Stranger Things is great, but it has a bunch of dubious storytelling. My suggestion is to let it slide off your back and appreciate that sometimes a little plot hole is necessary to fit a lot of story into 8 hour long episodes.Just watched the first two episodes. I like this so far, and the child actors are great. I have a question about an early death.
The diner in the world did the cop go yup; that's a suicide. The lady shot him from behind when he was several feet away; yet in the next scene he has an entry wound towards his front forehead...what?
Saw this on Twitter
Stranger Things x Darkest Dungeon
Saw this art on Twitter
Stranger Things x Darkest Dungeon
Saw this art on Twitter
Stranger Things x Darkest Dungeon
Saw this art on Twitter
Stranger Things x Darkest Dungeon
Saw this art on Twitter
Stranger Things x Darkest Dungeon
Really? Cool. Get the Oxenfree devs to do itThis is fantastic.
The Duffers talked about wanting to do a ST game eventually too, so something in the vein of Darkest Dungeon would be so cool
Really? Cool. Get the Oxenfree devs to do it
Speaking with IGN about the end of the recently released eight-episode first season, executive producers Matt and Ross Duffer revealed they'd have to jump forward a year in the timeline of the show for the supposed next season. And if they could tell the story of that missing year in any medium, they'd prefer to do it as a video game.
"...What I really want is a video game," Ross Duffer said when posed with the idea of a comic book telling the story of that year in between seasons.
"Like an 8-bit These fans, a lot of them have done this 8-bit video game art thats blowing my mind," Matt Duffer said.
Saw this art on Twitter
Stranger Things x Darkest Dungeon
Thinking about the show again... Did anyone else feel like it was like a Are you Afraid of the Dark episode done right with an addition of 80s vibe to it?
Finally can come into this topic worry-free after finishing the season.
Ok, so maybe just me here - but Hopper sounds almost exactly like Harrison Ford during the entire season. If I closed my eyes, I swear he sounded like Ford.
Funny you say that, David Harbour is a big fan of Harrison Ford and Han Solo/Indiana Jones were actually huge influences on how he wanted to portray the character.
Here's a good interview of him talking about it and other things about the show
Liked the way the show wrapped up, but wish they would have gone a little deeper with the monsteras it likely wasn't the only living in the Upside Down.
Also, it was never explained whynear the monster's lair.power worked in the Upside Down
Would have also liked to have seen some reason for why the Upside Down was in its current state. I mean, it's supposed to beFor example,a decaying version of our world, but starting from when? Why does it seem like a current mirror rather than an older one?why are the Upside Down cars from the 80s and not from the 50s?
- The kids on the Jonathan Ross show for an interview (youtube)
Worth watching to see Gaten Matarazzo talk about his cleidocranial dysplasia. There's a summary here.
Framing finished. These are pretty high quality prints, all things considered.
Can't believe nobody commented on these, they are freaking awesome!
Can't believe nobody commented on these, they are freaking awesome!
Yeah I was really bummed I missed out on those. Really awesome prints.
I bought this one the other day:
That's why the show is so good. I have zero nostalgia or frame of reference for anything in this show's era, and I still loved itJust finished episode 6. I'll admit, it's good.
Originally I wasn't rushing to watch it because everyone was shouting "nostalgia!" as the main reason to watch it.
Saw this online
Finally watched the show last week and loved it. Binged it in 2 nights which I wasn't expecting. Damn good show.
Can't wait for season 2.
I wonder ifMike's dad will have a bigger role. I kept thinking the show would reveal he knows more than he lets on.
He doesn't even know his own kids all that well. I think you may be giving him more credit than is due.
It seemed like they kept his character vague besides the mother mentioning he had a good job for the area.
Did you have a good idea of what you wanted to do when you started?
Matt: Even way back when we pitched to Netflix the first season, we talked about where it would potentially go. They understood the potential. Season one does almost feel like a big movie that comes to a sort of ending. A lot of that was based on the character of Will and the repercussions of him being in this upside down world for a week. Exploring that would be the second season. Once we got into the room for season two, we started expanding our mythology. We never got boxed in, because were dealing with an alternate dimension. It feels like the possibilities are limitless. Were building up the mythology in a way that we know now where we want the story and these characters to end. We have more of a game plan now than we did two years ago.
More via the link.Where are you guys with casting?
Matt: We did a wide, wide search for one new kid that we're adding. She's a cool new character.
Nine is an even more specific episode count than eight. How did you land there?
Matt: Its a weird number, right?
Ross: Netflix didnt pressure us to do more or anything. We dont feel like we need a full 10 episodes. But it cant quite fit in eight, so thats how we ended up in nine. And I think in future seasons it will be the same thing. Lets break out the story and see what we need. Whatever number it ends up at, great. The thing I like about keeping it down to eight or nine is that were able to more meticulously control things and try to keep it from turning into this machine thats grinding things out. If it gets much longer, it could become unwieldy and just turn into a traditional show which is what were avoiding.
Matt: I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that we didnt grow up watching any television. Mostly, we watched movies. We like the pacing of film, so what we want to as much as possible is make the show feel like a movie.
Ross: And what were actually able to do the second season is ramp it up like a coaster that just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and it builds to this big, climatic finale. That was harder in the first season because Will was taken right away and everyone was on high alert. The concern, if we did 13 episodes or something, would be having to tread water. We like this format, but well see where the story goes.
Matt: And each episode can be however long we want it to be. I asked Netflix, straight up, "How many episodes do you want?" They really did say, "Whatever you think you need to tell the story" even after the show became successful.