Holy hell that's harsh. I thought people were being unreasonable when they hated on Mepple and Mipple, but now we're treating Coco and Nuts like hellspawn? They're nice people, what did they ever do to you?
The only somewhat annoying thing about Coco and Nuts is their voices in mascot form, but they make up for that by spending most of the time in human form anyway. I quite enjoy them as characters.though admittedly a lot of that may come from how adorable it is seeing Nozomi and Komachi swooning over them
Noooooooo don't tone down the shipping the shipping is cuuuuuuute
I am looking forward to Milky Rose though (Milk is wonderful already, anything that makes her more prominent has to be good). And whoever said Cure Mint isn't useful in battle?! For a character whose only abilities are defensive, I thought she's had a pretty good showing. Also she was seriously badass in the last episode I watched. (There was a scene where she stopped a vicious assault from toadbird-woman in its tracks by grabbing her fist with one hand. I was actually going to GIF that scene, but then I figured seven screencaps and two GIFs for the episode was probably enough already =p)
That sounds promising at least. I was kind of worried that two full series would be a bit much for sticking with the same characters (again), but if GoGo is that much better, I feel a little safer in looking forward to it.
"Oh, reeeeeeeally?"
Nagisa Momoe, voiced by Kana Asumi.
Garden of Words
Holy shit. This... this movie is like landscape porn. Oh god I feel unclean just watching it! My eyes! It's too goddamn beautiful!
/edit woah, feet. That's cool bro
Well-formatted sales lists have arrived.
** (***) --- 14,386 14,386 **1 Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% v3
** (***) --- 10,345 *,*10,345 **1 Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% v3
Vividred Operation: final BD+DVD average 6,573 across six volumes
Little Busters: final BD+DVD average 10,199 across nine volumes
future of anime production
I've been thinking about Evangelion Rebuild's weird alternate universe use of the characters in advertising. It's like some Angelic Days version of the Rebuild universe where everyone is happy all the time and selling products like mad.
future of anime production
Well he's already worked with them on 2 projects so there's some kind of connection there and considering he has yet to have a hit will probably hamper his ability to get work with other studios.
I knew you would notice it soon enough heehee.
Atelier is like a Zel magnet.
Alright. So I watched something over the last two weeks. I finally got around to watching Tweeny Witches. I went into this pretty much blind but I got a good deal on the whole set so took the plunge. I have to say it's a better Escaflowne than Escaflowne.
Dude, it's totally Escaflowne.Im not sure why you'd compare it to Escaflowne but yes its pretty good. The only series Studio 4C ever worked on outside of their short animations and background work.
Red. The latter image, in context, is pretty explicitly drawing on the image of a maternal womb.
A blue scene, the more usual palette of this episode.
Moretsu Pirates/Bodacious Space Pirates Episode 26: I do have to say that I am glad this is getting a movie because this finale is rather dissatisfying for a few reasons. First and foremost, this was just an odd point to end the series, trying to throw out these great ponderous questions about the future yet the immediate answer is known and the real answer will not come for a time.Anyway, overall this was a decent series marred by a lot of pointless baggage (looking at you High School setting) and some very questionable writing precepts.Also, the final boss went down like a bitch, and while the made sense from the perspective of the story. One the recurring marvels that Captain Marika showcases is her cunning and creativity which is used to ensnare and stun lock and down the Grand Cross without much effort. Though it turns out this was a actually some sort of test battle which may be connected to Ironbeard's plans and this mystery queen. See, shit like this is why I always felt that Moretsu Pirates always ended its arcs on a dour note, because they all lacked a sense of closure and indeed that is what we get here. Questions about the future are abound, but Marika has one more year of High School left, who the fuck end a story set in High School at the start of senior year? Also, am I the only one who found it funny that even Kenjo Kurihara was shipping Chacki with Marika.
HUman form is passable , mascot form is useless.Holy hell that's harsh. I thought people were being unreasonable when they hated on Mepple and Mipple, but now we're treating Coco and Nuts like hellspawn? They're nice people, what did they ever do to you?
The only somewhat annoying thing about Coco and Nuts is their voices in mascot form, but they make up for that by spending most of the time in human form anyway. I quite enjoy them as characters.though admittedly a lot of that may come from how adorable it is seeing Nozomi and Komachi swooning over them
this was the first time they did a defensive precure and aside from a few moments, she didn't shine much she stickied to her defensive role , almost too much and her screen appearance is uneven because toei wasn't able to manage everyone time properly.Well, if these scenes make even you think Nuts isn't awful, I guess they must be good.
