Why is Runner 2 (down at the bottom) crossed out for PC? It's up for preorder already.I got this from the other thread.
quite frightening prospect for our wallet in 2013, the list of games to come.
Why is Runner 2 (down at the bottom) crossed out for PC? It's up for preorder already.I got this from the other thread.
quite frightening prospect for our wallet in 2013, the list of games to come.
So do we have any theory on what the repeats might be? Is it possible some flash sales could return?
to each its own
very soon in fact.
Ha! Hilarious.One of the users on CAG had the following as his signature:
If I count Humble Indie Bundle 7 and stuff I bought a few days before the sale started, I have a total of 40 new games.Steam
Botanicula 2.49
Civ V Korea/7 Wonders DLC 1.39
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 4.99
Fly'N 4.99
Half Minute Hero 3.39
Tomb Raider I 2.49
Tomb Raider II 2.49
Tomb Raider III 2.49
Tomb Raider IV 2.49
Tomb Raider V 2.49
Tomb Raider VI 2.49 (I know people said not to get the PC version, but I'm taking a chance)
To the Moon 3.39
Worms Crazy Golf 2.49
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2.49
Bioshock 1.66
Bioshock 2 1.66
The Darkness II 2.49
Hotline Miami 2.49
Spec Ops 1.66
Last Remnant 3.74
Puzzle Agent 2 from baconcow (thanks again!)
TOTAL 54.26
I got this from the other thread.
quite frightening prospect for our wallet in 2013, the list of games to come.
Ha! Hilarious.
Final tally for me:
If I count Humble Indie Bundle 7 and stuff I bought a few days before the sale started, I have a total of 40 new games.![]()
Spec Ops 1.66
So sad I missed this![]()
8FVN5-5F38B-AHVD0 Deus Ex Explosive pack DLC. Just bought it on amazon, but steam is saying I already own it. anyone who needs it.
Are these the last sales?
I actually spent more money at GMG (Batman AC, Xcom,The Secret World) vs Witcher 2 and Kotor 2
Kinda regret not picking up FTL when it was $5
Quick question re: The Walking Dead.
Is it a MS/KB game or X360 Controller? I am aware both can likely work but it's usually pretty easy to tell which is the superior choice.
Well, I got it in the pack with Bioshock 1+2 for 5 bucks... I just divided it! But if you have a $5 Amazon credit, you can get it for 2.50. Masterkajo linked to the individual game, and this is the pack I got it in: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0091T6FQO/?tag=neogaf0e-20Spec Ops 1.66
So sad I missed this![]()
There wasn't a single big Command & Conquer discount?
Quick question re: The Walking Dead.
Is it a MS/KB game or X360 Controller? I am aware both can likely work but it's usually pretty easy to tell which is the superior choice.
Well, I got it in the pack with Bioshock 1+2 for 5 bucks... I just divided it! But if you have a $5 Amazon credit, you can get it for 2.50. Masterkajo linked to the individual game, and this is the pack I got it in: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0091T6FQO/?tag=neogaf0e-20
You should get it, totally amazing game. I put 30 hours in it since I bought it.
No Alpha Protocol sale
No Lost Planet sale........
4 is better, but 5 is more friendly and has better graphics.OK, do I go for Civ V or IV?
I'm trying to get more into Strategy games and I loved the new XCOM, so I'm looking at Firaxis' other games? Any help?
Yeah you can. Just input a U.S. address in your profile and select it as default before making the purchase. I live in South America and get all my Amazon games that way.Thx to you and MasterkAjo, but I don't have $5 Amazon credit (and I can't buy from Amazon US with my credit card)
Gamersgate will probably make a mistake soon and I'll grab it then! (or during the next Steam Sales)
OK, do I go for Civ V or IV?
I'm trying to get more into Strategy games and I loved the new XCOM, so I'm looking at Firaxis' other games? Any help?
(Not responding to you, just the list in general)
This is not a particularly good list.
OK, do I go for Civ V or IV?
I'm trying to get more into Strategy games and I loved the new XCOM, so I'm looking at Firaxis' other games? Any help?
Definitely Civ V.OK, do I go for Civ V or IV?
Alpha Protocol was $2-3 on GMG at one point during the sale window
OMG!!! Dammit!
pmedI accidentally bought an additional copy of Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY on Amazon awhile ago and would like to give the CD key away.
First person to PM me gets the code.
Remember, it's Arkham Asylum and not Arkham City![]()
OK, do I go for Civ V or IV?
Also XCOM, assuming we are talking about the latest one, isn't a strategy game, it is a turn based tactics game. If you just jump from there to turn based strategy you will be seriously disappointed.
Are these the last sales?
I actually spent more money at GMG (Batman AC, Xcom,The Secret World) vs Witcher 2 and Kotor 2
Kinda regret not picking up FTL when it was $5
I got this from the other thread.
quite frightening prospect for our wallet in 2013, the list of games to come.
Let me know if it fails to work. I tried to activate it on Steam before but failed because I already own a copy lol... There should be no issues.
Does anyone has impressions on Bang Bang Racing?
Runs like crap on my i5 3570k and 7950 GPU. CPU constantly being hammered at 80% and lags. Very poorly optimised, no PC options besides resolution.