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Suicide Squad Review Thread: As Fresh As Green Lantern!

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well not really...yet
So it's 4 movies now that have tried to have a do-over and REALLY launch the coveted DC cinematic universe only to get trashed by critics (Green Lantern, Man of Steel, Batman v. Superman, and now Suicide Squad).
To be fair, MoS wasn't trashed, but was sharply divisive, and it's average rating on RT is right in line with the average rating of a good chunk of MCU movies. The audience reception is also majority positive by a decent margin, despite all the internet arguing about whether Superman should kill or not would have you believe.

The major problem is that instead of leveraging MoS and following it up with a feel good movie that isn't seeking to re-invent the wheel or seek controversy, they went with a movie that is among other things a veiled attack at the critics of MoS and deals in depressing subject matter and is oppressively dark, albeit it has its reasons for being so (it's called dawn of justice for a reason). And on top of that you have the issues regarding a movie missing 30 minutes, and out of place JL teasing shoved in at what seems the last minute, creating an incoherent theatrical cut to make matters worse. The lead in concept in DoJ is a much more natural segway into a shared universe, and there was no need to shove all the teasing in before...but oh well.


semen stains the mountaintops
All this GotG love.

Too bad all the pop songs in the world couldn't help DC pull off their love letter to that film.

I hope David Ayer at least sent James Gunn a nice gift basket of scented soaps.

He sent him a dead raccoon.


All this GotG love.

Too bad all the pop songs in the world couldn't help DC pull off their love letter to that film.

I hope David Ayer at least sent James Gunn a nice gift basket of scented soaps.

This was a great example of how to comepletely misuse a licensed soundtrack. Shame, song selections were generally really good and ripe for a lot of neat uses.
To be fair, MoS wasn't trashed, but was sharply divisive, and it's average rating on RT is right in line with the average rating of a good chunk of MCU movies. The audience reception is also majority positive by a decent margin, despite all the internet arguing about whether Superman should kill or not would have you believe.

The major problem is that instead of leveraging MoS and following it up with a feel good movie that isn't seeking to re-invent the wheel or seek controversy, they went with a movie that is among other things a veiled attack at the critics of MoS and oppressively dark, albeit it has its reasons for being so. And on top of that you have the issues regarding a movie missing 30 minutes, and out of place JL teasing shoved in at what seems the last minute.

You know, I actually agree. I never personally thought MoS was that bad and thought it was a fine first try on establishing a new Superman. The issue is, as you said, their complete inability to follow it up well and BvS seemed to only take the worst parts of MoS.
Just saw the movie. It wasn't very good. But it wasn't very bad. Some laughs, but little of the action was exciting. So all in all, the movie was just plain average. And I don't mean 7/10 average. I mean 5/10 average
Holy shit, 27%?

That's amazing.

Edit: not in the whole "I'm glad it's getting an awful reception" thing, but more I can't believe Warner and DC have done it again.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
it would've been nice if they bothered to do more than one half-assed draft of this thing


Ah, so this is the type of person that gives these movies 9/10 scores.

I think Marvel or DC could cobble together an incoherent mess of a movie and as long as it had familiar characters and some modicum of fan service, there would be people who would love it.
That trend died with Age of Ultron


The complete "Phase One" of DCEU will be rotten. Then with Flash they will reset everything with Flashpoint, creating a new fresh future for DC fans! #Believe #SupportDCFilms #AllHopeLiesInGeoff
How far in are Flash and Aquaman? Is it possible they will cancel those as well, if Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League all end up failing?

They haven't begun filming yet and if WW and JL fails then just forget I ever said promising, but that depends on whether Aquaman and Flash are great in the movie.


semen stains the mountaintops
When Joker next shows up, he needs to be less of a gangster and more of a mysterious and terrifying force of nature. His role in the DCU, as we see it in this movie, seems more like The Kingpin than The Joker. I don't buy that The Joker would go to a club and hang out, why wouldn't Batman know and take his ass down? It's almost like The Joker hasn't done fucked up shit in this world or at least no one can pin those crimes on him.

I dunno if I'm making any sense.

Anyway, that wasn't Leto's issues, there's nothing he could have done about that.


GotG is hands down the best MCU movie.

Nah, it was a little too light to work as a space opera, and not funny enough to work as a comedy. Good movie, but Civil War is better, and quite honestly is the first MCU movie I've seen with enough dramatic heft to make me give a shit about the MCU.


Only one man can save the DC Cinematic universe now

He needs to take a more active role than just executive producer moving forward.
I can't imagine Nolan having much interest in getting any more involved in comic universes now when he can keep focusing on making his own movies with blank checks and total creative control.
So... is it me or /r/DC_Cinematic dislikes this movie more than Gaf?

Eventually, when you realize that they've maligned you and there's no hidden greatness, passion turns to hate.

2018 looks promising. Also, I don't see Cyborg happening at all. They might cancel that or replace it with another movie.

Note: Green Lantern is now Green Lantern Corps. Also, Warner Bros has to open spot for unannounced DC films: Oct. 5, 2018 and Nov. 1, 2019. I'd expect the former slot will go to Batman.


Just got back from seeing it. The [insert popular music here] that happens what seemed like every other scene got grating real quick. I had really bad seats (front row) so some of this might be me having a headache watching it. I don't like it. The Joker was inconsequential to the movie. Jai Courtney is good in really small doses. Will Smith was good. Ropeguy pls. Diablo got a cool moment (I guess, I'm not familiar with him.) Forgetting some stuff, or I chose not to remember it.

This movie may feature the best
line ever.

"Lady, you ARE EVIL!"

Edit: So during the theater chain commercials and turn off your cell phone ad. The screen was green and purple. I figured it was them having some fun SS type deal. Then halfway through the first trailer (Dunkirk) they turned the projector off and started over. They must've switched something cause we never got to see the Dunkirk trailer after the switch.

If it was a 2d show they may have accidently left 3d trailers on, then took it off when they noticed.
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