still... I dunno, I just don't like combat in that style and I'm not sure why.
I know how to shut up the haters.
let's rock!
damn talos principle, you were doing so great
two really bad puzzles in a row just made me go fuck it and ragequit
puzzles in which you can die and have to redo a really long section and big red herring puzzles are really bad and frustrating design. that's not good puzzle design and even if the game up until this point had a few puzzles like these and had a bit of trial and error to it it was never this bad
i'm also really tired of the text, it's not fun or evocative anymore, it just seems to go on and on and on about the same old things to the point i just stopped reading
while i've enjoyed most of my time with this game, it's starting to lose me. i'm gonna just skip this bullshit bomb puzzle and hope i don't miss out on beating the game because of it
You are talking nonsense zky. Talos is great from start to finish and text has purpose and it is interesting view on certain things. Puzzles are not that hard even Star puzzles.![]()
Not sure if it was posted yet, but Japanese limited e-capcom edition has some limited color sets
more in the link below
Bah. It's that time of the year I know the moment I go to sleep, I'm going to miss out on some crazy kayak price error.
ESL code?
Be sure you buy a memory card too, and those things are expensive as hell.
Here Gamestop is selling PSTV for 21, I was thinking of buying it to play Vita games I have from Plus, but the fact is I can't play them all, so I don't know what to do.
Also I can't log on Humble, I don't receive the sms with validation code.
PS4 SteamGAF who are from the USA, better get in on these price errors.