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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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And that's the end of an amazing, months-long journey. It's not always easy for me to write down my thoughts on art work, mostly because I am more emotive than thoughtful while enjoying it, but it was fun to write this little logbook. I hope everyone enjoyed reading them. I was very wary to avoid spoilers in the quotes and the images (I think), so I hope others might feel inspired to pick this show up.

I specifically forbade myself from marathoning portions of this show, just so I could absorb the emotional tension more, and I'm glad I did so. I would advise everyone to watch this show at their leisure.

This show gets, what else, a rating of 10/10. It joins a couple of other anime, but in honesty surpasses those. It's really quite unique.


And now I feel the hole one gets after finishing a marvelous novel.

Yes, Legend of the Galactic Heroes is definitely one of the few almost perfect shows that I'd rate similarly.

Are you interested in watching the 50 or so episodes of side stories and prequels?

Not nearly as good as the original, by any means, but they should help if you really do want to see more of that world.
Makai Ouji - Devils and Realist 02


This was an honest to god magical boy transformation. Amazing.

Not too bad. Introduces another new demon to join our main characters's harem and other stuff happens. It was amusing.


So, knocking off some stuff from the new season backlog (*stares suspiciously at previous season backlog)

Gatchaman - 01

I saw the original G-Force anime. It wasn't exactly the height of animation. This was pretty good. It has all the Nakamura Kenji trippy hallmarks. The action was good too. I just hope this doesn't turn out like the last time Nakamura and Tatsunoko has tried to do an action anime >_>

The speech pattern of the girl is kinda annoying though (I've never heard anyone except delinquent boys use that style)

Fantasista Dolls - 01

I should have listend to duckroll >_< I'm getting old, I think. This was garbage. I liked the character designs and that's pretty much it. Based Goro has betrayed me. Nothing is explained, nothing makes sense and the main is a bumbling idiot. I don't know who this was supposed to appeal to. Maybe, the people who used to like Cardcaptor Sakura? I mean, they nearly copied Sakura's design for the main.
Blood Lad 2

I spotted some good animation in that little skirmish. Hopefully they can keep that up, because there's going to be a lot of fights.

I still like the manga sound effects and the presentation in general. There's some creative direction here and there, though it might be a bit more subdued than this series deserves. Also, there are some scenes where the VAs speak way too softly. Other than that, good episode.


Cardcaptor Sakura 32

So there always seems to be "character X and Y switch bodies" episode, though probably not as often as I think. I enjoyed it, mainly because Kero and Shaoran are pretty much polar opposites in every way. Also they're different species. That always mixes things up a bit. Best part was when Yukito pointed out that Kero (Li) had rather red cheeks for a plush toy. Also when Shaoran (Kero) was running on all fours while playing soccer.


Monogatari S2 2:

Damn, Senjou with that rhetorical mindfuck. Talk about brutal in defending what's hers.

Thats why she will always be best monogatari girl.

Fate/Magical Girl Not-An-Old-Hag Lyrical Ilyasviel Prism Something Or Other

Man, as if I wasn't on enough government lists already.

I'll give it one more episode.

Im pretty sure Im on some most wanted list somewhere

Love Lab is FUN, love it! I laughed hard with the first episode.

Inu to Hasami is... dunno what to think to be honest. Super weird premise, super weird characters and I have no idea where all that leads.

Caught with Attack on Titans to 14, what the hell they did with the entry song? the new one is horrible and the first one was so amazing... I still enjoy the show, but it has lost quite a bit of impact for me since the first episodes, I think the pace got too slow.

About Madoka.

I didn't have problems wit the energy thing, I have seen that stuff since Sailor Moon, is not something that puts me off about the premise. My only two moments where my suspension of disbelief were a bit shacked was at the last episode, one with the mother letting Madoka out, not in 1000 years I could understand a mother letting her only daughter go outside in middle of a emergency and is not like Madoka used a great argument either. And then I always had problems with Madoka making such a sophisticated wish, but both are minor nitpickings, the show was incredible, hope to find time to rewatch it on Blu-Ray

Its a joy on bluray. Great quality.
regarding the whole thing you mentioned, her mom always came off as very trusting and laid back. It makes sense in context.

