I'm still mad. All this for nothing. Margot did all her stunts for nothing.

I'd really like to see SS2 also just because I think this has the potential to be great and really special, the team just had a troubled development and for better or worse this is what we got.Well I'm relived you're feeling the same way I do. Hopefully more level headed thinking will prevail. It's fine to not like something but hyperbole isn't very constructive however it is admittedly fun. Yay internet.
I think the caracters especially Deadshot and Diablo were thoughtful and a big reason I was down with the movie as a whole. I even liked killer Croc.
I'd like to see a second Suicide Squad. DC can scrap the justice leauge stuff. I'd be satisfied.
I'm not even really saying that aside from to people who have already seen it and liked it. I'm just saying let people go see it for themselves and form their own opinion. If I read only the last few pages of this thread and stayed home then watched it later I'd be pretty disappointed that I missed out. And I mean even if you don't want to go see it just yet I'd rather people give others reasons they didn't like it and let them base their opinions off of that then just because someone said "it sux don't see it".Let's be real, is "don't see this movie" really that much a worse message than "this movie that is not reviewing well is fiiiiiine, ignore the haters"?
Personally, yes, I have already told friends that I do not recommend seeing it, but, if any of them does not go see the movie, it won't be because I told them not to. It will be because they weren't really that interested in it in the first place.
They actually already tried that route with Green Lantern and Man Of Steel (which wasn't supposed to be the DCEU kickstarter it retroactively became). Those movies didn't make what they should, so WB figured going the Mahvel route would be a surefire way to make some hits.
Everything WB/DC does ends up all fucked to be honest.
The fact that I enjoyed Man of Steel more than Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad...
I still think Enchantress had worse lines / subtitles in terms of pure silliness.Margot did her best, but she's unfortunately stuck with the worst lines in the movie.
Shame WB is already too deep in this bed they've made not to start this universe from scratch again.
This is a terrible viewpoint. The whole point of reviews existing (as well as why we even have discussions over things like this) is that not everybody has the luxury of experiencing things through trial and error. Movies take money and time to go see in theaters, and not everybody has those things available at all times. For those people, both praise and criticism goes a long way in helping people not waste their time.I'm not even really saying that aside from to people who have already seen it and liked it. I'm just saying let people go see it for themselves and form their own opinion.
I don't disagree with your complaints but lmao X-Men Apocalypse has the same villan issue except arguably worse considering he walks around like he's hot shit then pretty much does nothing, that and it's characters overall sucked. Though the action wasn't great I didn't have any major issues with it, but I did hate the villains goons, so fucking dumb and a waste along with their plan being just incredibly uninspired. I wish they didn't remove any of the joker scenes since I really like this portrayal and really wasn't expecting anything from it and they definitely used the licensed music way too often, sometimes I liked it but when they were playing Led Zeppelin among other things it was like "Okay guys.. enough". Editing is unforgivable though and it's pretty obviously not what Ayer had envisioned, he even kind of made up excuses for it.Look.
I could let a lot slide. I think both MoS and BvS are great. I love the Fast & Furious franchise. That should give you an idea of how lenient I can be.
Suicide Squad, however, is terrible. Downright terrible. It's so bad that I now have a newfound appreciation for X-Men: Apocalypse. It's so bad, I'm going to re-watch Street Kings to cleanse my palate.
Holy fuck this movie is a FUCKING MESS. The pacing, the dialogue, the villain, the editing, the nonstop licensed tracks ever five minutes, the lack of any character development, nearly all of it.
To give you an idea of how fucked this shit is, that scene from the trailer with Batman chasing down Joker and Harley is less than a minute long. What the fuck man.
And the worst part, there's not even any memorable action scenes to fall back on! There's not a single second of choreographed action that's at all memorable or enjoyable to watch. It's literally faceless soldiers getting shot. IT'S LITERALLY HORDE MODE. The final boss fight is just terrible.
The only positives here are the main cast. Will Smith brings it even with the little that he's given. Viola Davis does great work, but she isn't given much to do either. Margot did her best, but she's unfortunately stuck with the worst lines in the movie. Leto has potential, but he's in the movie for a whole two minutes, there's not really enough of him to judge. Everyone else does decently, I guess. There's not really much to go on for the supporting characters.
