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Street Fighter V Roster Discussion |Thread 2| Deal with it & place your hope for DLC

If you hear of any spots in NYC that are selling it today, please drop me a line. Dying to pick it up, and all the mom & pop stores I used to frequent in NJ are closed down.

It's a lot more difficult these days since a good few mom & pop stores in NYC went under in the last year or two, too. It's not as easy to find spots as it was around the time that SFIV & MvC3 dropped.
Not really as there is no (character-specific or story-driven) boss there, and I believe you always have to deal with the additional challenge of lifebars not refilling (though I could be mistaken on that last bit).

It's similar, but not the same I'd say.

Jeez, I still can't believe they shipped this game without even including the (full) opening cinematic they created for it and did upload to Youtube. I mean, which (fighting) game starts up to then immediately go to a menu without a title screen or intro of any kind? If an indie game like Skullgirls can easily trump an official SF game in terms of presentation, no. of modes and overall polish, you're doing something wrong no?

I think it's safe to say most people agree that this game is very very barebones upon release. Sure we will be getting a lot of content down the line, but upon release this definitely seems like an Early Access game. Luckily fighting games can kind of get away with this compared to other games which would become incredibly stale with a lack of content upon release. Still doesn't mean it's not going to get slammed in reviews though.
Jeez, I still can't believe they shipped this game without even including the (full) opening cinematic they created for it and did upload to Youtube. I mean, which (fighting) game starts up to then immediately go to a menu without a title screen or intro of any kind? If an indie game like Skullgirls can easily trump an official SF game in terms of presentation, no. of modes and overall polish, you're doing something wrong no?

99.9999999% of people will never watch it again after the first time. For most people it's just another screen to mash start through.

Even if the game were shipping in 2018, they still wouldn't have changed that. It has nothing to do with presentation, and everything to do with convenience.

It's not like they didn't MAKE an intro. For people who really want to see the full thing, they know where to find it. PS4s and PCs are hooked to the internet.

This isn't 2002, when youtube and internet were still developing...and they know this.
I mean, which (fighting) game starts up to then immediately go to a menu without a title screen or intro of any kind? If an indie game like Skullgirls can easily trump an official SF game in terms of presentation, no. of modes and overall polish, you're doing something wrong no?

one less thing to skip every time, the faster the better


Something sf4 never had



99.9999999% of people will never watch it again after the first time. For most people it's just another screen to mash start through.

Even if the game were shipping in 2018, they still wouldn't have changed that. It has nothing to do with presentation, and everything to do with convenience.

It's not like they didn't MAKE an intro. For people who really want to see the full thing, they know where to find it. PS4s and PCs are hooked to the internet.

This isn't 2002, when youtube and internet were still developing...and they know this.

I actually always try to remove intro videos on any PC game I get. I got rid of the opening video for Ultra so I can get right to the game. I hate having to wait for all the intro screens.

I also find and delete all the movie files in fighting games on the PC that just take up valuable disc space after I watch them once.

I wish I could do the same on consoles.


yeah, i actually like that.

i also like excluding CPU v CPU battles, as it will encourage likeminded players to watch actual player replays

Going into attract mode after an idle period would still be nice, though.

CPU v CPU usually is implemented poorly. VF2 (or maybe it was VF3? been too long) had the best feature, a watch mode that would just do randomized CPU battles until you turned it off. It was great TV wallpaper when studying. I like that sort of thing. In 2016 I'd like it even more if it was just pulling replays down in sequence, kind of like what SFIV was supposed to do but in a way that actually worked.
Not really as there is no (character-specific or story-driven) boss there, and I believe you always have to deal with the additional challenge of lifebars not refilling (though I could be mistaken on that last bit).

It's similar, but not the same I'd say.

Jeez, I still can't believe they shipped this game without even including the (full) opening cinematic they created for it and did upload to Youtube. I mean, which (fighting) game starts up to then immediately go to a menu without a title screen or intro of any kind? If an indie game like Skullgirls can easily trump an official SF game in terms of presentation, no. of modes and overall polish, you're doing something wrong no?

Skullgirls dropped with 8 characters only initially and it took a very long time to get more characters and I believe took eons for the initial game to even be made as well.


