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Steroids are rampant among fitness influencers, trainers and bodybuilders say. Most use in secret, claiming their gains come from workouts and diet pl


Watched Waterworld over the weekend and my one take away other than what a fucking awesome movie, was that it's filled with relatively normal looking people. No one's ripped with 3% body fat. Just very average looking, normal people.

What the hell happened. Now everyone in a Hollywood movie is a super model that works out 4 times a day.

So glad to have grown up in the 90s.
Youtubers like Philion have been calling out roided influencers for years.
yeah great breakdowns on some of the completely unnatural physiques out there.
Hard work trumps all but if you got that special sauce reaching that ridiculous zac efron baywatch figure in the matter of months rather than years it is suspect

Dr Bass

Look at Russell Crowe in Gladiator. From what I remember he was considered pretty buff and in terrific shape for that role. That was just the year 2000. He looks soft compared to what actors are looking like in current movies for those kinds of roles.

Jinzo Prime

Look at Russell Crowe in Gladiator. From what I remember he was considered pretty buff and in terrific shape for that role. That was just the year 2000. He looks soft compared to what actors are looking like in current movies for those kinds of roles.
Super-hero movies ruined more than just artistic cinematography, it's also accelerated the destruction of men's physiques.


Gold Member

Be active and take care of yourself. You don't need more than that.

I've watched similar videos and the dad body won most of the time. I remember an interview with Hugh Jackman and he said his wife wasn't keen on his Wolverine physique when he was shredded and she was much happier when he reduced his gains. I was genuinely surprised by that.


Gold Member
I've watched similar videos and the dad body won most of the time. I remember an interview with Hugh Jackman and he said his wife wasn't keen on his Wolverine physique when he was shredded and she was much happier when he reduced his gains. I was genuinely surprised by that.

I legit wonder if this is in part because of the [subconscious] pressure it may put on the partner to also be in peak physical condition.

An "if he's not in perfect shape, I don't have to be in perfect shape" kind of thing.


Gold Member
I legit wonder if this is in part because of the [subconscious] pressure it may put on the partner to also be in peak physical condition.

An "if he's not in perfect shape, I don't have to be in perfect shape" kind of thing.
Not necessarily but I can see where you're coming from. I don't find shredded woman attractive and I doubt I'm an anomaly, so there must be woman out there that don't find shredded guys attractive.
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Gold Member
People are also too quick to point fingers these days. You can look pretty impressive naturally if you're consistent with the lifting and diet for years but most are not. They slack off for 6 months a year or more.


The sad reality when things get popular which leaves an opening to be abused and exploited.

The people that believe it (their followers) can be just as terrible people or hurt from taking their advice.
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Gold Member
The vast majority is not natural. If you train naturally, don't train too hard and too often. Listening to these roid-up youtubers can give you a false sense of workout volume. Train smart, listen to your body and, most importantly, give your body enough time to heal between workout sessions, which is something people on roids don't need to worry about, but is very important for the natural lifter.
Lastly, be aware that buiding your body naturally takes longer and that you won't see huge gains all the time. That isn't a bad thing: afterall working out should become a lifestyle and not a temporary endeavour to gain as much muscle as possible in as little time as possible.

I think the opposite is true after 23 years of lifting and being 40 frequency is important and so is total weekly volume. You don't need 20 sets per muscle a day but over a week it is important for max gains. I do fullbody workouts and hit everything with about 5 sets a day. Just enough to stimulate the muscle but not annihilate them. Protein supplements and creatine is all you need. Of course real food first.
As social creatures, it is a very bad idea for humans to be a part of a society that heaps praise and rewards onto liars. People that use exogenous hormones and claim not too do tremendous harm, and social media platforms are, as usual, the cancer from which this sort of thing increases by orders of magnitude.

Hard times are ahead, and this is just another symptom.


I've watched similar videos and the dad body won most of the time. I remember an interview with Hugh Jackman and he said his wife wasn't keen on his Wolverine physique when he was shredded and she was much happier when he reduced his gains. I was genuinely surprised by that.
Even if you like muscles, the ultra veiny look is pretty off putting to a lot of people. Huge Jackedman and The Rock went way too extreme with that look IMO.


