Anybody recommend anything for around 5 bucks?
Dragon Age Origins is $5 $7.49 for the Ultimate edition which includes all Expansions and DLC's
Anybody recommend anything for around 5 bucks?
I would just get Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape and call it a day. Not sure if I would bother with soundtracks though. You can always come back to Icewind later, and those games are quite a bit different in that they are mostly all about combat. Baldur's Gate 1 is a good game but it's slow and it involves low level 2nd Edition AD&D gameplay which is YMMV unless you are used to it.
dunno about the enhanced edition but planescape is really good, hope you enjoy itI'm thinking about taking the plunge on the infinity collection with baldurs gate 1-2 and icewind dale and the soundtracks for 30.72. Is there a better deal on that anywhere?
Also planescape torment with the soundtrack as well as a separate purchase. Is the enhanced edition good? I'm so pumped to experience these classics because I didn't play many pc games growing up.
can u elaborate a bit on what that game's like?Thanks to everyone here and in the hidden gems thread that suggested Cosmic Star Heroine. I'm about 5 hours into it and absolutely loving the game. Been dying for more cyberpunk games, and it's everything I'd want in a cyberpunk JRPG-style game.
My Updated Cart and I am still holding....
It's about 41.00 more than I wanted to spend....
I'm thinking about cutting out Gaurdians of the Galaxy and waiting for a deeper sale on that. How was that game in comparison to other telltale btw?
dunno about the enhanced edition but planescape is really good, hope you enjoy it
can u elaborate a bit on what that game's like?
is it basically a snes jrpg?
cos that sounds pretty dope
Why would you want to change the voices. English Geralt is superior.
Stick with movie subtitles, mate.
So this was in my discovery! lol
Total War: Warhammer worth getting even though 2 is coming out in September?
Yeah pretty much, it pays homage most to Chrono Trigger I feel. The combat system reminds me a lot of it. My only gripe with the game is the first couple of hours are very linear... like FF13 linear, but it opens up a bit more after a few hours.dunno about the enhanced edition but planescape is really good, hope you enjoy it
can u elaborate a bit on what that game's like?
is it basically a snes jrpg?
cos that sounds pretty dope
Finally getting around to buying CS:GO. Went to the store page and the game is on sale for $10.04. I notice below that it shows the Valve Complete Bundle which offers this game (the only one I don't have) for only $4.52 to complete the collection. So yeah, I'm gonna take that option. So head's up to anyone else, be sure to check bundles before you buy any Valve games...
Jase post if you are OK.In SteamGAF news, in the Irish immigrant thread I learned that Saorsie Ronan is...American? It's like my whole world is upside down.
Are we OK with her being American?In SteamGAF news, in the Irish immigrant thread I learned that Saorsie Ronan is...American? It's like my whole world is upside down.
Jase post if you are OK.
Yeah, she has dual citizenship.
Are we OK with her being American?
I mean she's kind of just like any old American girl now (if you are American like me), right? What if she voted for Trump?!
So this was in my discovery! lol
WHATIn SteamGAF news, in the Irish immigrant thread I learned that Saorsie Ronan is...American? It's like my whole world is upside down.
Out of curiosity regarding the Sticker quests: Can you only do the 3 quests the day they get added or do they just get unlocked and you have the rest of the sale to complete them?
I mean she's kind of just like any old American girl now (if you are American like me), right? What if she voted for Trump?!
Haha, she definitely didn't vote for Trump. She would have been filming On Chesil Beach when the election rolled around, but Lady Bird was shooting in New York in October, which happens to be where she lived while doing The Crucible, so maybe she submitted an early vote for Clinton.
Ok well, I best not find out she fakes her accent.
A number of people in Ireland think she does because she was raised in Carlow but has a Dublin accent. She says she got it from her parents.
Started Nights of the Azure for the first time and I can't believe how many little things this port got wrong. Third person action game with no mouse controls, no way to set my keyboard bindings, no way to skip the initial cutscene, the rendered one skipping all over the place, no way to exit the game other than going ALT+F4 on it, no keyboard prompts if you aren't using a controller. I usually don't shit on KT. Their games play fine for me performance wise but I really have to wonder what kind of person works on these ports and think stuff like this is acceptable.
Thanks for reminding me why I usually avoid the toxic cesspools of Twitter.A number of people in Ireland think she does because she was raised in Carlow but has a Dublin accent. She says she got it from her parents.
Are we allowed to discuss trading here ?
Basically I wanted to buy some keys to trade for games but I see the keys I buy won't be tradeable for one week.
What happens if I buy keys outside of Steam marketplace ? Will I be able to trade them immediately ?
In SteamGAF news, in the Irish immigrant thread I learned that Saorsie Ronan is...American? It's like my whole world is upside down.
How is Wasteland 2? I'm kinda looking for something to scratch that Divinity:OS itch. Is it closer to Fallout 1/2?
How is Wasteland 2? I'm kinda looking for something to scratch that Divinity:OS itch. Is it closer to Fallout 1/2?
Anyone knows whether Hollow Knight has missable stuff or some timer to get endings?
I hated that in Valdis Story...
Ah, it isnt much but I hope it will be released this year...
Anyone knows whether Hollow Knight has missable stuff or some timer to get endings?
I hated that in Valdis Story...
Be patientSo ehm, that difficulty spike in Ys 1.I get maybe 10% off that batboss before I die and I'm at maxlevel with the best gear that I've found AND I play on easy haha.
Pretty sure you're talking about this, which was the original Mount & Blade (not warband) and which you did miss.
I can get another person to play this while drunk, but three is a bit too complicated.