Ayer says this is his cut, but I don't believe that for a god damn second. It can't be. There's just no way he could let this happen voluntarily. Even fucking Roland Emmerich wouldn't let this happen voluntarily.
I'm in shock.
While I understand and appreciate what you're saying, you're ignoring the part where I was talking about expanding on said issues with the movie so you're kind of taking the statement out of context when it's meant to be viewed as a whole. There's a difference between saying "this is bad because of this, this, and this and I didn't like it" vs "this is bad" and that's the distinction I'm trying to make. I'm not in here white knighting about the movie and saying it's perfect like you seemed to suggest earlier and I'm in here with you guys talking about the movies flaws and what I liked vs what I didn't like so it doesn't look like we're on opposite sides of the fence here. I just think if you're going to try to convince someone of what you're opinion is and why you should spend time being constructive and or critical instead of just making empty statements.This is a terrible viewpoint. The whole point of reviews existing (as well as why we even have discussions over things like this) is that not everybody has the luxury of experiencing things through trial and error. Movies take money and time to go see in theaters, and not everybody has those things available at all times. For those people, both praise and criticism goes a long way in helping people not waste their time.
Were I in that position of having limited time and money to spend on going to the movies (and I absolutely have been in the past), I'd have been furious if it turned out that everybody with legitimate criticisms of this movie had just shut up about it "so I could make my own opinion."
OK so fine let's just have this thread be a circlejerk whatever.stop with the generalizations and false dichotomy. Negative reactions and expectations can be mutually exclusive.
This has very little to do with expectations. Stop drawing your own imaginary lines. You liked the movie. Fine. It's done.
I really don't think he was saying that since Ledger's death didn't make them release more unseen footage. I think it was his way of saying that they fucked him over and that if he dies, they'll be nice and release all the scenes he worked hard on.
oh hell yes
Spy is a better movie than anything Daniel Craig has ever starred in.
I too felt like walking out by the time they got to the bar scene. Obviously I wouldn't do that, because I don't walk out of movies, but I really felt by then that I had basically wasted my time completely.
Did the opening title credits feel REALLY weird to anyone else? That was like, a really bad sign. I'm not talking about the character introduction cards, but the studio logos, followed by character intros, and then the lead up to the Suicide Squad title logo. It just felt really odd and mistimed completely. Instead of an intriguing or exciting lead up to the title logo, it was a bunch of shit thrown together, with no momentum at all. Weird.
I'm okay with them using licensed music but it didn't create a tone or sense of identity for this film. They would have done better with decent application or a score.
Fuck.. this movie was mediocre.
You would know what a circle jerk looks like since you're spending the majority of your time conversing with the other one dude here who liked it wondering why the fuck no one else gest it.
While there have been plenty of "hated" comments here and there, a lot of people have taken the time to type out elaborate posts explaining why they hated it. Neither of you have taken the time to acknowledge any of these posts or ask questions.
No, you don't want a circle jerk, instead, you're comfortable making leaps of logic as to why people hated it. That's laziness. Just like this movie's writing.
Haven't seen Layer Cake in a long time, but I'm pretty comfortable in that head to headUh, no. Welcome to the Layer Cake.
Yeah, you'd think they'd be able to squeeze out one unequivocally great Bond film over a decadeThis is the world we live in now.
I honestly didn't see myself being lazy and jumping to conclusions but you got me. I'm not adding to this thread. I'll see myself out.You would know what a circle jerk looks like since you're spending the majority of your time conversing with the other one dude here who liked it wondering why the fuck no one else gest it.
While there have been plenty of "hated" comments here and there, a lot of people have taken the time to type out elaborate posts explaining why they hated it. Neither of you have taken the time to acknowledge any of these posts or ask questions.
No, you don't want a circle jerk, instead, you're comfortable making leaps of logic as to why people hated it. That's laziness. Just like this movie's writing.
I'm curious what people were expecting this movie to be with the mostly negative reactions it's getting. I anticipated feeling like I wasted evening but left feeling entertained. Maybe my ignorance to all that is riding on fan expectations is why I enjoyed it?
I'm okay with them using licensed music but it didn't create a tone or sense of identity for this film. They would have done better with decent application or a score.
Fuck.. this movie was mediocre.
The film doesn't need more Joker, it probably needs less if anything.
So cruel yet everything he said was true.