Gold Member
When you love it, you do it for you, not for women. Women are a bonus, I'm trying to push my body to it's limits. You do it for someone else and you'll be more likely to quit, start again every January and then claim steroids when others succeed


Gold Member
I think the opposite is true after 23 years of lifting and being 40 frequency is important and so is total weekly volume. You don't need 20 sets per muscle a day but over a week it is important for max gains. I do fullbody workouts and hit everything with about 5 sets a day. Just enough to stimulate the muscle but not annihilate them. Protein supplements and creatine is all you need. Of course real food first.
I guess ultimately it depends on your goals, some people volume works over weight and lifting heavy works best for me. I've been weight training for twenty years jumping back and fourth bodybuilding and powerlifting. I've always done a three day split and mixed it up between stronglifts and pyramid training and got great size and strength from sticking to a three day split. Anything more than three days a week will plateau gains in my experience, unless you're adding gear to the equation of course.

When I was doing Krav Maga I was essentially training five days a week and my body started to cannibalizes itself because I couldn't consume enough calories (strange experience). I kept my strength but I struggled to keep my size and lost about three stone over two years. Without Creatine and carb loading I'd be 100% fucked. 100% agree with getting everything nutritionally from food rather than supplements if you can help it.


Gold Member
I guess ultimately it depends on your goals, some people volume works over weight and lifting heavy works best for me. I've been weight training for twenty years jumping back and fourth bodybuilding and powerlifting. I've always done a three day split and mixed it up between stronglifts and pyramid training and got great size and strength from sticking to a three day split. Anything more than three days a week will plateau gains in my experience, unless you're adding gear to the equation of course.

When I was doing Krav Maga I was essentially training five days a week and my body started to cannibalizes itself because I couldn't consume enough calories (strange experience). I kept my strength but I struggled to keep my size and lost about three stone over two years. Without Creatine and carb loading I'd be 100% fucked. 100% agree with getting everything nutritionally from food rather than supplements if you can help it.

I lift 6-7 days a week. What I learned is when you add intense cardio, you do more harm than good. I used to run 6-12 miles a day and lift as well, I was turning into a toothpick. Unless you're a powerlifter or marathon runner, there is no reason for extremes. I don't go heavy, heavy to the average guy, sure. But I like higher reps. At least 8 reps and up to 40 on several exercises saves my joints. Balancing calories in with calorie expenditure is key. At least 2500 a day on a cut. 3500 to maintain for me at 190 pounds.

The thing about steroids is that they are a hack for quicker results, but most can get to Hollywood body status( for the most part) with enough time. Not in 3 months, but in 3 years. It took me 5 to get to my size. My avatar is me at 185. I'm currently cutting to get back to that body fat level.
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Gold Member
I lift 6-7 days a week. What I learned is when you add intense cardio, you do more harm than good. I used to run 6-12 miles a day and lift as well, I was turning into a toothpick. Unless you're a powerlifter or marathon runner, there is no reason for extremes. I don't go heavy, heavy to the average guy, sure. But I like higher reps. At least 8 reps and up to 40 on several exercises saves my joints. Balancing calories in with calorie expenditure is key. At least 2500 a day on a cut. 3500 to maintain for me at 190 pounds.

The thing about steroids is that they are a hack for quicker results, but most can get to Hollywood body status( for the most part) with enough time. Not in 3 months, but in 3 years. It took me 5 to get to my size. My avatar is me at 185. I'm currently cutting to get back to that body fat level.
This is me at 266lbs. I like to lift heavy so being shredded would be a nightmare for me lol. I have definition but not to your level. I hate photos of myself. 90% of the time in the gym I wear a hoodie because I get really self contous. If someone said I was narcissistic I'd die of embarrassment as ridiculous as that may sound..
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Gold Member
This is me at 266lbs. I like to lift heavy so being shredded would be a nightmare for me lol. I have definition but not to your level. I hate photos of myself. 90% of the time in the gym I wear a hoodie because I get really self contous. If someone said I was narcissistic I'd die of embarrassment as ridiculous as that may sound..


Stout! I do love when I'm bigger. I was recently 217 and my bench was exploding but I wasn't happy with my image. I am more about aesthetics. 203 currently but I added some mass to my legs so I am pretty close to my avy already.


Gold Member
Stout! I do love when I'm bigger. I was recently 217 and my bench was exploding but I wasn't happy with my image. I am more about aesthetics. 203 currently but I added some mass to my legs so I am pretty close to my avy already.
At 308 lbs in my twenties I could shift a fair amount of weight alot less now at 39 though.