Noooooooo don't tone down the shipping the shipping is cuuuuuuute
I am looking forward to Milky Rose though (Milk is wonderful already, anything that makes her more prominent has to be good). And whoever said Cure Mint isn't useful in battle?! For a character whose only abilities are defensive, I thought she's had a pretty good showing. Also she was seriously badass in the last episode I watched. (There was a scene where she stopped a vicious assault from toadbird-woman in its tracks by grabbing her fist with one hand. I was actually going to GIF that scene, but then I figured seven screencaps and two GIFs for the episode was probably enough already =p)
The only romance worthy of my attention is karen x milk .That sounds promising at least. I was kind of worried that two full series would be a bit much for sticking with the same characters (again), but if GoGo is that much better, I feel a little safer in looking forward to it.
No! Stop talking about toning down the romance! The romance is cute, dammit! T_T
Most useless fairies ? Yep.Many hate Coco and Nuts because they are the most useless fairies in the entire franchise. The Mascot voice only drives it home. Due to their uselessness, their existence was primarily to make it creepy with the "romance" with animals that can turn into people.
Want your happyness, Madoka?' Pennywise asked. 'I only repeat myself because you really do not seem that eager.'Last thing I need is for Kyubey to become a shapeshifter.
Might as well name him Pennywise.
009 Re: Cyborg
This post 9/11 Paranoia is a very interesting direction to take what I recall being a traditionally rather cartoony, if still serious, series. The direction and redesigns are, I think, impeccable, but the story seems like a lot of pseudo-philosophical and theological nonsense and the CG's lack of weight and strange uncanny-valleyness is a real detraction from anything that isn't the action sequences, which fare a little better.
...and even Shion, the forgotten member of the independent idol powerhouse POWA POWA MOTHAFUCKIN' PURIRIN gets yet another episode focusing on her!!!!
Outside the realism seekers, as an example, I think that things in opposite sides of the spectrum like 'Kanada-style' explosions and Mr. Masuo/'Annoxplosions' have a really differentiated and true recognition.There's not really that much you can do with explosions to make them stand out as unique, honestly. At least there's no examples that come to mind.
Difficult to beat him giving Mr. Yoshinari total free reign to do a-explosion-inside-a-explosion-inside-a-explosion-inside-a-explosion-inside-a-explosion-inside-a-explosion-inside-a-explosion-inside-a-explosion...I dub this phenomenon :imaishi.
Yes it is.I just love the series so damn much. ^_^
Jesus, this CG is realllllllllly bad.
Things that would look quite alright if done in traditional 2D look like they're just moving wax dolls. Especially the bizarre, unmoving faces.
/edit oh my god this fucking exposition
the director's trying as best he can to make it interesting with dynamic angled camera shots and closeups but it's sooooo fucking boringggggggg
GAiNAX has been for a long time for some different posts, at least since Stella Jogakuin's production commenced... and they certainly need it more! ( ;_Trigger's still actively recruiting.
Speaking of which, your Meruru Plus thread (didn't even know that was coming out) got me to fire up Totori Plus after a while in hopes of finally getting into a rhythm with the game.
Trigger's still actively recruiting.
Gotta start from somewhere!Inbetweeners, tho.
Are you a bad enough dude to apply for the lowest tier animation-related job?
Well at least its still over 25k, kind of think its better than titan so wish it was still in 50ks.
I wonder wher BroCon fits in in the context of the otome adaptations list posted once I think.
Sentai Filmworks's got their December solicitations up:
Girls und Panzer BD/DVD (w/out bonus OVAs)
Magical Play DVD
Kokoro Connect OVAs BD/DVD
Di Gi Charat OVAs DVD (sub only)
Sakurasou Set 1 BD/DVD (sub only)
Humanity Has Declined BD/DVD (sub only)
Say "I Love You" BD/DVD
Nyan Koi BD/DVD
So, I Can't Play H BD/DVD (sub only)
Naruto Shippuuden - 327-328
Don't know why I even tried watching again, filler, filler, flasback, bla bla, I've mistaken I still can't take this crap still.
Oh good heavens, I've committed the crime of reposting something that was also stated earlier.
Seriously, shut the hell up, not everyone was paying attention to the thread the entire time during Otakon.