That's why it's called the Cornetto Trilogy.
You're not supposed to like all three flavours, just two of them.

That's why it's called the Cornetto Trilogy.
You're not supposed to like all three flavours, just two of them.
For people that have seen it, is it really bad? Or just bad but entertaining. Put it this way is better than BvS? I am probably going to see it alone tonight but I dont want to go to the movies alone for the first time in my life if it is really horrible.
Having rewatched it quite recently with the wife, I think that - barring a few effects - it holds up shockingly well. It's atmospheric as hell, relentlessly bleak and legitimately mature, and where other films of the same tone or genre were so try-hard, Brandon Lee is just effortless in a role that requires him to be both charming and caring and also vengeful and terrifying as hell.
It's got great supporting cast (underrated Ernie Hudson), a god-tier soundtrack, still remains a visual masterpiece, and has some of the most memorable and legitimately loathsome and well-done villains in the medium.
... Feel like I'm hijacking the thread, but comparing it to something like Suicide Squad, I actually think Suicide Squad is going to date itself pretty quickly (particularly Leto's Joker), while there's something about the way The Crow is filmed and shot that gives it this otherworldly "timelessness" that Tim Burton's Gotham had as well that makes it seem almost like a modern fable or ghost story that can still resonate across the years. I think it holds up better than almost any other "hero" film of that era.
I think it does. It passes my litmus test of costumed or masked vigilante with superpowers punishing evil-doers and saving the innocent.
I enjoyed it, but as you can see in this thread most did not.
Do we think Suicide Squad is worse than The Crow 5: Starrcade '97?The Crow also heavily influenced one of the best character makeovers in professional wrestling history
Do we think Suicide Squad is worse than The Crow 5: Starrcade '97?
The Crow also heavily influenced one of the best character makeovers in professional wrestling history
Uh, nah, it looked pretty normal to me
Oh god this is now a wrasslin thread.
Oh god this is now a wrasslin thread.
Please come back to WrassleGAF, BronsonLee. You'd get a huge nostalgia pop. I'll even put you over!
Fitting, given the carny nature of WB currently.Oh god this is now a wrasslin thread.
Please come back to WrassleGAF, BronsonLee. You'd get a huge nostalgia pop. I'll even put you over!
Nah, it's a clique thread.
I did for my birthday!
I was met with scorn, I tell you
Fitting, given the carny nature of WB currently.
Tsujihara is basically Vince trying to push Roman Reigns.
You need to embrace it like Batista did and make it part of your gimmick!
Henry Cavill is basically Roman Reigns (both have the same smudge "I didn't ask for these powers, bruh", while Ben Affleck is Brock Lesnar (always there to kick ass and win the crowd when needed).
Henry Cavill: "I'm not a bad man. I'm not a good man. I'm Superman".
Ben Affleck: "GOTHAM CITY, BITCH!"
I just read through three pages of lists...
And not one... NOT ONE... person mentioned The Crow. C'mon, guys...
When DC tries to "go dark and gritty", I just tend to laugh, because even at their darkest and grittiest, they haven't come close to being as dark or as well done as this film.
Double Toasted review is killing me, especially Korey at the end.
He's all set up to fall on his sword, especially if Fantastic Beats underperforms (it will).Does SS tanking enough for Kevin Tsujihara to get sacked? The guy is kinda new on the job.
Does SS tanking enough for Kevin Tsujihara to get sacked? The guy is kinda new on the job.
they've shouldn't never greenlit matrix 2 and 3 tho
Could Batman v Superman be the better movie!?!
oh i loved that movie like crazy when i was a teen girl but i just saw it again last month after not seeing it for years and it was a bit rough and didn't quite match what i thought i remembered .___.
i will still hold on to the memories of what i thought it was though. such a unique piece of cinema <3
Anyone who watched the movie here liked it?
I keep hearing from casuals, not critics, that the movie is actually good and fun
Anyone who watched the movie here liked it?
I keep hearing from casuals, not critics, that the movie is actually good and fun
Why is $750 to $800 being quoted as break even point then?No. Again the $800M break even is BS. Maybe not counting any other sources of revenue, including merch which is doing well.
With the previews number, high 200s domestic is going to be the worst case scenario. It looks like initial overseas numbers are big as well. Even BvS legs wont matter much with these openings.
Matrix 2 and 3 were nowhere near as bad as BvS.
I think the sequels get a little more hate than they deserve
After re-watching Blade 2 on a whim on Netflix and being utterly appalled that I ever liked that movie, I went back to the Matrix sequels to re-evaluate my "they weren't THAT bad" stance.
They are, indeed, THAT bad.
Anyone who watched the movie here liked it?
I keep hearing from casuals, not critics, that the movie is actually good and fun
After re-watching Blade 2 on a whim on Netflix and being utterly appalled that I ever liked that movie, I went back to the Matrix sequels to re-evaluate my "they weren't THAT bad" stance.
They are, indeed, THAT bad.
I watched it for the first time about a year ago and had no nostalgia for it and the Brandon Lee tragedy was a distant memory, so it didn't influence my take on the movie. I thought it was corny and silly and was surprised that it had such a cult following.
Anyone who watched the movie here liked it?
I keep hearing from casuals, not critics, that the movie is actually good and fun
But at least Reloaded has the highway chase