Each one is a self contained story.Is each elder scroll separate in story like final fantasy or do you need to play the older one's?
Each one is a self contained story.Is each elder scroll separate in story like final fantasy or do you need to play the older one's?
That's one I wish I had more time for, but it's movin' up the backlog. I've actually knocked out quite a few lately, Garry would be proud.
Is there anywhere cheaper to grab Gods & Kings? Dat poverty
Do you have Spec Ops, Hotline Miami or The Darkness 2? They are $2.50 each on Amazon, if you have a $5 coupon.
Sine Mora.
You should totally buy To The Moon.
for me.
Is there anywhere cheaper to grab Gods & Kings? Dat poverty
I'm loving his writing so far. On the 3 gifts I've seen he made in the last hour (Vice City, Grimrock and I Am Alive), each comment was written according to the particular style of the game (80's magic, fear of dungeons and will to survive). He gave each one a personal touch, and it was totally cool. If he ever releases a book I'll buy it for sureHuge shout out to dreamfall. An absolute legend for gifting this to me.
With this little bit of prose:
I haven't gotten around to even picking up Hotline Miami, X-COM or FTL. I'm almost sure at least two of those would be on my GotY list; at this rate I'm probably not even going to cast a vote.
I was too slow ):
Should I get To The Moon?
I could flip the tables and say you have been lazy. There have been no shortage of deals. If you only went to Valve, as your only source of games, you lost out.
I'm loving his writing so far. On the 3 gifts I've seen he made in the last hour (Vice City, Grimrock and I Am Alive), each comment was written according to the particular style of the game (80's magic, fear of dungeons and will to survive). He gave each one a personal touch, and it was totally cool. If he ever releases a book I'll buy it for sureon a Steam sale
EDIT: wow, now it makes 4 of them, the latter also featuring a personal comment. Man, you rock <3
Should I get To The Moon?
cross posting from BST thread
Oh no I bought from Steam, Amazon, GMG, and Gamersgate. Just looking at Steam however it seemed like a lot of repeats. I wonder what kind of work and negotiations go into these sales.
Is I Am Alive cheaper anywhere? Interested but a bit broke after New Year.
cross posting from BST thread
I don't see anything about it in the op. Is it not allowed in the thread or is it just you?
Alright if it bothers you all that much i'll remove it
It was cheaper yesterday over at gamersgate, I think.
Alright if it bothers you all that much i'll remove it
I'm starting to think F:NV UE isn't going to go on sale.
If there are any Civ V DLC masters around, would someone mind looking over this and seeing if I'm missing anything? I don't apparently have the GOTY edition on Steam, but am I missing out on any content it would provide, or any DLC besides Gods and Kings (which I'm about to buy)?
Oddly enough, the Mongols DLC doesn't even show up on the Steam store as far as I saw. Was there some sort of silly outlet-exclusive DLC that I've forgotten about by now, and no way for people who didn't buy from that outlet to get it?
Nor Dead Space, nor a heap of other titles. :/
If there are any Civ V DLC masters around, would someone mind looking over this and seeing if I'm missing anything? I don't apparently have the GOTY edition on Steam, but am I missing out on any content it would provide, or any DLC besides Gods and Kings (which I'm about to buy)?
Oddly enough, the Mongols DLC doesn't even show up on the Steam store as far as I saw. Was there some sort of silly outlet-exclusive DLC that I've forgotten about by now, and no way for people who didn't buy from that outlet to get it?
If there are any Civ V DLC masters around, would someone mind looking over this and seeing if I'm missing anything? I don't apparently have the GOTY edition on Steam, but am I missing out on any content it would provide, or any DLC besides Gods and Kings (which I'm about to buy)?
Oddly enough, the Mongols DLC doesn't even show up on the Steam store as far as I saw. Was there some sort of silly outlet-exclusive DLC that I've forgotten about by now, and no way for people who didn't buy from that outlet to get it?
If there are any Civ V DLC masters around, would someone mind looking over this and seeing if I'm missing anything? I don't apparently have the GOTY edition on Steam, but am I missing out on any content it would provide, or any DLC besides Gods and Kings (which I'm about to buy)?
Oddly enough, the Mongols DLC doesn't even show up on the Steam store as far as I saw. Was there some sort of silly outlet-exclusive DLC that I've forgotten about by now, and no way for people who didn't buy from that outlet to get it?
Still no Primordia.![]()
You probably missed out on all of them
so THQ bundle nosedived in price to like $25.
oh crazy crazy crazy
so THQ bundle nosedived in price to like $25.
oh crazy crazy crazy
All that is left now is Thirty Flights of Loving. Hoping for a repeat.