270kg deadlift two reps with a belt and straps
200kg bench for three reps.
670kg for 12 reps Leg press with wraps
Never tried to max out squats but 5x5 with 220kg was the norm
138kg standing military press with belt for one rep
Ez bar cheat curls 105kg 5x5
25kg Weighted dips 3x10
25kg Weighted pullups 3x10

Not bad for creatine.
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Serious question, if an overweight or obese person starts weight lifting and uses steroids, what are the side effects (negative effects)?


Gold Member
Serious question, if an overweight or obese person starts weight lifting and uses steroids, what are the side effects (negative effects)?
Many factures determine how safe or dangerous taking PEDs can be. People with intelligents take it via the guidance of a doctor and have there bloods checked regularly as well as liver, kidneys and heart etc. Kidneys and the heart seem to be the first organs that fail with professional strongman and bodybuilders.
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Many factures determine how safe or dangerous taking PEDs can be. People with intelligents take it via the guidance of a doctor and have there bloods checked regularly as well as liver kidneys and heart etc. Kidneys and the heart seem to be the first organs that fail with professional strongman and bodybuilders.
Oh snap. Thanks for letting me know. Heart and kidney first huh...


Gold Member
Oh snap. Thanks for letting me know. Heart and kidney first huh...
I follow a few bodybuilding and powerlifting YouTube channels and it's beginning to be a regular occurrence of male bodybuilders between the ages of 40 and 50 having heart attacks because of enlarged hearts. Also kidney failure resulting in going on dialysis. It's fun and games when you're super stacking.
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Reseterror Resettler
I'm getting severely triggered from the contagious number of threads that end mid sentence around here. I know there's only been two, and this was probably a character limit thing, but then I checked the OP's tag and it says "Membe," and I'm like literally freaking out. Make it stop. Full stop. Period. At the end of your sentence.

On topic: this was big news like 20 years ago. Wellness policies are more like wellness lolicies. For my liberal leaning centrist vibes, I'd say if people want to shrink their penis in exchange for widening their arms, go ahead, but they should do regular drug tests and have clean competitions for the CM Punks of the world and augmented ones for the drug users. It would actually be pretty cool in a horrifying dystopian way to see competitions of fitness between groups of people roided the fuck out. Would be like old WWII trials where they tried to make super soldiers, but everyone would be public and consenting.


Gold Member
Serious question, if an overweight or obese person starts weight lifting and uses steroids, what are the side effects (negative effects)?

Well, being overweight may hide the fact that you're growing gyno. Acne all over,enlarged heart, and hair loss. Also, being dependant on them. I know a guy on them who said he started young and now has to be on them for life cause he has no motivation off cycle and his test levels plummet. Plus, he looks worse than a lot of naturals I know cause he doesn't have his nutrition down. People think it's a magical drug but you still have to put in the work in the gym and the kitchen.
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People think that getting a decent body is super hard, but this was me after only 6 months of bodybuilding, before that i was 125 kg


It is way more difficult to build a lot of muscles on that (especially when you are a tall mofo with shitty genetic like me).

But getting a good enough base is not that hard.



In my opinion these influncours are very dangerous on our Society causing body dysmorphia for plenty of people.

As someone who have been training naturally for many years, I started seeing a shift in the expectation of the general public on what to be expected from training naturally.

Some people seem to think that you will gain muscle indefinitely. And they don't understand that building muscle takes time and dedication.

There should be a law that prevents people from lying to sell their "Diets" and "Plans".

Trained for 4 years every day for 8 hours in a gym to create muscles and become lean. I can tell you muscles takes a ton of time to develop.

Meanwhile multiple people at the gym that would visit like 2-3 times a week for 2-3 hours, gained muscles way quicker.

There argument was, just use steroids, get what u want and maintain it. Training without it is a waste of time.

So yea i would say, most of those clowns use steroids.


Trained for 4 years every day for 8 hours in a gym to create muscles and become lean. I can tell you muscles takes a ton of time to develop.

Meanwhile multiple people at the gym that would visit like 2-3 times a week for 2-3 hours, gained muscles way quicker.

There argument was, just use steroids, get what u want and maintain it. Training without it is a waste of time.

