Framing finished. These are pretty high quality prints, all things considered.
where did you get those (the D&D/bottom one especially!) and do they have more?
Hey guys.....your beloved whipping boy (girl?) from S1, Winona Ryder? She just got a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress.
Hey guys.....your beloved whipping boy (girl?) from S1, Winona Ryder? She just got a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress.
Just got around to watching season 1. Great show. Someone probably made the connection, but is Eleven supposed to be a homage or reference to Paula from Earthbound when she dresses up? She has psychic powers too!
Eleven is really fucking scary.
In that scene alone, she makes a kid pee himself. Showcasing that she has control over other people's organs.
She created a fucking rift between dimensions just because she was scared.
She vaporized a monster.
In two cases, she breaks someone's bones just by flicking her neck. In one of those cases, she fucking snaps a guys neck in two.
Not to mention she took out like 10 government agents at once by making their brains essentially ooze out of their heads
I can't wait to see what the evolution of her powers are going to be like as the series goes on, she's already crazy powerful
Millie Bobby Brown and Winona both got SAG nominations for best actress.
Was there anything in the show, or comments by the producers how Will doesn't die of starvation or dehydration in the upside down?
Aaaaand finished.
Why is it whenever the monster appears the lights go spastic? Talk about epileptic seizure.
Enjoyed it for the most part and interested to see where they go with the series next.
EDIT: What does the final scene with Hopper imply?
I think the directors (duffer brothers) wanted to leave us with more questions than answers. Remember will in the bathroom at the end?I can't wait to see how these stories continue next year with season 2.
But to guess about your question -most likely implies that he knows EL is still alive. Perhaps she went to the upside down when she did that uber super-sayin body-decaying mind trick.
Oh I see thanks.
Well if they are making a Season 2 I'd rather it have a different cast and setting, separate from this season.
Welcome!New to the show and new to this site. I don't
know how I missed this show till a few days ago. I couldn't stop watching. It was like traveling back in time and having the things I pretended actually happen.
Stranger Things was voted the #1 TV Show of the 2016 in GAF's annual tv show of the year thread!
Link to thread!
I just finished watching this yesterday. Didn't even know the show ends on aWhat a great show!!Christmas Eve. That was a nice coincidence
Honestly I thought the black kid was kind of an asshole though. He was even less likeable than Steve.
Are some of the kids supposed to be intellectually gifted? Someone earlier in the thread said the dialogue was too sophisticated for children but I think that was the point. No wonder Joyce is so stressed though if she had to raise both a creep and a high IQ kid.
I'm glad the teacher didn't die!I was so scared for him when the blonde agent visited him.
I can't wait to see the trailer for Season 2. Whenver that may be... It's coming out this Summer right?
>=D Can't wait to see more of the UPSIDEDOWN
I don't know if I mentioned this in this thread, but the school in the show is literally under 10 minutes away from my house. I have seen the casting signs all winter from them filming season 2.