Applause.gifAlex is better
Ibuki is like if David Cage designed Ibuki , its unnecessarily complicated, a lot of basic stuff is missing. And despite its complications its ultimately shallow.
Applause.gifAlex is better
Ibuki is like if David Cage designed Ibuki , its unnecessarily complicated, a lot of basic stuff is missing. And despite its complications its ultimately shallow.
Just played a guy on Steam named KuntRapist. Fuck is wrong with people.
They solved his combo and close range issues from 3S, but they actively nerfed whatever improvements they'd made to his miscreen game in season 1 and he has gotten three new costumes, but none of them are his classic. Two steps forward and one step back with this character. I know people would be pissed if they were stuck with Akuma and Urien's new costumes (the former in particular is bad lol). You can tell they learned from season 1 not to release "normalized" characters with brand new looks and no classic alternative available in some shape or form day 1.I'm not a 3rd strike player, but from what I was hearing most people were pretty pleased with Alex's transition to V. The part we didn't like is that he wasn't that great to begin with compared to the other characters, and then in s2 he got nerfed pretty hard despite that.
Maybe slightlyAlex is probably better in this game than he was in 3rd Strike relative to the rest of the cast.
Season 2 is more balanced, but they went about it in a stupid way with the white life and v-reversal nerfs. The game is even more geared towards RTSD gameplay despite Guile becoming an even stronger zoner. It get boring after a while since the midscreen and defensive game of S2 sucks compared to season 1. It straight up sucks if you were a Nash, Fang or Alex player in season 1, though.why do you keep saying this. How is it by and large balanced when lower tiers like Alex and Fang got nerfed? It's like you guys won't be satisfied until 10 months of the game being out and a bunch of pros saying the same thing over and over again. I mean I got it, they are talented but I have a functional brain lol. I can't agree with you that 90% of the cast is balanced and fairly matched, to me that's what "by and large means"
Agree with you on the new character thing tho...I think every season should just have at least 1 vet or returning character. But it definitely does pave the way for new videos, learning, and overall newness when different gameplay styles shape up.
I think they could get away with changing up Sagat personally. He's no longer under Bison and all that jazz...
She isn't top tier and they changed how she played and Chun players got annoyed that Capcom is making them relearn their character after a year's worth of work.Chun is still most likely top tier. No idea why all the Chun players seemingly disappeared. Probably lying low to avoid Capcom's gaze![]()
She isn't top tier and they changed how she played and Chun players got annoyed that Capcom is making them relearn their character after a year's worth of work.
I guess all the people that really liked Chun just went on vacation.She's relatively unchanged and still has a 3 frame normal. I don't see how she could possibly drop that much with the changes she got.
She isn't top tier and they changed how she played and Chun players got annoyed that Capcom is making them relearn their character after a year's worth of work.
7-8 characters considered top tier is a decently wide pool for a game still in year one, IMHO.
I'm pretty happy with the general balance. You're always going to have low tiers and top tiers, but I find it strange how fatalistically the balance is viewed by some communities for SF5.
Havent played for a few days. Wheres the lobbies at
Honestly, all they need to do is buff the low tiers and leave the game as it is. If they wanna be extra, throw in more defensive options.
I really want BonChan to do well this season ;_;
can someone help me make my urien better
GGs flux sorry for the short games i'm gonna eat dinner
From what I hear Chun is still very good, but why put in all the work with her when Balrog and Urien do so much more damage easily? People have had this debate before regarding characters in other games (Zero vs many in MvC3 and Sagat vs others in SF4). What it ultimately comes down to is a mix of who has the best match ups and has to do the least amount of work for a great payoff. When you look at it that way it makes sense that people would be choosing Urien, Balrog, Cammy, Laura and Necalli in mass numbers right now. Great characters like Akuma and Chun have health or dexterity issues one has to overcome just to be on par with the stronger characters in the game.Chun needed to get nerfed. She got nerfed. We'll see how she pans out, they can always nudge her up.
Didn't almost everyone get a +3 on block normal to have better anti-dp frame traps? Cammy's just happen to be her st.MP. ;pIt's usually not from a macro view that people criticize it, but from a micro view. Certain decisions made from S1 to S2 that just confuse people. Why is Cammy's st.MP now +3 on block? Why is Laura's EX command grab projectile invincible? Why is Urien's cr.MK +2 on block? Stuff like that. Always improvements to be made in that area, which will make things from a macro view better.
Didn't almost everyone get a +3 on block normal to have better anti-dp frame traps? Cammy's just happen to be her st.MP. ;p
GGs, and that's cool, I would have only been able to play one more set anyways. I think I'm a bit tired; those times when I would sometimes dash right in front of you and then just do nothing for a second weren't intentional, heh.
Tried implementing more st.HK and st.MK/cr.MK as tools to approach now, which seems to be the way to do things. I still get a bit too antsy and then do a bunch of dumb drop kicks, but I'm scaling that back. Jumping too.
What are some mistakes you think I was making in our matches? There was one time where I did the mic when you had super + V-Trigger (I was aware of that too), and then you stopped time to kill me, bringing it to the final round. I kinda didn't care at the moment I was doing it, but then I remembered that I shouldn't just be throwing rounds away like that and there are ways to come back, especially when I had a good amount of health left.
The cMK -> sMK sequence was definately throwing me off haha. Mistakes..i dunno. At times when you were at a defecit you'd do charged dropkick multiple times, though i was too slow to punish most of the times i'd bet better players can punish that. Also after getting a knockdown you'd do the jab, target combo block string, again i cant punish it but better players might. The target combo is still -5 right?
I don't think that's true.
Wonder where I got that from! Will blame James Chen for now.
I could be wrong, though. I'm still not clear on all the changes characters got from S1 to S2. I immediately thought to Mika who doesn't have anything like that, as well as Guile's st.MP which became +2 instead of the +3 it was before.
Mika already had a +3 in her forward.HP though didn't she?!
That's the thing though, they don't do that and it's really fucking weird. It's like they feel as if the HAVE to do something to each and every character and not just leave shit alone. It's been driving me insane for years.
Haven't played since before the S2 update
Is Alex top tier now?
This Urien fella looks interesting ._.
Didn't watch all of it but from what I saw:I mean I have video. so you all can just tell me what to do, i mean. Should have mentioned that.
Though when in doubt chop them out ( fierce ) is a good strat
Edit: Stream footage, its a lot of matches. Help me get better and stuff
Mika already had a +3 in her forward.HP though didn't she?!
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet or not but in the Cinematic Story Mode when Gill transforms Helen into Kolin what looks like shattering ice accompanies the transformation. It's also done with the icy part of Gill's body.
It's only affected like 4 characters don't be ridiculous...the increase in 50/50, how character tiers seem to have switched around and the game doesn't seem more balanced, and a list of other things.
I'm sure you think Laura is fair and balanced tho and love the DP nerf. Everyone is biased in some way, but honestly, even without Ken being touched I would have taken a long break. This is purely coming from me watching matches now and updates. So you can save the smart remarks...
What if she has ice powers normally but then gets fire in V-Trigger as a callback to Gill