Dupy is a great guy. He gifted me Driver: San Fran during the summer sale.
I've been curious, seeing the numerous and expensive expansions, does The Sims give you missions? Like I play Pharoah and Zeus and they give me goals to attain. Does The Sims have something similar among its more open gameplay? I can't imagine myself playing such a thing for long without something like that.
So neither AoW: Shadow Magic or Fallen Enchantress will run on my laptop (at least not until I figure out why they don't run and fix it). This is why I took up console gaming.
At least Spec Ops runs and after gunning through the first 30 minutes or so I can tell I'm gonna like it. And for only $2.50! Thanks, Amazon!
Why couldn't the Lego games get a daily or something? D: I just need to get Lego Star Wars 3.
The Sims can be played in a lot of different ways, but I would considering leading your Sims towards their life/career goals is a quest of sorts. There's a lot of steps to mark your progression (leveling up skills, promotions at work, aging etc) and it takes a lot of work to make your Sim's very successful.
that or you can turn it into a murder simulator
where'd the pool ladder go? oh noes![]()
that or you can turn it into a murder simulator
where'd the pool ladder go? oh noes![]()
that or you can turn it into a murder simulator
where'd the pool ladder go? oh noes![]()
I bought, downloaded and installed Sims 3 (more than a year ago), but I've yet to play it. How is the aging system? I hate seeing my characters die (from something outside my control) and I feel like that's what I'm going to hate most.
Dupy is a great guy. He gifted me Driver: San Fran during the summer sale.
The Sims without aging or death just wouldn't be the same. It's something you gotta accept.
=( Yeah okay. Gonna be tough when my first character dies.
=( Yeah okay. Gonna be tough when my first character dies.
Oh well, maybe Steam hates me, but I don't hate you all.
That fucking helmet on the kid lol.
I kinda wanna torture people in The Sims 3 now. Gotta stay strong doe.
Valve hates me. Never wants to put on sales from the obscure games of my wishlist items. Should get Sleeping Dogs. On my wishlist, but am unsure. Steam users hate me because they never voted for Dirt. Is there any chance of a Dirt 2 sale during encore? Any chance of Wargame: European Escalation? I missed out on these. Same with the X-COM Collection... nothing.
What happened? It won't activate on your account or something?
"It's too risky! It's too risky!" -SmeagolEither ignore it or tempt fate.
"It's too risky! It's too risky!" -Smeagol
But could you live with the guilty conscience? The poor kid was minding his own business, when suddenly a magic flying cursor appeared out of thin air and created a waist-high fence around him, which he could not escape from, and so he died of starvation.LOL That helmet. I wasn't really paying attention the first time, but makes me really want to be an asshole to him.
*looks at Witcher 2 & Shogun 2* yeah...There are few things worse than spending money on something that doesn't work as intended.
But could you live with the guilty conscience? The poor kid was minding his own business, when suddenly a magic flying cursor appeared out of thin air and created a waist-high fence around him, which he could not escape from, and so he died of starvation.
The Sims is a mass-murdering simulator. It should be banned.
Steamprices says it was $10 on the 20thShould I get Lost Planet 2 now or wait? This is the cheapest I have seen it on Steam.
Should I get Lost Planet 2 now or wait? This is the cheapest I have seen it on Steam.
Steamprices says it was $10 on the 20th
Steamprices says it was $10 on the 20th
I love the game to death, but the Slingshot DLC really isn't worth what they're asking. I was underwhelmed. It also throws the alien progression out the window (you can encounter certain unitsI wish 2k would have put the slingshot pack on sale. hell man even 20% would have been awesome.
Might as well ask this here, even though it's a little off topic: Is The Walking Dead still glitched as far as PC saves? I got it via the Steam sale, but I really hope that they fixed it by now. I don't want to run into it.
I was actually going to return the favour when he gave me Driver San Fran during the summer sale, but alas hit the same conundrum. It's like he has no weakness!Dupy gifted me Sleeping Dogs. What a fine chap man. Thanks a ton! But we have a problem Gaf, he has no games on his wishlist. He wants to win at not having a backlog. We can't let this happen!
Might as well ask this here, even though it's a little off topic: Is The Walking Dead still glitched as far as PC saves? I got it via the Steam sale, but I really hope that they fixed it by now. I don't want to run into it.
I was actually going to return the favour when he gave me Driver San Fran during the summer sale, but alas hit the same conundrum. It's like he has no weakness!
There is supposed to be a way around it where you make a copy of the saves in some other folder or something. I dont know what it is but someone else on here was mentioning it (in the other steam sale thread). I've also heard that if you play up until the first autosave in the next chapter you wont lose your progress. In other words dont stop playing at the end of a chapter, keep going into the next chapter until you get to the first save spot.
He must have a weakness, we must engage stalk mode-Dupys Posts-begin
I can't believe you don't have a I rarely even post around here, mainly been lurking for 7+ years. Really no need for payback. I just like helping out fellow gamers.
I can't believe you don't have a wishlist.![]()