What the hell is up with that Gundam? Why all the red?
That shit from AGE (and actually among the best looking from other)
I don't want that in Z3 (or whatever the next big SRW game)
What the hell is up with that Gundam? Why all the red?
Watched Gatchaman ep 1. What garbage. How can they take a piss over the Gatchaman name like that?
This is pissing on a grave. Spinoff for a series that hasn't had a new anime in 20 odd years hardly matters in the grand scheme of things.
And that's the end of an amazing, months-long journey. It's not always easy for me to write down my thoughts on art work, mostly because I am more emotive than thoughtful while enjoying it, but it was fun to write this little logbook. I hope everyone enjoyed reading them. I was very wary to avoid spoilers in the quotes and the images (I think), so I hope others might feel inspired to pick this show up.
I specifically forbade myself from marathoning portions of this show, just so I could absorb the emotional tension more, and I'm glad I did so. I would advise everyone to watch this show at their leisure.
This show gets, what else, a rating of 10/10. It joins a couple of other anime, but in honesty surpasses those. It's really quite unique.
And now I feel the hole one gets after finishing a marvelous novel.
At least that's in the spirit of the original. I dunno WTF I just watched in this new show...
Someone on reddit is mad.
Share Gipsy Danger stuff. tia
Slim pickings right now.
That chibi one has clean versions for all five. Thinking of repping Striker Eureka for a while, personally.
Lastly, what the fuck, western weeb fanartists?
Monogatari S2 2:
Damn, Senjou with that rhetorical mindfuck. Talk about brutal in defending what's hers.
Fate/Magical Girl Not-An-Old-Hag Lyrical Ilyasviel Prism Something Or Other
Man, as if I wasn't on enough government lists already.
I'll give it one more episode.
Love Lab is FUN, love it! I laughed hard with the first episode.
Inu to Hasami is... dunno what to think to be honest. Super weird premise, super weird characters and I have no idea where all that leads.
Caught with Attack on Titans to 14, what the hell they did with the entry song? the new one is horrible and the first one was so amazing... I still enjoy the show, but it has lost quite a bit of impact for me since the first episodes, I think the pace got too slow.
About Madoka.
I didn't have problems wit the energy thing, I have seen that stuff since Sailor Moon, is not something that puts me off about the premise. My only two moments where my suspension of disbelief were a bit shacked was at the last episode, one with the mother letting Madoka out, not in 1000 years I could understand a mother letting her only daughter go outside in middle of a emergency and is not like Madoka used a great argument either. And then I always had problems with Madoka making such a sophisticated wish, but both are minor nitpickings, the show was incredible, hope to find time to rewatch it on Blu-Ray
Pacific Rim
100% better than Evangelion.
I should have gone to see this instead of plowing through The Last of Us. I guess there's always next weekend.
Yes. Fuck that stupid game trying to be a movie
Its a joy on bluray. Great quality.
regarding the whole thing you mentioned, her mom always came off as very trusting and laid back. It makes sense in context.
Also speaking of Madoka, due to my magic crystal ball, I have a feeling that Corvo shall be returning tonight with more Madoka impressions!
is that what people call youtube now?
Yes. Fuck that stupid game trying to be a movieI should have gone to see this instead of plowing through The Last of Us. I guess there's always next weekend.
Haha, that's interesting. Maybe it's because I have been playing the masterpiece that is The Last of Us for a few weeks now and am still riding the high of the incredible voice acting/story/script, but I just couldn't stand what I was watching. It was painful, especially because it crossed that border into being so stupid that it wasn't even funny.
I'll most likely end up seeing it again with a bit more rest and a better mindset, and will hopefully enjoy at least the ending action sequences everybody seems to be hyping up.
is "the last of us ruined pacific rim" the new "the last of us ruined video games"? ugh.
The Citizen Kane of videogames strikes again. Is there anything it won't ruin? I know that after playing it I can't ever have burgers again, only expensive and tasty steaks.
Well, I think they both are viewed at 24 frames per second, so they've got that in common.