So yea i would say, most of those clowns use steroids.
It is funny to see the same people when they have to cut off the steroids for a while and they lose like 30 lb of muscles very fast and they look like shell of themselfs.
I lift 6-7 days a week. What I learned is when you add intense cardio, you do more harm than good. I used to run 6-12 miles a day and lift as well, I was turning into a toothpick. Unless you're a powerlifter or marathon runner, there is no reason for extremes. I don't go heavy, heavy to the average guy, sure. But I like higher reps. At least 8 reps and up to 40 on several exercises saves my joints. Balancing calories in with calorie expenditure is key. At least 2500 a day on a cut. 3500 to maintain for me at 190 pounds.
I can confirm this. The body works in funny ways. I trained like a lunatic one time. Workout almost every day + 10.000 steps, extended running sessions on off days. I gained strength and stamina but I felt like shit and became thinner and thinner by the day - and not in a good way. And I did this way to long... Now I have to force myself to actually do nothing. You know, play games from the time I get up until I hit the gym on the weekend. Almost unthinkable for me 2 months ago. But here I am, growing size every week and feeling insanely good.

More is not better when it comes to training...
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Anyone you see getting paid for fitness online is on the sauce. Is that 100% true? Not quite. But it’s close. The temptation is just too great. Mostly because you won’t make it otherwise.

Same thing in professional sports. I know Lebron is a freak of nature, but you think that dude can still log 36 minutes a game scoring 30 and handling the ball like 75% of the time, all while being 37? He’s logged more minutes than anyone who isn’t Kareem and Kareem played an entirely different style than Lebron. All that explosive movement over a 20 year NBA career including post seasons? Call me at least a bit skeptical.

Tom Brady is no different. I know he’s not jacked and his position doesn’t require the same kind of athleticism, but somehow his arm strength increased as he went into his 40s. That doesn’t happen no matter how much avocado toast you eat.

At the point we are talking hundreds of millions of dollars for the athletes and billions for the franchises. Of course they’re going to take every shortcut available. They’d be stupid not to. Especially football players. You’re already bashing your brains in, so the long terms concerns aren’t really relevant.

The human body has limits. And all the cutting edge diets and training routines in the world don’t allow you to carry 40-50lbs of extra lean muscle while maintaining sub 10% body fat. Metabolism just doesn’t work that way unassisted.
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Perpetually Offended
This is me over a decade ago... I had creatine and whey protein shakes coupled with weight training from P90X. I was kinda fat before then... I'm fat now but at this particular time in these pics... I was FIT! Drawing looks ... I'ma get back to this!



100% natural (protein and creatine supps only). Gained 50lbs of muscle through workouts and measuring my food intake.

Never understood the appeal of steroids, etc when you can look good naturally. Just takes time and commitment.
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Anyone you see getting paid for fitness online is on the sauce. Is that 100% true? Not quite. But it’s close. The temptation is just too great. Mostly because you won’t make it otherwise.

Same thing in professional sports. I know Lebron is a freak of nature, but you think that dude can still log 36 minutes a game scoring 30 and handling the ball like 75% of the time, all while being 37? He’s logged more minutes than anyone who isn’t Kareem and Kareem played an entirely different style than Lebron. All that explosive movement over a 20 year NBA career including post seasons? Call me at least a bit skeptical.

Tom Brady is no different. I know he’s not jacked and his position doesn’t require the same kind of athleticism, but somehow his arm strength increased as he went into his 40s. That doesn’t happen no matter how much avocado toast you eat.

At the point we are talking hundreds of millions of dollars for the athletes and billions for the franchises. Of course they’re going to take every shortcut available. They’d be stupid not to. Especially football players. You’re already bashing your brains in, so the long terms concerns aren’t really relevant.

The human body has limits. And all the cutting edge diets and training routines in the world don’t allow you to carry 40-50lbs of extra lean muscle while maintaining sub 10% body fat. Metabolism just doesn’t work that way unassisted.


I did jooce when I was in my twenties but always had blood checkups to see how my body was doing. Didn't do any long cycles and always had a good PCT.
Now that I'm older I haven't touched steroids and am even enjoying natural training more. I don't belive it's bad if you take care of your body and be sure to have your bloods checked.
However, these people are probably blasting and cruising which is bad for the body. It's also a shame that they're selling fake diet plans and what not.
If you're training for longer periods you are aware of the lies that's why you see mostly young people getting scammed.


Authorized Fister
This is me at 266lbs. I like to lift heavy so being shredded would be a nightmare for me lol. I have definition but not to your level. I hate photos of myself. 90% of the time in the gym I wear a hoodie because I get really self contous. If someone said I was narcissistic I'd die of embarrassment as ridiculous as that may sound..

