To me that sounds like a "75% or bust" type of game. Maybe I'll get the Thief collection instead, never played any of them.I played a bit of it, it has some promise, but it seems a bit cheesy. I like what I've played of it so far. I think I paid $5 for it so I don't regret the purchase. $14 and I may have had buyers remorse.
Funny thing is that it was a repeat, haha.Did anyone snag an extra copy of Miasmata, damn I want that game but there's no way in hell it's coming back as a repeat.
Funny thing is that it was a repeat, haha.
To me that sounds like a "75% or bust" type of game. Maybe I'll get the Thief collection instead, never played any of them.
Someone please convince me not to spend any more money.
I know, I've been here all along too lol. I didn't know I wanted it until I watched like 2 hours of footage and realized it was pretty damn awesome.
Now I can't stop thinking about it.
The TFix patch is mandatory to make the games run, or is it just recommended? I always like my first playthrough of a game to be as vanilla as possible.I played I Am Alive on the 360. It's honestly not worth $0.00.
Bought Thief Gold earlier in the Winter Sale and started playing it today. Now that's a great game. If you buy either Thief Gold or Thief 2, download the TFix patch.
Edit: Although I'm sure that the "colorful" mod would add a lot of value.
The TFix patch is mandatory to make the games run, or is it just recommended? I always like my first playthrough of a game to be as vanilla as possible.
Yes it does.Just to confirm, Amazon Dark Souls activates on Steam correct? Going to get it as a gift for a friend but would really like Steam.
What is the best Serious Sam game? Out of those available, I an interested in either of the HD remakes or Serious Sam 3: BFE (which has my interest the most).
The TFix patch is mandatory to make the games run, or is it just recommended? I always like my first playthrough of a game to be as vanilla as possible.
Different opinions on I Am Alive. I'll wait on that one, I'm in no hurry to play it.
It's funny that even with all the talks about repeats, I sem to have managed to miss all XCom sales.
Any opinions on Thief: Deadly Shadow? Does it hold up compared to the first two thief games? Only reason I didn't pick it up in the summer sale was hearing that it wasn't as good, or not that great of a thief game.
1. The Second Encounter HD
2. SS3: BFE
3. The First Encounter HD
Okay, thanks. I was going off the user ratings on Metacritic which have SS3: BFE (8.4), SSHD: TSE (8.0), and SSHD: TFE (8.2).
Any second opinion?
Oh , these deals! No goood! Thoughts on I Am Alive? Or are others holding out for the Daily magic/repeats of tomorrow ?
"Only" 66% off? Meh, I'll wait for 75%.
Oh, and opinions on I Am Alive? Have it on my wishlist, but I'm not sure if I should get it or not right now.
Steam really needs to stop forgetting my settings every time I have to restart my PC from the tower. It's getting really annoying.
Any opinions on Thief: Deadly Shadow? Does it hold up compared to the first two thief games? Only reason I didn't pick it up in the summer sale was hearing that it wasn't as good, or not that great of a thief game.
You mean in 2011? No, I wasn't even around here, lol. I don't have any of them yet, but they look interesting and I've heard lots of great things about the first 2. Any reason I shouldn't buy them now? (I like stealth games but I SUCK at them)The former, and I thought you bought those games last xmas lol.
That's actually the problem. It seems interesting, but I'm not sure if I'll like it. And with the size of my backlog, and all the games I bought on this sale, I want to try and make every buck count.Opinions are definitely all over the place with this one. I personally enjoyed it. I liked the atmosphere, combat, and platforming. I guess it isn't for everyone, but it's easily worth $5 if it seems like it's your type of game.
so on friday and saturday, Steam will have new daily deals i assume, right?
i mean, it says 'new deals every day' on Steam and the last day of sales is the 5th it sounds like that to me.
so on friday and saturday, Steam will have new daily deals i assume, right?
i mean, it says 'new deals every day' on Steam and the last day of sales is the 5th it sounds like that to me.
You mean in 2011? No, I wasn't even around here, lol. I don't have any of them yet, but they look interesting and I've heard lots of great things about the first 2. Any reason I shouldn't buy them now?
That's actually the problem. It seems interesting, but I'm not sure if I'll like it. And with the size of my backlog, and all the games I bought on this sale, I want to try and make every buck count.
GMG?yo i got alpha protocol for $2.49, life is good.
Like what, for example? Licensed games that may expire? Those could make my account very valuable, in case I ever want to sell it.You gotta come up with a system to beat games! Right now you should just focus on buying things that may not be on the store in a year. Everything else will be cheaper in the future!
okay thanks you guys.
so its likely safe to assume that Sacred 2 Gold will not be part of a daily or flash deal.
currently 50% off.
was Risen 2 a daily/flash deal yet? i don't think so, but i might have missed it.
Should I buy Vice city or San Andreas? Maybe both as I've never really spent much time with either.
where tha hell is GRID man wtf i want it so bad 33%off is shieet
Both are fabulous.
Both are great, but Vice City is my personal favorite. That soundtrack is perfect.Should I buy Vice city or San Andreas? Maybe both as I've never really spent much time with either.
Both are great, but Vice City is my personal favorite. That soundtrack is perfect.
Make sure you also listen to VCPR: "Only 23 people died, and most of them probably deserved it."
And now I want to replay it. Luckily I don't own it on Steam and don't have it installed, or else my backlog would suffer even more.
This! ...and DiRT!
and...why can't I find Blur on steam?!!