How much you like Star Driver depends on how well you can tolerate incredibly repetitious formula and cliched stock character types to get to the high-quality mecha animation.
Me, I dropped it after about 10 episodes and then just watched last episode.
Star Driver is fine show, its not offensively bad like some in this thread seem thinking.
But its just gave you "indifference" feeling the most, you watch 24 eps and you got nothing aside flash here n there.
I'm DYING to see it in SRW though, just a perfect fit.
Let me make this clear. I don't think the show is good but it has some good moments. It's a show better watched on Youtube as the best thing about it is the sakuga fights. It's also not a terrible show either.
You missed the great episode around 16 where the action sakuga went off the scale for a little bit with the jetpacks/boosters.
I see cnet realized his dream of being immortalized as well.
Hes on SOS?
Also, related to the plot, one reason the show sucks is that Takuto never loses. A hero who never fails at anything is not interesting.Takuto from Star Driver is a hero in the mold of Basara in that he gives no shits about anything happening in the world around him and just wants to do whatever his schtick is. It makes for annoying viewing because on the one hand stuff is happening in the world but on the other, its whatever shroom induced thing Takuto sees.
Also, related to the plot, one reason the show sucks is that Takuto never loses. A hero who never fails at anything is not interesting.
Exactly. Its not even that he pulls victory from the jaws of defeat everytime or anything like that. They fight and he does random shit and then he wins. WTF
Takuto from Star Driver is a hero in the mold of Basara in that he gives no shits about anything happening in the world around him and just wants to do whatever his schtick is. It makes for annoying viewing because on the one hand stuff is happening in the world but on the other, its whatever shroom induced thing Takuto sees.
Also, related to the plot, one reason the show sucks is that Takuto never loses. A hero who never fails at anything is not interesting.
Yeah, all said, just watch GaoGaiGar and Utena at the same time and you'll roughly achieve what Star Driver was trying to do but could never reach.
See, but I haven't seen Macross yet, so this reference doesn't mean much. Macross is sitting next to Getter and Mazinger as "You need to watch these if you want to keep your mecha cred from falling any further." When I finish Turn A and Victory, I'll be shelving all other shows to watch these. I might also watch UC Gundam again, but cut it off at Unicorn. Crossbone is amazing, and F91 has potential, but I'll be damned if I watch Victory twice in the space of a decade. Show isn't cutting it for me at all. Worst UC Gundam bar Stardust Memory.
True, but I was okay with Bit Cloud of Zoids New Century, and I think he only lost like, maybe once, and it wasn't a huge deal. But I saw that show as a kid so my judgment there is clouded.
Utena would be an even better show if Utena had used a Hammer Hell on a sun at the end of the series. Just saying.
And how.
Let me put it this way. Takuto is waaaay more annoying than Shinn Asuka and Setsuna F Seiei put together with a big difference. He isn't whiny, he gives no shits and his actions aren't really consistent with the world around him but he ALWAYS wins.
Really the problem isIt's Bad Plot Devices 101.they wrote themselves into a corner from the very beginning because if he loses even once they lose everything.
Well, I mean, GaoGaiGar was pretty repetitive/formulaic for awhile. Then it got hilariously awesome and didn't stop and they had to make 12 extra episodes to contain the excess awesome that the end of the series could not, does that count?
How recent is it?
Okay, noted. Watch it for the animation, and not so much the story.
It wouldn't because that would mean they need to waste 5 stages at least on the freaking Star Driver story. No thanks. I hope it never comes to SRW.
It wouldn't because that would mean they need to waste 5 stages at least on the freaking Star Driver story. No thanks. I hope it never comes to SRW.
It would be the tutorial cuz there's no way to lose. lol.
Let me put it this way. Takuto is waaaay more annoying than Shinn Asuka and Setsuna F Seiei put together with a big difference. He isn't whiny, he gives no shits and his actions aren't really consistent with the world around him but he ALWAYS wins.
It wouldn't because that would mean they need to waste 5 stages at least on the freaking Star Driver story. No thanks. I hope it never comes to SRW.
