Maybe if you had more than two brain cells to rub together it wouldn’t be so tough.Do you know how much exercise I get reading @Vilix ‘s mental gymnastics?
This about sums up your contributions lately.Maybe if you had more than two brain cells to rub together it wouldn’t be so tough.
Someone who actually thinks for themselves and posts facts rather than opinions? I can’t help it if you and others are so insecure that you need to personally attack me. But whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.This about sums up your contributions lately.
No wonder why you skyrocketed on the Top 10 GAF List lately.After living a largely sedentary lifestyle for the last couple years, I decided to start trying to get in shape a couple weeks ago. It started with just 15 minutes of very light cardio in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening.
My plan was/is to just add a little more (either going faster, or going longer) progressively. So again, it’s only been two weeks, any a “workout” for me is probably less than a warmup for most healthy people, but I’ve bumped it up from 15 minutes twice a day to 18 minutes twice a day and I do an 10 minutes after I take my noon/afternoon meds. I’ve almost doubled my daily total distance from two weeks ago (again, it’s still not very far but I’m taking baby steps), adding short bursts of light jogging, adding periods of incline, etc
I think my goal is to be up to an hour total each day in another two weeks and to double the daily mileage again by then.
Im gonna probably start a light lifting routine 3x a week too, just stuff I have in my basement (some dumbbells, a few 25 and 35lb plates, a 12lb medicine ball, etc). Probably something simple at first like curl circuit - tri extension - lunges - shoulder press) and move up from there.
I’ve only lost 2lbs but at least I’m not gaining like I had been previously. I was up like 13 lbs since January before I started.
For people who struggle with anxiety, every Doctor I’ve talked to (and I’ve talked to a lot) say daily exercise is by far the best non-prescription remedy for anxiety. Since starting this light and pathetic by most standards “workout” routine I haven’t had a full blown panic attack. Not once in the last two weeks. There were a couple close calls but never went full blown meltdown and they would pass. I usually had one once a week. Haven’t had to double up on my daily meds either, usually would need to do that once a week or so as well.
it’s a small sample size, maybe it means nothing, but I’m gonna keep thinking it’s helping and keep trying to improve.
Like the OP said, don’t use excuses, start small and work your way up. You’ll probably do yourself a lot of good
Oh, and yeah, don’t just ignore your diet either.
You’re right man, I was being too hard on myself. I timed myself because I’m probably autistic since I participate on internet forums, did it in 2 minutes.
B-baka! It's all of you who are so insecure.Someone who actually thinks for themselves and posts facts rather than opinions? I can’t help it if you and others are so insecure that you need to personally attack me. But whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
Bet you areYou’re right man, I was being too hard on myself. I timed myself because I’m probably autistic since I participate on internet forums, did it in 2 minutes.
Damn I’m awesome.
Someone who actually thinks for themselves and posts facts rather than opinions? I can’t help it if you and others are so insecure that you need to personally attack me. But whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
Did you read his shit? All he did was cite a bunch of articles along the lines of “Unnamed sources say...” “Classified documents seen by anonymous person state...”Don't fall for their bait dude. They gonna pile on you until you get banned.
After living a largely sedentary lifestyle for the last couple years, I decided to start trying to get in shape a couple weeks ago. It started with just 15 minutes of very light cardio in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening.
My plan was/is to just add a little more (either going faster, or going longer) progressively. So again, it’s only been two weeks, and a “workout” for me is probably less than a warmup for most healthy people, but I’ve bumped it up from 15 minutes twice a day to 18 minutes twice a day and I do an extra 10 minutes after I take my noon/afternoon meds. I’ve almost doubled my daily total distance from two weeks ago (again, it’s still not very far but I’m taking baby steps), adding short bursts of light jogging, adding periods of incline, etc
I think my goal is to be up to an hour total each day in another two weeks and to double the daily mileage again by then.
Im gonna probably start a light lifting routine 3x a week too, just stuff I have in my basement (some dumbbells, a few 25 and 35lb plates, a 12lb medicine ball, etc). Probably something simple at first like curl circuit - tri extension - lunges - shoulder press) and move up from there.
I’ve only lost 2lbs but at least I’m not gaining like I had been previously. I was up like 13 lbs since January before I started.
For people who struggle with anxiety, every Doctor I’ve talked to (and I’ve talked to a lot) say daily exercise is by far the best non-prescription remedy for anxiety. Since starting this light and pathetic by most standards “workout” routine I haven’t had a full blown panic attack. Not once in the last two weeks. There were a couple close calls but never went full blown meltdown and they would pass. I usually had one once a week. Haven’t had to double up on my daily meds either, usually would need to do that once a week or so as well.
it’s a small sample size, maybe it means nothing, but I’m gonna keep thinking it’s helping and keep trying to improve.
Like the OP said, don’t use excuses, start small and work your way up. You’ll probably do yourself a lot of good
Oh, and yeah, don’t just ignore your diet either.
Did you read his shit? All he did was cite a bunch of articles along the lines of “Unnamed sources say...” “Classified documents seen by anonymous person state...”
All bullshit. All Orange Man Bad. All TDS.
Just close your eyes then.
Piling on people to get them banned is not a good look and doesn't do the "GAF is an echo chamber" sentiment any favors.
I wasn’t doing it to get him banned, I was making a joke. We do this sort of thing around here and most users are pretty good sports about it.
Someone has been saving this up for awhile.Just close your eyes then.
Piling on people to get them banned is not a good look and doesn't do the "GAF is an echo chamber" sentiment any favors.
Not my type, too fat tbqhBet you are
Not my type, too fat tbqh
The pic was straight out of the shower.before I jump in the shower.
