could never
Ugh.She has exactly the same design, "gi" and all.
They wrote her continuing to wear the uniform into the story so I don't expect her to ever ditch it, even with Karin getting redesigned.
Ugh.She has exactly the same design, "gi" and all.
They wrote her continuing to wear the uniform into the story so I don't expect her to ever ditch it, even with Karin getting redesigned.
Street Fighter V |OT| Footsies and Fight Money
Street Fighter V |OT 2| You Vs Online Vs Yourself Vs Local Vs Hollywood
Street Fighter V |OT 3| Rise up....your Fight Money
She has exactly the same design, "gi" and all.
They wrote her continuing to wear the uniform into the story so I don't expect her to ever ditch it, even with Karin getting redesigned.
What are footsies?
What are footsies?
Isn't Footsies just a term for footwork and strategy with spacing for Street Fighter? If it's not then my bad.
what you play under the table with someone you like
I might try this, but it can never fully replace watching CPU matches to me as this has been a tradition I've enjoyed for years. Sometimes it's just fun to make up stories about CPU fighters and fake tournaments this way, but maybe I'm just weird.
What frustrates me the most is that everything is already in the game for this to be possible except them putting in a menu option to set both players to CPU.
Isn't Footsies just a term for footwork and strategy with spacing for Street Fighter? If it's not then my bad.
They may very well not even have started designing her yet since she isn't in the first wave of DLC characters and who knows if she's even in the second.
I wouldn't expect them to spoil her new design either way that far ahead.
So yeah, still think there's hope.
It's part of it. Playing footsies means playing the neutral mid-range ground game through spacing controlling pokes and whiff punishes.Isn't Footsies just a term for footwork and strategy with spacing for Street Fighter? If it's not then my bad.
Yeah, I think you might be in the minority there. I have used CPU vs CPU in MKX in training mode on highest difficulty just to see what kind of canned combos they programmed in so I could copy them, but for SFV that doesn't apply as much.
But really though, if you're watching CPU vs CPU, you're just going to get a bunch of random junk. I can't fault them at all for not including it.
What they need instead at the very least is some sort of actual replay auto-play feature that just plays uploaded matches with no interaction needed. I think that was in SF4's replay channel, I don't recall. I can't remember if that was in the Beta, but if not, they should implement it. Some sort of auto-play feature, but with filters would be ideal.
Street Fighter V OT| No Options to Select
Not to turn this into a debate, but to people like me who grew up playing SFII and such games at home against the CPU mostly, battling the CPU and well as watching them battle is something that is as much part of the series' DNA as multiplayer is. I probably am in the minority nowadays, and I agree that watching other people play is more valuable for improving yourself, but only the CPU / AI controlled versions of characters will ever feel "official" to me from a single player perspective if that makes sense, which is why I wish to see them fight or battle them once in a while.
I think I can actually fault them for not adding a slider to the Versus mode that lets me choose CPU instead of Player 1/2, or for not even including a simple Arcade mode or attract mode as throwbacks to the series roots. Both would have been harmless additions that wouldn't have to come at the expense of anything else. (Online) multiplayer might be the future of the genre, but for me, offline single player modes are what made me fall in love with this genre back in the day. I just hate to see those go when they take so little effort to retain for older loners like me who still buy these games.
2nd best character 2nd best theme
2nd best character 2nd best theme
2nd best character? That's a stretch. 2nd best theme? Probably true. But as long as it is behind RASHID'S THEME
Like his face
Edit: I also already severely miss having an arcade mode instead of just character stories. Why does Capcom seem to insist on everyone either wanting to do something "story heavy" or with other people (online)? Sometimes a guy just wants to battle the CPU for a few rounds and finish with a boss. Throw us single player people a bone here!
Street Fighter V OT| No Options to Select
Street Fighter V OT| No Options to Select
I'd rather we didn't turn the OT into a shitstorm similar to the content roadmap thread, so I'd rather not have this as a title.
What are footsies?
Like his entire body
I'd rather we didn't turn the OT into a shitstorm similar to the content roadmap thread, so I'd rather not have this as a title.
Anyone here lives in NY?
Yeah, better idea not to have something with a negative connotation about the game in the title even if it is kinda funny.
Like his..nevermind
2nd best character? That's a stretch. 2nd best theme? Probably true. But as long as it is behind RASHID'S THEME
Anyone here lives in NY?
Anyone here lives in NY?
my vote is still for no subtitle
i still don't get why nearly every game OT on here has some shitty in-joke sub title
Street Fighter V |OT|
Anyone here lives in NY?
I actually like this one as a shitty in-joke, you know like how the game is barebones
Street Fighter V |OT| [subtitle coming in March]
Does anybody think the training mode will teach how to cancel? I'm asking because that's another thing I literally have no idea how to do...
My vote is still for :
Street Fighter V OT| Wire Up before you Rise Up
Wire as in Ethernet cable. Don't use WiFi
I'd rather we didn't turn the OT into a shitstorm similar to the content roadmap thread, so I'd rather not have this as a title.
Yeah. I won't know if any spots will have it until later today, though.
Isn't that what Survival mode is for?
Wire as in Ethernet cable. Don't use WiFiI don't get it. Does "Wire Up" have some slang meaning that I'm unaware of or is this a reference to using wired arcade sticks?
"Street Fighter V |OT| Wise Up before you Rise Up" might be a bit bland, but does fit the motif of an OT.
That copypaste
Also, that title wouldn't even make sense anymore in a couple weeks.
Not really as there is no (character-specific or story-driven) boss there, and I believe you always have to deal with the additional challenge of lifebars not refilling (though I could be mistaken on that last bit).
It's similar, but not the same I'd say.
Jeez, I still can't believe they shipped this game without even including the (full) opening cinematic they created for it and did upload to Youtube. I mean, which (fighting) game starts up to then immediately go to a menu without a title screen or intro of any kind? If an indie game like Skullgirls can easily trump an official SF game in terms of presentation, no. of modes and overall polish, you're doing something wrong no?