Sketchbook Picasso
Not to turn this into a debate, but to people like me who grew up playing SFII and such games at home against the CPU mostly, battling the CPU and well as watching them battle is something that is as much part of the series' DNA as multiplayer is. I probably am in the minority nowadays, and I agree that watching other people play is more valuable for improving yourself, but only the CPU / AI controlled versions of characters will ever feel "official" to me from a single player perspective if that makes sense, which is why I wish to see them fight or battle them once in a while.

I had a big debate before in one of these fight threads over the usefulness of CPU fighting in fighters. I think many people underestimate the value of proper CPU play, or the ease of making it worth putting into a game.

KoF XII had HORRIBLE AI. It was one of the dumbest things around. It literally wouldn't move or block at times, and would ocassionally throw out a combo-string, but that was mostly it. It would spam attacks at higher difficulties, but there was no rhyme or reason.

KoF XIII's was a lot better, if I remember right. They'd actually find ways to land some of the combo trial stuff mid battle, and would use ALL the games tools (like HD cancel combos).

Compare this to KI S2's AI with the shadow system. They are based off making clones of players as usable AI, so that the game makes the characters react with the choices, decisions, and consistency of a particular human. Even before that, the KI AI seemed pretty smart, as they were constantly pulling off very "player" like frame traps and combos (rather than just button reading), and there was even a learnable habit (They'd always counterbreak on the 2nd heavy double, I believe) that you could learn after playing them.

And really, how different is good AI, compared to a flowchart player online? One of the most frustrating things to play against (for me) is someone who adapts NOTHING from the fight you're in. They don't fear a punish after you've shown them a tactics is bad twice. They don't learn to block low as you loop sweeps on wakeup. You can't make them fear jabbing out of EVERYTHING, so you can't make them fear button presses to land a throw. It's like playing against a dumb computer, that sticks to it's guns, and has no human traits.

I think it was CVS2 or Soul Calibur, but back in the day, while playing SP to unlock characters, we actually noticed some AI adapting to our playstyles. 1 player would sweep a lot, and eventually, the CPU would null the strat, and block and counter accordingly. Then we'd switch off, and the other guy would use more jumps or better footsies, and the CPU would wake up expecting the same sweeps, but get punished for it.

And then you had VF... 4 or 4 Evo, I think, with it's arcade quest mode, with players in the mode based off the real JP arcade players. I remember having quite a few "rivals" from that mode, and could identify patterns and random quirks (like players running off the stage after a win, or obvious patterns like starting a round with the same combo) that really made it feel as if that AI was a person. It was fun, and I even gleamed some tactics and observations that still stuck with me into the later VF releases with online.

I think I can actually fault them for not adding a slider to the Versus mode that lets me choose CPU instead of Player 1/2, or for not even including a simple Arcade mode or attract mode as throwbacks to the series roots. Both would have been harmless additions that wouldn't have to come at the expense of anything else. (Online) multiplayer might be the future of the genre, but for me, offline single player modes are what made me fall in love with this genre back in the day. I just hate to see those go when they take so little effort to retain for older loners like me who still buy these games.

"HEY, I BEAT LEVEL 8 AKUMA! I'M THE BEST!" heh, those old days. I remember sitting with my little 13 inch CRT on SFII SNES, trying to beat max difficulty Bison with Dhalsim for HOURS. Such innocent times, lol.

One things I love from Old SFII is how Ken would ALWAYS do weak, medium, fierce DP in order, when he reached weak health, and the danger music kicked in. most recognizable thing to punish, and it was a nice, basic satisfaction to be able to call him on it, and act accordingly. That also still sticks with me as a tactic that fits his perceived personality, of being a cocky showboat.

It's always a shame to me that the gameplay of an offline fighter isn't expected to mean anything. Wouldn't it be nice for the AI to "act" like the character is suppose to, gameplay and personality wise, to help sell new fighters to new players?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Going into attract mode after an idle period would still be nice, though.

CPU v CPU usually is implemented poorly. VF2 (or maybe it was VF3? been too long) had the best feature, a watch mode that would just do randomized CPU battles until you turned it off. It was great TV wallpaper when studying. I like that sort of thing. In 2016 I'd like it even more if it was just pulling replays down in sequence, kind of like what SFIV was supposed to do but in a way that actually worked.

attract mode that was just a playlist of worldwide top viewed replays would be dope af


one less thing to skip every time, the faster the better

I get that, but for me - i.e. someone who has also been a long standing member of their customer base - having such a (skippable) intro is what helps to give a game its identity and feel polished in its presentation. At the very least they could have included the movie in the options somewhere or have the menu go to it after some time as an attract mode.

