It happens ramdomly and changes if I reload the page:
I got impatient and just bought Unity of Command and Silent Hunter IV yesterday. Which of course means that both will now be on some sort of deal. Though, the way things are going I'm fairly confident they won't be. SHIV is really freakin' cool. I might have to pick up the expansion before this sale is up.
aybe it's symbolic, like they're testing your twitch reflexes for the game, and if you don't react fast enough, you don't deserve the extra 25% off?
Did you get that new Unity of Command DLC too?
Got you covered. anyone mentioned Hotline Miami and Darkness 2 for $2.5 and Dark Souls for $12.5 on Amazon? $5 is removed from the games on checkout.
I don't know, it requires lot of coordination and good reflexes.Would avseq be too much for my girlfriend who really only plays the Sims and has no real video game coordination?
Should I be picking up the DLC I am the Boss, for Clash of Heroes?
It just adds a few new characters (bosses) to the multiplayer and Vs CPU mode , no new single missions or story. Not particularly worthy.Should I be picking up the DLC I am the Boss, for Clash of Heroes?
I don't want them, as I didn't like Ys Origin demo, but I think I should get it only to make the demo disappear from my games list in my Steam profile.Yeah. The games were 75 percent off for the first time ever. Sucks if he missed it. But if you saw the prices and still waffled... well, don't do that again.
GAFers claim that HoMM 6 > 5, but I am wondering why then Meta user rating is 6.4 vs 7.8?
Has anyone mentioned Hotline Miami and Darkness 2 for $2.5 and Dark Souls for $12.5 on Amazon? $5 is removed from the games on checkout.
I think too many people assume that everyone has the $5 promo credit on Amazon for some reason. Every time I see something like "hey guys Dark Souls is only $12 on Amazon" I get excited but then I'm like oh they must mean with the $5 promo credit.
I don't have $5 in Amazon credit
US, it just flipped back to 50% again.
And I just bought it.
Maybe it's symbolic, like they're testing your twitch reflexes for the game, and if you don't react fast enough, you don't deserve the extra 25% off?
GAF should claim all the new ones suck and to get the old ones.GAFers claim that HoMM 6 > 5, but I am wondering why then Meta user rating is 6.4 vs 7.8?
I'm completely unfamiliar with first-person shooters. Pretty sure the only one I've ever played is Goldeneye 64, and I don't know if I ever tried anything but multiplayer. It's been a loooong while.
I'd like to give the genre a shot, so should I pick up SS3?
I'm completely unfamiliar with first-person shooters. Pretty sure the only one I've ever played is Goldeneye 64, and I don't know if I ever tried anything but multiplayer. It's been a loooong while.
I'd like to give the genre a shot, so should I pick up SS3?
I'm completely unfamiliar with first-person shooters. Pretty sure the only one I've ever played is Goldeneye 64, and I don't know if I ever tried anything but multiplayer. It's been a loooong while.
I'd like to give the genre a shot, so should I pick up SS3?
GAF should claim all the new ones suck and to get the old ones.
DRM doesn't make 6 bad, slow, plodding gameplay with h poor changes does.
Is SS Serious Sam 3?
If so, god no.
No. SS3 and the SS series in general is an acquired taste.
Oh my, no.
I want to vote for recrettear (but I already have it) but also tempted to vote for krater...
I want to vote for recrettear (but I already have it) but also tempted to vote for krater...
I really wish I hadn't seen this because I love retro games and don't own any Legacy of Kain games on console right now, so I'm very very close to pulling the trigger.
Does anyone know if there are any issues playing any of the LoK games on PC ?
Wouldn't let you check out anyways.ah man I was too slow. blood bowl was 100% off and was $-0.01
Shocking news etcCS:GO = bomba
There is no add to cart button. Damn, could have gotten it.![]()
Go go go! lol.
Just realised HoMM III isn't available on Steam. Can it be bought anywhere? I'd rather buy a digital copy than try and unearth my physical one.
Wouldn't let you check out anyways.
The entire series (up to V?) can be bought on GOG.