And yes, B+ cinemascore means bad news for this movies legs.
Yeah I don't doubt that due to the trailer reaction they just went fucking crazy with it which is unfortunate because it ruins the good moments.So that's definitely all about Warner execs getting the feedback that Bohemian Rhapsody was the best part of the trailer, right?
Spam licensed music! Fire everything!!
But Nolan himself set the tone for a grounded Superman, not Snyder. It's as much Nolan's foundations as Snyder's.That's the nuclear option I guess, but BvS didn't actually bomb, and this won't either. Who knows with Wonder Woman, but Justice League will probably still make money.
I'm all up for an emergency reboot myself. This universe is built on the decaying foundations of Zack Snyder*. These movies are never going to be good. The level of course correction needed to right the ship is too much I think.
And I can probably take another scene of Krypton exploding lol, why not. Snyder's idea of Krypton was complete balls anyway.
*edit: A Zack Snyder misguidedly trying to make a Superman movie feel "grounded" like Nolan's Batmans. What a MORAN.
Science Fiction were the words at the core of the pitch. Ground the tale by dealing head-on with the implications of an alien walking among us
But Nolan himself set the tone for a grounded Superman, not Snyder. It's as much Nolan's foundations as Snyder's.
In Nolan's own words from the Making of Book:
Like, I get that people hate Snyder and think a "grounded" Superman was his idea...but it wasn't.
Say whatever you want but you come off as an asshole so maybe it's best to just end this interaction here since you don't seem interested in any kind of actual discussion about the movie.I'll make up my own mind when I leave my own screen and how I feel. Thanks. Antagonistic? You take responsibility for your own behavior. Like name calling.
It needed no Joker whatsoever. His character served no purpose to the overall plot or story. He was shameless pandering to the fans.
First half was really solid. Second half especially the final act, was pretty bad. Lots of potential and nots as bad as the 29% on rotten tomatoes suggests.
Still a relatively mediocre movies though.
Four sevenths out of ten? Or did you mean 4-7 out of 10?
Four sevenths out of ten? Or did you mean 4-7 out of 10?Once again, the 26% RT means only 26 percent of reviewers gave it a decently positive review. The average score is 4/7 out of 10. Perfectly mediocre.
That would've been so trippy and infinitely better than glowing metal man.i liked the "dark" Enchantress's vibe and look and I think something in vein of that with a mass of body parts wouldve been much more visually interesting and fit the movie better.Apparently thedesign was changed frombrother'sbeing covered in body parts of the people he absorbed early on to whatever that thing was that we got.
I bet that's why the CGI was so bad compared to the rest of the film, they just didn't have enough time.
That makes sense since he literally just starts toApparently thedesign was changed frombrother'sbeing covered in body parts of the people he absorbed early on to whatever that thing was that we got.
I bet that's why the CGI was so bad compared to the rest of the film, they just didn't have enough time.
That makes sense since he literally just starts to [absorb people like a katamari damaci ball when he is born.
Take a step back and ask yourself why, as a studio, you establish a cinematic universe.
It's for the halo effect. You hope that the good vibes viewers have from one movie will translate into their willingness to watch another in the universe.
But this DCCU has been so bad, at least for me, that it's having an opposite halo effect. I am less willing to see a movie if it is set in this universe. If you announced that Wonder Woman were going back to the drawing board and being re-worked into a standalone film, I'd be more likely to see it than any DCCU-connected version.
I think the DCCU is tainted, and it doesn't seem tenable to start over.
I say go back to standalone films from creative auteurs. Look to The Dark Knight. That was DC's strength and the model they should have followed, not Avengers. That doesn't mean copy Nolan. That means open the gates to real filmmakers and give them real creative control. Be the opposite of Marvel, who demand directors that need to play ball with the studio and stay "on brand". Instead, be the arthouse destination for superhero films.
If you think that's bad it was PG here in Canada and I think Deadpool was Pg14That scene was spooky as hell.
They got away with a lot of gnarly shit for a PG13 film.
Spy is a better movie than anything Daniel Craig has ever starred in.
That makes sense since he literally just starts toabsorb people like a katamari damaci ball when he is born.
Ayer says this is his cut, but I don't believe that for a god damn second. It can't be. There's just no way he could let this happen voluntarily. Even fucking Roland Emmerich wouldn't let this happen voluntarily.