You should have put on an happier face. But you look solid bro. Good for you.
I’m pretty lean at 5’9 175 after about 2.5 years of decent lifting. Until recently I didn’t have enough protein in my diet to gain weight adequately but I’ve probably added about 10 lbs in the last six months. The thing about steroids is that it allows you to build muscle without being as strict about dietary requirements and allows for more intense training. I don’t really have an issue with people on the sauce unless they’re shady about it. But it’s not generally a good idea. It’s doing drugs, and just like someone with a casual cocaine habit, it can quickly turn into something worse if you’re not careful.
Of course they do, actors go from zero training to superhero physiques in 6 months which is next to impossible, particularly in your mid 30s.

I’ve been training and lifting for over 20 years, naturally sit over 100kgs and even if I dieted for a year straight I’d not have an 8 pack and snake veins at my age. I’d probably lose about 10kgs of muscle from the calorie deficit...

Not to say you can’t look like a monster naturally, athletic looking people who have been adding to muscle density through hard work for 10 plus years can look amazing but anyone who goes from untrained to huge in the space of a couple of years is nearly always a dead giveaway. Adding to body composition naturally is a marathon of hard work that takes years and years.

It’s also nearly impossible to walk around shredded 24/7 without water cutting.
100% natural (protein and creatine supps only). Gained 50lbs of muscle through workouts and measuring my food intake.

Never understood the appeal of steroids, etc when you can look good naturally. Just takes time and commitment.

That’s a great example of a naturally achievable physique. On the flip side of bullshit fake natties, the amount of people who see people who are strict and work like Trojans who scream ‘steroids’ at anyone with sting looking bodies to make themselves feel better about being and undisciplined is equally annoying.


100% natural (protein and creatine supps only). Gained 50lbs of muscle through workouts and measuring my food intake.

Never understood the appeal of steroids, etc when you can look good naturally. Just takes time and commitment.

How long did it took you? to get that far?


What.. diet and workout isn't how they got that way.. this is a lie. I can't believe it.

SARMs are not needed, test or dbol not needed.. Diet and hard workouts gets you to Ronnie size and power and throw in one or two scoops of pre-workout that's all you need by your favorite body builder influencer.

Jim Carrey Laugh GIF


Gold Member
Well, being overweight may hide the fact that you're growing gyno. Acne all over,enlarged heart, and hair loss. Also, being dependant on them. I know a guy on them who said he started young and now has to be on them for life cause he has no motivation off cycle and his test levels plummet. Plus, he looks worse than a lot of naturals I know cause he doesn't have his nutrition down. People think it's a magical drug but you still have to put in the work in the gym and the kitchen.
Necro bump a bit as I just realized this thread.

I'm a lazy fuck and will never get in shape but I accept it.

But if I was a fitness guy, the biggest freak out for me would be zits. I have visited gyms in the past so I see what people look like at the gym and it's definitely a guy thing. I didn't notice women being huge with acne all over the bodies. But a lot of guys have gross zits everywhere... on their shoulders, back, disgusting.

Of course, maybe some of these guys naturally have acne, but I always thought bad acne came from steroids. Some of my old buddies dabbled with it in high school and holy shit, it's like their face turned into a bloody zombie from Resident Evil. It was like they had a disease. They stopped using it and it slowly went away.
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Gold Member
Greg Doucette is awesome for pointing out this fuckery. It's a good channel period for fitness advice.

This didn't age well. I used to like him. Recently he's a snake oil salesman for Ecdysterone going as far as claiming his roided up ass gained 4 pounds of muscle from it in a month. It's doesn't do shit.


Necro bump a bit as I just realized this thread.

I'm a lazy fuck and will never get in shape but I accept it.

But if I was a fitness guy, the biggest freak out for me would be zits. I have visited gyms in the past so I see what people look like at the gym and it's definitely a guy thing. I didn't notice women being huge with acne all over the bodies. But a lot of guys have gross zits everywhere... on their shoulders, back, disgusting.

Of course, maybe some of these guys naturally have acne, but I always thought bad acne came from steroids. Some of my old buddies dabbled with it in high school and holy shit, it's like their face turned into a bloody zombie from Resident Evil. It was like they had a disease. They stopped using it and it slowly went away.
Never had this issue except for the odd few I get from sweat and not showering immediately. I’m natural tho and all the natty guys I know don’t have the issue at all.
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