It should be like Eva 01 in SRW F where if the unit gets blown up, Shinji goes berserker and destroys everything around him.
Have you ever wanted your own Doraemon? Do you have $1900 burning a hole in your pocket?
Have I got the thing for you
The Star Driver Movie. The GIF is from the new footage in the film.What is this from, and is it worth checking out?
JohnLasseterAwkwardlyHuggingMiyazaki.gifJohn Lasseter.
2013 Spring Vol 1 Rankings
71,660 *6 Shingeki no Kyojin [DVD+BD]: 2013/07/17
65,465 *3 Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/26 [massive event ticket effect]
20,492 *4 Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai. [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/19
18,066 *3 To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S [DVD+BD]: 2013/07/24
15,031 *3 Hatarakou Maou-sama! [DVD+BD]: 2013/07/03
13,567 *5 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/26
*9,878 *3 Date A Live [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/28
*8,956 *1 Suisei no Gargantia [BDBOX]: 2013/08/28
*8,906 *3 Karneval [DVD+BD]: 2013/05/28 [v2+ have large event ticket drop]
*8,295 *2 Kakumeiki Valvrave [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/26
*5,787 *2 Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/26 [●]
*5,072 *3 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W [DVD+BD]: 2013/05/31
*4,323 *2 Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/05
*4,007 *2 Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san [BD]: 2013/06/26
*3,960 *1 Devil Survivor 2 [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/19
*3,874 *2 Ginga Kikoutai Majestic Prince [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/21
*2,813 *3 Yuyushiki [DVD+BD]: 2013/05/29 [●]
*1,915 *1 RDG Red Data Girl [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/28
*1,827 *1 Aiura [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/07 [●]
*1,596 *1 Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/26 [●]
*1,403 *1 Photokano [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/28 [●]
**,696 *1 Hayate no Gotoku! Cuties [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/26
**,404 *1 Aku no Hana [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/21 [●]
**,401 *1 Mushibugyou [DVD+BD]: 2013/07/26 [●]
**,346 *1 Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge [DVD+BD]: 2013/06/19 [●]
It's not like he has to stay at DEEN, and he's already worked on Sankarea. And porn. And worst of all, at Shaft.
Have you ever wanted your own Doraemon? Do you have $1900 burning a hole in your pocket?
Have I got the thing for you
Well he's already worked with them on 2 projects so there's some kind of connection there and considering he has yet to have a hit will probably hamper his ability to get work with other studios.
Well he's already worked with them on 2 projects so there's some kind of connection there and considering he has yet to have a hit will probably hamper his ability to get work with other studios.
If you need to have a hit to get more work as an anime director, no one would have any work. That's not how the industry works!![]()
Imagining coco & nuts , being tortured and suffering sure sound nice ...but they were so unberable that i think that this wouldn't be a suitable end for them...
Only season of precure where i would have been satisfied if the bad guys won..
You already know what i think but i'll say it again anyway... but Gogo is much more bearable BECAUSE they actually made the characters change a little. Sure coco & Nuts are stiill garbage , but they actually gave Nuts some worthy scenes !!( human form only )
Nuts & komachi was actually a subtle shipping this time ,, cure lemonade wasn't changed and is still useless , cure mint actually usefull in battle !! ( Believe it cnet ! ) but still it was overall better , better animated , better movies , better subplots.milky rose arrived making the anime so crazy
Gogo is what i can call a worthy sequel , going from a 4/10 season to a 7/10 easily.
Well I certainly agree that GoGo is a better sequel, although I wouldn't exactly say subtle, more like it stopped existing, but we already know it was established, much like how the NozomixCoco thing pretty much became subtle instead (outside of GoGo movies, which feels like a pent up sexual/creep frustration letting loose).
Well, things got weird enough on the last page or so, probably couldn't hurt to add more Saimoe results.
No, I wouldn't actually mind if Sebastian got more exposure to that crowd, but the problem with that is that male characters in Precure hardly ever got exposure, and this has been going on since its inception.
Citizen Kane is the Kill Me Baby of films.And the Citizen Kane of anime.
