atomic moth
hope you like math.
I like math. What's the deal with evochron?
hope you like math.
hope you like math.
hope you like math.
Is it that bad?
Also, I tried my national credit card with Sine Mora and it worked apparently? How odd.
Do the Abe's Oddworld games have issues on PC?
Did anyone heard about Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition?
Just saw it on Facebook but it doesn't mention a PC version :/
I have an idea for the flash sales.
They should be sort of like Kickstarter in a way.
Say you commit $5 of your Steam wallet (which immediately become frozen) to buy Skyrim for example, only if X amount of people commit to buy it at that same price.
Pubs could figure out how much they would need to sell to make the profit they want.
So there could be 3 good games at ridiculously cheap prices battling it out for purchases.
I think it would be super exciting.
Q :
how is Dark Souls compared to Demon Souls? Just as unforgiving and rage-inducing?
I have an idea for the flash sales.
They should be sort of like Kickstarter in a way.
Say you commit $5 of your Steam wallet (which immediately become frozen) to buy Skyrim for example, only if X amount of people commit to buy it at that same price.
Pubs could figure out how much they would need to sell to make the profit they want.
So there could be 3 good games at ridiculously cheap prices battling it out for purchases.
I think it would be super exciting.
I couldn't get too far into Demon's Souls because of the difficulty. I've had much, much more fun with Dark Souls and for a longer period of timehow is Dark Souls compared to Demon Souls? Just as unforgiving and rage-inducing?
K, I've been seeing a lot of avatars similar to yours lately. Where are those from? Because they're awesome.
Minerva's Den is the only thing I'm interested in when it comes to Bishock right now, so that would be nice.
I caved and bought KOTOR1 after so many sales lol.
There's no CD key tied to it because it uses Steam's DRM. was the only one of my games I couldn't add to origin when I talked to them in livechat.
Ends tomorrow I believe.
pretty sure tomorrow is last day of new deals and Sunday is a recap day
pretty sure tomorrow is last day of new deals and Sunday is a recap day
So it's obvious Fallout isn't going to happen. Was looking forward to Fallout 3 GOTY and NV DLC...
Dragon Age didn't even repeat...
but Terraria is going to win the community vote because why not repeat for the 4th time
Nope, not even once. Fallout franchise hasn't been a daily, flash or community choice. Same with Fallout 3 and NV.
Advanced physics system features velocity adjusted acceleration curves and accounts for mass, thrust, and vector calculations. Realistic zero gravity inertia based 'Newtonian' style flight model including complete 3-way rotation and 3-way direction control with optional variable input. An advanced inertial dampening system helps keep flight control simple in space, atmospheres, and gravity fields.
Sale ends in 25 hours, so no.
This sale, on the other hand...Past sales have the last day as a recap.
Poker Night is fun, particularly if you like the characters, but it's single-player only, so you're just playing for the achievements and the TF2 hats that you can win.
I personally really liked Analogue, but it doesn't really have a great deal in the way of "gameplay", it's more of a visual novel so if that doesn't appeal to you you should probably skip it.
This sale, on the other hand...
Winter sale achievement hunt begins in 48 minutes.Last day, all new deals? Is that what you're saying?
guys is this bundle worth 20 bucks? so many games O.O
Are you sure? I swear the day that Steam say is the last day of the sale just means it'll go until 10am PST the next day. Would be stupid saying the sale lasts until the 5th then closing it at 10am PST (PST is Valve time remember). 90% sure this is the case with sales in the past. Suppose we'll see in less than an hour what sales appear.
For some reason, I've had Still Life and Syberia on my wishlist forever.Buy Scratches, be done with it. Only good title in that pack if you ask me.
Buy Scratches, be done with it. Only good title in that pack if you ask me.
Look at some random game that is not daily/flash. It tells you when the sale ends.
Analogue IS a visual novel, but it's pretty cool, especially for that price.
Just make sure you grab it before 10am when the dailies refresh.Well pointed out!
Well I guess that means there's no hope for Fallout NV to drop then - what a letdown of a sale...
I'll pick it up from Gamersgate and grab all the DLC seperately then. Fancy playing it this weekend rather than waiting for a future sale. You watch, it'll go on a daily deal next week or something...
Re: Evochron Mercenary
I don't have a proper review for this game at the moment, but just wanted to warn anyone considering picking it up that you should have your physics degree ready if you want to participate in combat.
I played for three hours and still could not grasp being required to do all of the following at once: being familiar with a Newtonian based combat system and inertial dampening; drifting in one direction at a certain speed while having your guns firing in another direction; having to move at certain angles in comparison to enemy ships to better avoid vulnerability; using countermeasures for the barrage of incoming missiles in addition to afterburners and reducing your heat signature (cutting engines and the inertial dampening system) to better avoid them when you're out of countermeasures; how to make turns and at what speed and whether your IDS should be on at the time to avoid vulnerability. The list goes on. Wording the above correctly is difficult enough, but essentially I never learned how to not die.
I didn't get a chance to experience any other content because of this, but when/if I do I will rewrite my review.
Can't buy Sine Mora because I don't have an international credit card :C.
Look at some random game that is not daily/flash. It tells you when the sale ends.
I caved and bought KOTOR1 after so many sales lol.
Since dailies are 48 hours, today's might spill over past the end of the sale. But otherwise, yes.So we've got one more daily and three more flash deals and we're done, right? Then at 10AM PST tomorrow, we're back to normal?
Since dailies are 48 hours, today's might spill over past the end of the sale. But otherwise, yes.
Plus maybe Saturday will get its own daily. Maybe even Fallout New Vegas.Well the ones from yesterday are ending in a few minutes so there would only be 6 games on sale as a daily for the next day.
Plus maybe Saturday will get its own daily. Maybe even Fallout New Vegas.
Plus maybe Saturday will get its own daily. Maybe even Fallout New Vegas.