Again: just because one person - or a group of vocal people - does not see the value in CPU battles or opening cinematics does not mean that they have no value. As such, this view does not count as an argument for removing those things, especially if other fans do like them. I helped keep this genre alive by spending money on it as much as a tournament level player who only ever chooses Versus and Ranked battle, but these days it seems that my "kind" of fandom, i.e. the single player and presentation focused variant, is no longer appreciated by companies so to speak.

"HEY, I BEAT LEVEL 8 AKUMA! I'M THE BEST!" heh, those old days. I remember sitting with my little 13 inch CRT on SFII SNES, trying to beat max difficulty Bison with Dhalsim for HOURS. Such innocent times, lol.

One things I love from Old SFII is how Ken would ALWAYS do weak, medium, fierce DP in order, when he reached weak health, and the danger music kicked in. most recognizable thing to punish, and it was a nice, basic satisfaction to be able to call him on it, and act accordingly. That also still sticks with me as a tactic that fits his perceived personality, of being a cocky showboat.

It's always a shame to me that the gameplay of an offline fighter isn't expected to mean anything. Wouldn't it be nice for the AI to "act" like the character is suppose to, gameplay and personality wise, to help sell new fighters to new players?

I agree, that would be nice indeed if the AI acted like it was not just responding to your inputs but according to its own script as well as if to give each CPU character a personality. In my youth, every character developed such a personality because I helped to give them one with my imagination based on how they fought, like Bison always being unpredictable and overpowered or Vega being mean. I still love to imagine such things actually, which in V is almost impossible due to its lack of modes focusing on AI battles.
It's a lot more difficult these days since a good few mom & pop stores in NYC went under in the last year or two, too. It's not as easy to find spots as it was around the time that SFIV & MvC3 dropped.

Tell me about it. I had both SFIV & MvC3 a full week prior to the release date. I don't even know what mom & pop shops in this area are still standing for me to even check.


benevolent sexism
Jeez, I still can't believe they shipped this game without even including the (full) opening cinematic they created for it and did upload to Youtube. I mean, which (fighting) game starts up to then immediately go to a menu without a title screen or intro of any kind? If an indie game like Skullgirls can easily trump an official SF game in terms of presentation, no. of modes and overall polish, you're doing something wrong no?

This sounds ideal to me. I wish every game had the option to skip straight to the start menu. The only presentation I care about in Street Fighter is the graphics and animation during gameplay. SFV nails that. The more info screens they can streamline out, the better.


This sounds ideal to me. I wish every game had the option to skip straight to the start menu. The only presentation I care about in Street Fighter is the graphics and animation during gameplay. SFV nails that. The more info screens they can streamline out, the better.

No, Ideal for both of us is to have such things be there and be skippable and/or selectable in the options. Not having it at all after development money went into it is just plain silly. Why would you support removing something that other SF fans enjoy if the solution for including it in a less bothersome way for you is so easy?

I had that intro cinematic when I started my game for the first time and the mini tutorial with ryu and ken.

That was only a very short (and compressed) version of the longer Youtube cinematic intro, and its presence makes it even more baffling why they did not simply include that longer one instead like in all releases of IV for instance. Again, include it in a way that it is skippable or found in the options at least.


Got my copy last night but can't play until after work today. The place I got it is in Los Angeles....PM me if you're in LA and want more details.
That was only a very short (and compressed) version of the longer Youtube cinematic intro, and its presence makes it even more baffling why they did not simply include that longer one instead like in all releases of IV for instance. Again, include it in a way that it is skippable or found in the options at least.

I didnt know. I skipped it after 10 seconds so I didn't watch it all the way through. I for one am glad I don't have to wait and press buttons just to get to the main menu but I can understand some that aren't liking the lack of presentation.


I agree, that would be nice indeed if the AI acted like it was not just responding to your inputs but according to its own script as well as if to give each CPU character a personality. In my youth, every character developed such a personality because I helped to give them one with my imagination based on how they fought, like Bison always being unpredictable and overpowered or Vega being mean. I still love to imagine such things actually, which in V is almost impossible due to its lack of modes focusing on AI battles.