Did I really just read a negative impression of a movie about giant robots vs monsters, because they had just finished a play through of the Last of Us?!
How was I supposed to feel about the giant robots, man? How was I supposed to feel at all? I can't feel without QTEs, artificial tragedy, gut-wrenching contrivances, and SERIOUS APOCALYPTIC MAGNITUDE OF SERIOUS SERIOUSNESS. Sure, The Last of Us was no less ridiculous than Pacific Rim, but tragedy is FOR ADULTS and action/adventure is for fucking children. You should be ashamed of yourself if you felt any enjoyment at something so juvenile.
0/10, shit movie, would not watch again, would not compare to Citizen Kane.
i recently tried rewatching the godfather, but after such highs of the last of us, the film was such a colossal let down.
Golden Boy 4-
The wild beast in me awoke as well.
If you don't care about being spoiled insanely on the story of The Last of Us, I wrote up my full critique here.
“The essence of a likable protagonist is that their reactions and emotions, in some way, reflect our own.” And it is for this reason that I do not hold the story of “The Last of Us” in any high regard.
Yes. Fuck that stupid game trying to be a movie
Pacific Rim
100% better than Evangelion.
Yes. Fuck that stupid game trying to be a movie
Picking out the best girl in golden boy is so hard.
Sounds like you would have loved this sequence of posts:
If you're gonna review something then you really should wait to finish it first. :/
Sounds like you would have loved this sequence of posts:
I don't have a complete familiarity of their work, but of what I have seen Soredemo.
I don't find the visual style itself unappealing but the execution so far for Monogatari S2 has been excruciatingly lazy to the point of insulting. Like, they literally hang on this still repeatedly. They come back to it because it is so deep and meaningful and they want to make sure the viewer understood everything though I'm sure. I'm also sure they copy and paste the cardboard tiger cutout because they want to give the viewer the best experience possible. And this boring fucking framing that allows them to cheaply animate most of the episode is super brilliant and engaging, so much so that I cannot even count the number of times it was used.
DokiDoki Precure: 24
It's a Spy!
So Cure Ace is going to be the drill instructor mentor of the group. OK, I don't know how I'd take a forth grader yelling at them seriously, but OK. All honestly, this episode was kinda depressing and actually kinda boring. I don't know if its my mood right now or what.
But anyway, Sebastian is the best character, and looks like he might be featured a bit next episode! Hurray!
Dokidoki 24:
There were Rikka NTR tears, so I'm satisfied. Also pleasing: Meguca basically telling everyone that they fucking suck and that her authority is inviolate because she saved their incompetent asses. Any character immune to Mana's bullshit is a good character.
next week is going to be the BEST EPISODE IN THE HISTORY OF THE FRANCHISE AND RETROACTIVELY JUSTIFY ALL OF MY SUFFERING. The concept is so inherently amazing that not even Toei can fuck this up, and I am the last person on the planet who would normally make such a claim.
If you're gonna review something then you really should wait to finish it first. :/
To be fair, Corvo gets way too testy when pushed on something. Only a matter of time before somebody hit the button hard enough.
It feels weird to be openly discussing what we do and don't like about specific posters who can read the thread and will probably be back to post in it.
I mean weird in the sense of uncomfortable, not strange. I can attest to how strange it feels to be through the looking glass as other posters are performing your autopsy, heh.
I guess its always easier to blame others for your behavior rather than doing a little bit of self reflection. Shrug.
I like this guy. My new Corvo.
I think when Corvo makes long intelligent posts they bring up good points. I think, just like how I fall prey to posting short posts, it sucks that sometimes threads get bogged down to some primitive LLOLLOLOL OMG TEH PWNAZOR posts or something like that. Not that I believe that's what Corvo was doing but his caps thing? It was sort of annoying.
A man is but a position to be filled and replaced as needed.
Well it did, Leonard really served no purpose in the series.
made it seem like it was going somewhere but nope just ends right there.
Same thing afa this thread's concerned. If you have the time to pause a movie and write about it, then you have the time to watch it in full which is the way it's supposed to be viewedI should've noted it was an impression.