Having played almost all weekend i gotta say cammy is just a badass!!
her trailer sold me the game and i just love playing with her , super fast and smooth. Also her Special Move Level 3 is just amazing, the cutscene of her appearing behind the oponnent is just amazing!!
Havent touch much of world tour yet, have been playing most online and doing some combos for the trophies .
really hate marisa,juri and kimberly so far , whenever someone plays with them i lose.
would be cool if somehow capcom could add more classic games to the arcades in Battle Hub like SF Alpha 2 or 3 but i dont think they will do that but it was a really cool surprise to see final fight and street fighter 2 there.
just a curious thought , how does everyone plays the game? controller (in this case PS5 controller) or a joystick? i know a lot of people play with joystick but i never could adapt myself to it. not even on the analog.
Since i first started playing Street Fighter when i was a kid (Street Fighter 2 on SNES!!) i can only play on the directional buttons, on analog i just cant do the moves