2013 08/26~09/01 Anime BD List
** (***) --- 35,938 35,938 **1 To Aru Majutsu no Index Endymion no Kiseki LE
** (***) --- 19,133 19,133 **1 Love Live! v6
** (***) --- 16,247 16,247 **1 Mobile Suit Gundam BD Box
** (***) --- 14,386 14,386 **1 Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% v3
** (***) --- 13,626 13,626 **1 To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S v2
** (***) --- 11,782 11,782 **1 Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken v8
** (***) --- *8,956 *8,956 **1 Suisei no Gargantia v1
** (***) --- *8,249 *8,249 **1 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. v3
** (***) --- *7,535 *7,535 **1 Little Busters! v9
** (***) --- *5,920 *5,920 **1 Date A Live v3
** (***) --- *5,708 *5,708 **1 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next v2
** (***) --- *5,016 *5,016 **1 Vividred Operation v6
** (***) --- *3,604 *3,604 **1 Dangan Ronpa v1
** (***) **1 *3,474 32,350 **2 Shingeki no Kyojin v2
** (***) --- *3,165 *3,165 **1 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W v4
** (***) --- *2,809 *2,809 **1 Yuyushiki v4
2013 08/26~09/01 Anime DVD List
** (***) --- 10,345 *,*10,345 **1 Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% v3
** (***) --- *8,383 *,**8,383 **1 To Aru Majutsu no Index Endymion no Kiseki LE
** (***) --- *6,152 *,**6,152 **1 Hetalia The Beautiful World v3
** (***) **1 *2,488 *,*16,705 **2 Shingeki no Kyojin v2
** (***) --- *2,404 *,**2,404 **1 Dangan Ronpa v1
** (***) --- *2,382 *,**2,382 **1 To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S v2
** (***) --- *2,276 *,**2,276 **1 Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken v8
** (***) --- *1,920 *,**1,920 **1 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. v3
** (***) --- *1,902 *,**1,902 **1 To Aru Majutsu no Index Endymion no Kiseki RE
** (***) --- *1,613 *,**1,613 **1 Karneval v4
** (***) --- *1,514 *,**1,514 **1 Little Busters! v9
** (***) **4 *1,358 *,**8,281 **2 Brothers Conflict v1
** (***) *34 *1,306 1,207,089 610 My Neighbor Totoro
** (***) --- *1,300 *,**1,300 **1 Date A Live v3
** (***) --- *1,205 *,**1,205 **1 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next v2
** (***) --- *1,133 *,**1,133 **1 Cuticle Tantei Inaba v6
** (***) --- **,761 *,***,761 **1 Vividred Operation v6
** (***) *48 **,741 *,*26,121 **7 Shingeki no Kyojin v1
smfhBlu-ray Sales Rankings August 26 - September 1
Code:*1, 35,938 35,938 Toaru Majutsu no Index: Endymion no Kiseki Special Edition *2, 19,133 19,133 Love Live! vol.6 *3, 16,247 16,247 Mobile Suit Gundam Blu-ray Memorial Box *4, 14,386 14,386 Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% vol.3 *5, 13,626 13,626 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S vol.2 *6, 11,782 11,782 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vol.8 *7, *8,956 *8,956 Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet Blu-ray Box 1 *8, *8,249 *8,249 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru vol.3 *9, *7,535 *7,535 Little Busters! vol.9 10, *5,920 *5,920 Date A Live Blu-ray vol.3 13, *5,708 *5,708 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT vol.2 14, *5,016 *5,016 Vividred Operation vol.6 15, *3,604 *3,604 Danganronpa The Animation vol.1 16, *3,474 32,350 Attack on Titan vol.2 17, *3,165 *3,165 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W vol.4 [B]20, *2,809 *2,809 Yuyushiki vol.[/B]4
Letters to Momo & Garden of Words. Forget the rest.I have here before me 009 Re: Cyborg, Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Garden of Words, and Letters to Momo. What do I watch first
009 Re: Cyborg. It's the CG future!I have here before me 009 Re: Cyborg, Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Garden of Words, and Letters to Momo. What do I watch first
Yuyushiki was cheated. Damn shame.smfh