SF4 Ken AI is a dick just like Ken players online. I always thought that was pretty hilarious


Hopefully, there won't be many WiFi Warriors online. I'm assuming most PC players are gonna be using wired-up desktop towers, but everyone on PS4 is gonna be playing on PS4. I don't see why you wouldn't want that shit plugged in unless you couldn't get the wires to the system.


Skullgirls dropped with 8 characters only initially and it took a very long time to get more characters and I believe took eons for the initial game to even be made as well.

Don't forget that Lab Zero is a small team that had to build their own engine, fight their own publisher to keep the game on the market, create a vita and ps4 port, and work on a budget so small that they had to crowdfund the other characters, all while most of the team lived below the poverty line. The fact that they made a fighting game that solid and accessible to newcomers is crazy and should be a standard imo.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Offtopic: But shotouts to Capcom for not taking down streams and having the servers online well before the release.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
Didn't want to bump an old thread for this but I have a question about preorders. I pre-ordered from Best Buy to get the Cammy costume. I ordered online and did store pick up on release day. How do I get the code? Is it emailed or do I need to ask for it when I go to pick up the game?


Didn't want to bump an old thread for this but I have a question about preorders. I pre-ordered from Best Buy to get the Cammy costume. I ordered online and did store pick up on release day. How do I get the code? Is it emailed or do I need to ask for it when I go to pick up the game?

I always used to get fun little scratch-off cards with my games on pickup day, but that might have been a Canada thing. Also the employees stole them half the time. I don't buy games from stores much anymore.

Is it not on your receipt?


Didn't want to bump an old thread for this but I have a question about preorders. I pre-ordered from Best Buy to get the Cammy costume. I ordered online and did store pick up on release day. How do I get the code? Is it emailed or do I need to ask for it when I go to pick up the game?

I also preordered from Best Buy but I'm having it shipped to my house... For me, it says I'm gonna be emailed the costume code. Hopefully you'll get a email too. But I would ask for it if I was you when you pick it up.


Sketchbook Picasso
I agree, that would be nice indeed if the AI acted like it was not just responding to your inputs but according to its own script as well as if to give each CPU character a personality. In my youth, every character developed such a personality because I helped to give them one with my imagination based on how they fought, like Bison always being unpredictable and overpowered or Vega being mean. I still love to imagine such things actually, which in V is almost impossible due to its lack of modes focusing on AI battles.

It's more meaningful than a story mode, if done right, and makes a story mode better, if added as a part to that.

SP stuff really should just be free DLC for fighters now-a-days. It's colorful content that helps sell the characters to people who care about motivations and what the character represents when they play them.

I actually really like the character story idea they have in V, because it does that. If they continue to add upon it, not just with new characters, but also with new archs for old characters (like a 2nd story for Charles Nash, once Guile is a full fighter), then I'd welcome such a trade from classic Arcade with open arms.

This sounds ideal to me. I wish every game had the option to skip straight to the start menu. The only presentation I care about in Street Fighter is the graphics and animation during gameplay. SFV nails that. The more info screens they can streamline out, the better.

That's not ideal at all. That's like taking a cover and foreword out of a book because some people skip it. It'd be more idea to either have an option in the options menu, or allow you to hold LB or something to go instant-menu. It'd be great if such a thing actually became a standard feature, really, especially after first boot.

That was only a very short (and compressed) version of the longer Youtube cinematic intro, and its presence makes it even more baffling why they did not simply include that longer one instead like in all releases of IV for instance. Again, include it in a way that it is skippable or found in the options at least.
I think this is a little backwards, though. I think the shorter version was intended for the game, the musical longer version is a music video, similar to a "bonus feature" to be found on a Blu-ray. It seems to be an extension, and not the natural length.

It'd be nice to be able to se both within game. I wonder if the partially digital focus of this game has them putting pre-rendered stuff at a minimum, though.


I'm gonna post what I said from another thread about lack of content and casuals..

I'm sorta new to Street Fighter (loved Street Fighter on 3DS) and I bought the Collector's Edition and Season Pass because the game looks so much fun to me. In pure honestly... listening to my favorite music and learning characters sounds alotta fun to me. I can pour alotta hours into just doing that. When I feel comfortable and ready, then I'll jump online.

I guess the casual tactic Capcom is using worked on me because I literally have no problems with their strategy for the game...
Kinda sucks that people are going to slam this game for lack of content when it will probably have more content than any other sf release. Every character is free people; that's pretty much all I ever wanted.
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