No one is F5'ing their social media and website more than me.
Says "that topic doesn't exist".
First time in a while im looking at some info straight from capcom and one of the words i see is DROGAS. good shit
Woo hoo. Injustice 2 stream today, Street Fighter 5 character tomorrow.
Mass Effect Andromeda gameplay and Injustice 2 character reveal next week too!
Managed to take a screenshot.
Hard to say when we don't really know much about her, but her personality/character design just does nothing for me.
Considering the Capcom Unity blog posts usually go up around now, pretty sure it's safe to say it ain't happening today.
Probably won't be doing that this season due to the "All New" gimmick. If it's Iori, for example, you want to save the unveil for the actual reveal.They need to tease the next character at the end of the trailer
What you see as a plus is a massive negative to me. It was horrible dealing with endless waves of Ryus, Kens and Necallis that constantly threw out dragon punches on every whiff, every other wakeup and even for mid screen long limbs. It felt completely thoughtless and I felt strongly that scrubby players benefited way more from it than high level players who would do their best to emulate pro players who don't mash DP like it's going out of style. I did not enjoy constantly having to back off Ryus, Kens and Necallis simply because of a meterless threat almost no one else in the game possessed and I found it monumentally dumb that all three constantly had fully stocked meter for critical arts that capped off their super damaging crush counter combos thanks to never having to invest meter mid match to protect themselves like Ibuki, Karin and other metered reversal users.Here's a rough approx. how I viewed it when I came into a matchup
Invincible meterless specials
None of the above
You needed to approach the match up of a character with a invincible reversal differently. It was always an option where you had to aware they could use it. It's the same when you fight a character that has a 3f normal, you know there's something you can't get away with as much.
"But EX moves are still there and more characters had EX moves for invincible reversal, how is it different?"
Cost! EX move, you're spending meter and risking life and I can see when you have EX meter to use it. I just need to type you as a player who likes to use EX meter to start/steal offense (EX fireball) or do extra damage (ending in EX moves or Super) to figure when you might EX reversal.
When you only risk life and I have no other tell you could do something invincible, I have to be wary of it the entire match.
We had invincible meterless moves in fighting games for about 30 years. Capcom fucked up other aspects of the characters that had them not the meterless invincible specials themselves. This change is coddling the shitty players who want to mash buttons.
His mid-range game, slow/short reaching powerbomb and hard knockdown game are the main issues. Reversing nerfs on, and adding an improved spiral DDT solve pretty much all of that in a single stroke (good luck getting a new move for a meager small update, though). His powerbomb could be either slow and slightly farther reaching or faster and no farther reaching than it currently is, but something should change about that move because it is too slow and too stubby for a command grab on a so called grappler.It's fine if you don't give certain characters any real reversal option, as long as their other capabilities are buffed to compare.
- Vega's V-reversal should be better, and his CA should at least be a wakeup option.
- Birdie doesn't need it but swap the armor frames for EX Bullhead (in V-Trigger) and EX Bullhorn.
- FANG's wakeup is fine to me, but his DAMAGE NEEDS A BUFF. Either buff the poison or buff the normals or buff his overall mobility but buff SOMETHING.
- Balrog's EX screw upper should have frame 1 armor. Nerf his damage though.
- Urien's fine, it's just his incredible normals that makes me want to jump off a bridge.
- Rashid IMO is one of the more balanced members of the cast right now.
[*]Alex's EX charged slash should have frame 1 armor. But that should be the extent of his wakeup options. Make his neutral and offense better damn it
- Dhalsim doesn't need any changes to his wakeup IMO. Maybe make the CA not as easy to low profile or something?
- Laura doesn't need one.
- Gief's offensive capabilities are good enough that his defense should be a bit lacking IMO. His V-skill provides a good way to turn the tides if you guess correctly.
- R. Mika's problem has never been about her wakeup options and that still hasn't changed now.
If it's Iori, for example
I'm guessing you missed the window to purchase his CPT skin? Its easily one of the best alts in the game.
Probably won't be doing that this season due to the "All New" gimmick. If it's Iori, for example, you want to save the unveil for the actual reveal.
The next character silhouette.Where did this meme come from
Capcom communicated? Is this real life?
Ucchedavāda;229958146 said:Credit where credit is due.
I just hope that they keep it up going forward.
Would be cool if we see CVS3 in this lifetime.The next character silhouette.
It'd be really weird for Capcom to create a new character with that exact same lower half, and they've mentioned that they'd been experimenting with a 4-button layout for a future character.
Looks way too bulky, next character is Azam. Bet me.
Looks way too bulky, next character is Azam. Bet me.
I'm guessing you missed the window to purchase his CPT skin? Its easily one of the best alts in the game.
Aside from Helen and presumably the other girl, the silhouettes seems like some beefy ass bulky dudes. Gonna be some big boys this season
Agreed. But not many people would buy the inevitable Christmas themed swimsuit costumes.Would it kill them to put a big girl in this game?
Helen and Azam are a lock.
One of them looked like a ninja.
One is swole as FUCK.
The last is too vague to tell.Agreed. But not many people would buy the inevitable Christmas themed swimsuit costumes.
And the Halloween themed swimsuit costumes. And the Lunar New Year themed swimsuit costumes. And the Anniversary themed swimsuit costumes. And the Summer swimsuit costumes.
The last one is a real wild card, like wtf is even going on there?
Helen and Azam are a lock.
One of them looked like a ninja.
One is swole as FUCK.
The last is too vague to tell.Agreed. But not many people would buy the inevitable Christmas themed swimsuit costumes.
And the Halloween themed swimsuit costumes. And the Lunar New Year themed swimsuit costumes. And the Anniversary themed swimsuit costumes. And the Summer swimsuit costumes.
Helen and Azam are a lock.
One of them looked like a ninja.
One is swole as FUCK.
The last is too vague to tell.Agreed. But not many people would buy the inevitable Christmas themed swimsuit costumes.
And the Halloween themed swimsuit costumes. And the Lunar New Year themed swimsuit costumes. And the Anniversary themed swimsuit costumes. And the Summer swimsuit costumes.
The last one is a real wild card, like wtf is even going on there?
I don't think any of the four remaining characters currently exist in Street Fighter lore (no Azam, Dolls, et cetera); I think they'll be brand new in the vein of Rashid and Laura.
Helen didn't exist in the SF universe before SF5 and she's making it in. Which would then justify Azam making it in too.(Please don't say that Helen = Kolin, It's not Kolin that's making it in, it's Helen. Her default costume will be Helen and her name will be Helen)
Didn't the leak say that her name would Kolin?
She hasn't been playable before. That's what Capcom was getting at.If her name is Kolin then they've fucked up with the whole "new to the SF Universe" thing.
If her name is Kolin then they've fucked up with the whole "new to the SF Universe" thing.
I might have forgotten, but when were they classed as 'new to the SF universe'? I thought they've just never been playable in a previous SF game.
She hasn't been playable before. That's what Capcom was getting at.
¯\_(ツis the leak even real?
is the leak even real?
"Akuma is only the start of season 2," Street Fighter 5's director, Takayuki Nakayama, said through a translator. "The other 5 characters will be brand new to the Street Fighter universe," he added.
If he meant playable, he would have said so. Brand new to the street fighter ROSTER would imply they've never been playable, street fighter UNIVERSE implies they've never even shown up in any other mainline street fighter.