Last time they did this was for Grabbed by the Ghoulies.....
and recently with Driver 3, they didnt allow any reviews until the game hit shelves either.
I guess MS and Climax wanna maximize on the sales before the bad reviews start coming in
The reviews should be up today though since the game officialy comes out July 20.
My predictions based on the demo and previews I have read -
Gamespot - 7.6
IGN - 7.9
Gamespy - 3 stars
and recently with Driver 3, they didnt allow any reviews until the game hit shelves either.
I guess MS and Climax wanna maximize on the sales before the bad reviews start coming in
The reviews should be up today though since the game officialy comes out July 20.
My predictions based on the demo and previews I have read -
Gamespot - 7.6
IGN - 7.9
Gamespy - 3 stars