Seriously Im tired of all the bullshit and tired of hearing the excuses. People are over weight, diabetes is running rampant as people get older, hell now even in kids. Heart attacks are becoming more prevalent, hypertension as well. You are putting excess stress on our health care systems because you dont want to exercise and be in shape.
The excuses run nonstop and the two famous ones are 1. Im to tired or 2. No time in the day.
Well lots of us are now in lockdown because of Covid-19, what's the excuse now? You have all the time in the world etc. Now you have this bullshit "Covid-15" the 15 pounds I will gain due to a pandemic....stop catering to these people, move your god damn ass. Lots of people I talk to "well ill prob gain 15 pound etc because im stressed, and I eat when Im stressed". You know whats helpful for stress.....exercise! Move your body. Im not saying you have to be a fuckn body builder but move, do some push ups, some wall squats, use the stairs in your house for cardio, find heavy things in or around the house to lift to hit different muscle groups.
The pathetic thing is people will always find and excuse. 5 times out of 10 I hate exercising, have to build myself up to it but when you hit that ten min peak where you got your sweat on and your hearts pumping, then you feel as if a train cant stop you.
If you can take one thing out of this annoying and horrible time in all of our lives, get in shape and do something positive for yourself, if you can walk to the fridge you're more than capable of exercising.
They could affect me becayse people who are overweight and conditions that could be fixed by exercise put an already strained health care system even worse. I dont care if I sound preachy its generally facts and science. We come from a long line of hunter gatherers during our evolution. We walked daily and exercised daily and if we didnt catch our food we didnt eat. Then industrialization happened and we have jobs where people sit all day and do nothing so you think the least you can do is get up and move around. Again im not saying you have to loft heavy weights or anything but geg uo and get your body moving. You have blood pressure problems, exercise. You have hypertension, exercise, you have anxiety, depression, are obese, exercise exercise exercise. The amoubt of your own issus you can fix and even save money by not having to go on medication because you are healthy will benefit you and your wallet more.Not one single person on the planet that hasn't been exercising will do so because of you. You know that right?
No one likes a preachy, know it all, douche telling them they are fat and so on. No one listens to those kind of people because no one cares. Not to mention no ones lifestyle or decisions is anyone's business but their own. And they don't effect you personally or effect your personal life other than you dislike them for not doing what you think they should.
Your war is an exercise in futility.
Not true crazy hard work can even trump the shit diet. If say u can't stop eating like a shit head at least go hard in the working out. I've never stopped on energy drinks, beer, mountain dew and other garbage and I made a huge change. If a stubborn shit head like me can do it. Anyone can.Waste of time if ur diet is sh!t
They could affect me becayse people who are overweight and conditions that could be fixed by exercise put an already strained health care system even worse. I dont care if I sound preachy its generally facts and science. We come from a long line of hunter gatherers during our evolution. We walked daily and exercised daily and if we didnt catch our food we didnt eat. Then industrialization happened and we have jobs where people sit all day and do nothing so you think the least you can do is get up and move around. Again im not saying you have to loft heavy weights or anything but geg uo and get your body moving. You have blood pressure problems, exercise. You have hypertension, exercise, you have anxiety, depression, are obese, exercise exercise exercise. The amoubt of your own issus you can fix and even save money by not having to go on medication because you are healthy will benefit you and your wallet more.
The OP is me venting hearing people and morons such as friends using the pandemic as an excuse to gain weight and not be healthyYou have to make people want it though, simply telling them truth doesn't change things. Smokers knew what was up but still smoked anyway, education and berating them with rational arguments doesn't work. You have to reach people some other way. I don't know what that is, but I do doubt the OP approach is getting anyone off their ass, even if you are right.
No wonder why you skyrocketed on the Top 10 GAF List lately.
Can you show me an example of this?
Don't act coy. What about somerset? There's that crowbrow dude. You just tried with that longdi dude but no one took the bait.
They would probably get banned on their own. Just don't lie and say you don't shine a light on these guys so they can get banned. Because you do.
Watching Hentai fosure.
I shine a light on them for bad behaviour so they can be mocked.
There it is.
Is this meant to be some kind of gotcha moment? Have I tried to hide the fact that I think bad behaviour needs to be mocked? I mean if you think that’s the case then you haven’t really been paying attention.
Not true crazy hard work can even trump the shit diet. If say u can't stop eating like a shit head at least go hard in the working out. I've never stopped on energy drinks, beer, mountain dew and other garbage and I made a huge change. If a stubborn shit head like me can do it. Anyone can.
Pain and misery is beneficial if you eat shit food all the time. One of the best ways to naturally crave healthier food is to attempt to actually be active while eating trash. Your body will tell you that you're eating trash in a visceral way that makes you feel it, and will make you eat better.U can exercise all u want but to prevent and protect urself from getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes u need to be on that plant based diet fam. What the op is asking ppl that don't exercise to do is dangerous if they're on a sh!t diet and don't know what foods they need to rebuild and repair their body. U don't send out troops to the battlefield without the necessary equipment. Plants and vegetation have thousands of chemicals that our body uses to rebuild and repair itself in the inside and out. Dont advise peeps that never exercise without telling them how to fuel up before and after the exercise otherwise ur gunna set them up for alotta pain and misery and maybe even long term damage.
Hmmm maybe. You lost me at plant based diet. I think you're over complicating things. Just drink alot of water and man up. To each their own.U can exercise all u want but to prevent and protect urself from getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes u need to be on that plant based diet fam. What the op is asking ppl that don't exercise to do is dangerous if they're on a sh!t diet and don't know what foods they need to rebuild and repair their body. U don't send out troops to the battlefield without the necessary equipment. Plants and vegetation have thousands of chemicals that our body uses to rebuild and repair itself in the inside and out. Dont advise peeps that never exercise without telling them how to fuel up before and after the exercise otherwise ur gunna set them up for alotta pain and misery and maybe even long term damage.