Anyone interested in Inquisitor, take note that it's available with 5 other games for $2 cheaper than on Steam in Bundle Bandits Reboot 4.0
Wow that's a heck of a deal.Anyone interested in Inquisitor, take note that it's available with 5 other games for $2 cheaper than on Steam in Bundle Bandits Reboot 4.0
At around 2-3 hours, once I started to play levels for unlocking certain cards instead of only trying to "finish" the levels.
The accompanying Steam sale Indie Game deal thread! We are so Indie, we dont even have a header!
Supposedly a good port.How is YearWalk on PC? I know it was a touch base iOS game originally. I'm just wondering how the transition to PC is.
Anyone interested in Inquisitor, take note that it's available with 5 other games for $2 cheaper than on Steam in Bundle Bandits Reboot 4.0
And Hard Reset alone is worth the bundle price. Excellent, excellent shooterAnyone interested in Inquisitor, take note that it's available with 5 other games for $2 cheaper than on Steam in Bundle Bandits Reboot 4.0
Toma you have failed me.
I Ctrl+F'ed 'Marlow Briggs' and I do not see it on your list, it counts as an indie and is only $0.99!
A connect 3 Rogue-Like Puzzle RPG Adventure that will leave you frustrated as hell. Yet, it'll give a huge sense of satisfaction on gaining freedom.
A wonderfully presented side-scrolling shoot 'em up, similar in vein to those classic games on the Mega Drive. Developed by a small team (1 guy mainly) from the UK, it's full of references to other Zombie games and movies, as well as charm. Short, sweet, fun.
A highly aware satire themed game based on the exploitation of DLC. Benefits from being short and to the point. Genuine laughs.
A very polished FPS with some very impressive explosions. Might outstay it's welcome slightly, but tries to mix things up with slight/lite ability progressions. Great sountrack
Early Access version of the iOS game. Create your perfect method of wiping out the world. Strangely satisfying, especially when you can name your destruction.
Was Divinity 2 a flash sale? Showing as $8 now =(
| 3. Toma Seal of Approval Sale recommendations |
[*]Divinity II: Developer's Cut - $4 (80% off) ( : Easily among the best RPGs of the past 5 years with a vast world and plenty of stuff to do. Oh and you are a dragon. Ridiculous value at $4.
Was Divinity 2 a flash sale? Showing as $8 now =(
Was Divinity 2 a flash sale? Showing as $8 now =(
Marlow Briggs is killed by his girlfriend's evil boss, when he is resurrected by an off-kilter ancient mask that grants him incredible power. A 4-6 hour God of War romp with extremely fast pacing, varied turret sections and other quick setpieces. The 80's action movie style storyline is amusing in a self-aware way and the incidental dialogue during gameplay is on-and-off hilarious.
The Swapper is a must play. So good. Haunting atmosphere, awesome puzzle mechanic, great art styleOh and Unepic is currently on a 75% flash deal, grab it guys :-o
Swapper is 80% off, that too.
Divinity 2 doesnt work for me on windows 8, as much as I want to play it. I get the Larian logo screen, then a little loading icon at the bottom right, crash to desktop. Anyone else that bought it have this issue?
Anyone interested in Inquisitor, take note that it's available with 5 other games for $2 cheaper than on Steam in Bundle Bandits Reboot 4.0
One of those games that I loved yet ended up being criminally overlooked. One way to describe this would be Worms with base building. You don't have units, you have buildings which fling out other buildings and fire projectiles. Each building is connected to the one that launched it, so your eventually end up with a sprawling mass of stuff everywhere. Watch out, though, as when a building gets destroyed, it takes out any buildings that it created. Great fun to make a lucky shot on someone's very first building and watch the chain reaction take out their entire base
Not quite as overlooked as Moonbase Commander, but still never as popular as it deserved. A sort of real-time strategy game from ground level. You control a wizard trying to banish rival wizards by casting spells and summoning an army. While the graphics are definitely a little rough around the edges, the art style still holds up, 14 years later.
Just bought Defy Gravity Extended thanks to the above GAFfer post and the really positive IGN review. Sounds like my kind of game
I had some issues with the game, but I forgot which. Might need to replay to refresh my memory.
I'll c&p an old post of mine on Defy Gravity Extended
1. What is it?
An indie game released in the summer of 2011, it's the first and only game by Fish Factory Games. Defy Gravity Extended is a 2D mix of puzzle and platforming, in which you control a Gravitymancer who can shoot gravity and anti-gravity wells, which you'll have to use to advance through the levels. The Gravitymancer is affected by those wells (unless you use the shield), some objects are affected by those wells, some aren't; and you can destroy the floating balls by jumping on them. Beware of spiky stuff, as always.
2. Why do you feel it is underrated?
I don't think it's underrated, more like it's not even rated- at all. Check out SteamCharts. I've seen it mentioned in a few places, even on IGN, but it's safe to assume that two and a half years after its release the game's all but forgotten.
3. Why should we play it?
The game's fun, the puzzles, while not that difficult (I think it can be beat in 3-4 hours), are well-designed; and there's a NG+ with a very interesting twist to the gameplay. Also, it's on sale right now at 0'19, so it's a very low-risk investment. The OST fits the game fantastically.
Cons: 720p only. You can add "-720window" to the launch options to have it in a window.
It's also possible to edit your own levels, but it's a bit complicated. Levels are stored like this:
So you can alter them to your liking. I haven't done a full list of meaning for each symbol yet.
There's this "WTF Is... - Defy Gravity Extended?" video, so you can check by yourselves the actual gameplay.
I am gifting two copies in case anyone is interested. PM me with your email and I'll send the gift copies I have on Steam. Please, only people who might be interested in playing.
Games about Dragons?
Games where you are a Dragon?
Game where you fight a Dragon?
Dark Souls
Some pretty nice artwork going on in Inquisitor:
5 hours in.
I can see why this thread is slowing down. You are hooked on Inquisitor.
Oh, come on, I bought Battleblock Theater last month
Oh, come on, I bought Battleblock Theater last month
Looks like I'll finally get Betrayer.
Everyone vote for 2D Retro, I can't recommend Broforce enough. Luftrausers is fantastic as well
Only got $8 left so now I'm torn between Metro Last Light and Orcs Must Die 2...
Orcs must die 1 and another indie![]()
Or wait to see if Orcs is a flash or daily (it usually is) + another Indie.