Pacific Rim

100% better than Evangelion.

I NEED TO SEE IT. Got invited to watch it by a friend when I get back from vacation.

I should have gone to see this instead of plowing through The Last of Us. I guess there's always next weekend.

Yes. Fuck that stupid game trying to be a movie
Its a joy on bluray. Great quality.
regarding the whole thing you mentioned, her mom always came off as very trusting and laid back. It makes sense in context.

That or her mom was really drunk at that point so she thought; "why the hell not?"

Also speaking of Madoka, due to my magic crystal ball, I have a feeling that Corvo shall be returning tonight with more Madoka impressions!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Squid Girl S2 2

Man, Nagisa is totally Makoto from iM@S, isn't she? :lol

And hah, Squid Girl can fly now, huh? I was wondering if the OP was hinting at that.
Girls und Panzer 2

This episode seemed to be all about introducing the groups and really setting up the school's Tankery club. I like how the teams have their own distinct identities, like the volleyball team being very gung ho and the whimpy freshman team being dependent on NeoGAF. New girl Yukari is totally adorable when she nerds-out on Tankery and I'm wondering if the lazy girl on the side of the road is going to get run over. You can't stop me, cliffhanger! I'm a proud Marathoner and nothing can get in my way for more Tankery!


Cardcaptor Sakura 33

Ice-skating episodes are usually awesome. This was no exception.

Had an alternate version of "Catch You Catch Me", which really would make any episode worth existing purely by itself. But I just like ice-skating animation. I think Sailor Moon was the first thing to make me love it. I don't know. The Clow Card scene was made great with the skating as well.

Though I have to say, assuming that was a Celsius thermometer, these kids need to toughen up a bit. Can't handle below freezing temperatures? Back in winter in Connecticut, we called that...well we didn't call it anything, because it was every fucking day.
END of Evangelion: 25'




I should have gone to see this instead of plowing through The Last of Us. I guess there's always next weekend.
Yes. Fuck that stupid game trying to be a movie

Sounds like you would have loved this sequence of posts:

Haha, that's interesting. Maybe it's because I have been playing the masterpiece that is The Last of Us for a few weeks now and am still riding the high of the incredible voice acting/story/script, but I just couldn't stand what I was watching. It was painful, especially because it crossed that border into being so stupid that it wasn't even funny.

I'll most likely end up seeing it again with a bit more rest and a better mindset, and will hopefully enjoy at least the ending action sequences everybody seems to be hyping up.

is "the last of us ruined pacific rim" the new "the last of us ruined video games"? ugh.

The Citizen Kane of videogames strikes again. Is there anything it won't ruin? I know that after playing it I can't ever have burgers again, only expensive and tasty steaks.

Well, I think they both are viewed at 24 frames per second, so they've got that in common.

Did I really just read a negative impression of a movie about giant robots vs monsters, because they had just finished a play through of the Last of Us?!

How was I supposed to feel about the giant robots, man? How was I supposed to feel at all? I can't feel without QTEs, artificial tragedy, gut-wrenching contrivances, and SERIOUS APOCALYPTIC MAGNITUDE OF SERIOUS SERIOUSNESS. Sure, The Last of Us was no less ridiculous than Pacific Rim, but tragedy is FOR ADULTS and action/adventure is for fucking children. You should be ashamed of yourself if you felt any enjoyment at something so juvenile.

0/10, shit movie, would not watch again, would not compare to Citizen Kane.

i recently tried rewatching the godfather, but after such highs of the last of us, the film was such a colossal let down.


If you don't care about being spoiled insanely on the story of The Last of Us, I wrote up my full critique here.

Yea you missed a lot of the nuances of the game.

&#8220;The essence of a likable protagonist is that their reactions and emotions, in some way, reflect our own.&#8221; And it is for this reason that I do not hold the story of &#8220;The Last of Us&#8221; in any high regard.

This is absolutely absurd.

Yes. Fuck that stupid game trying to be a movie

Are you being sarcastic?

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Squid Girl S2 3

Poor Alex. ;_; All he wants is some attention.

Also, Squid Girl accidentally
knocking all the kids out
was hilarious. :lol


Maji de Otaku na English! Ribbon-chan: Eigo de Tatakau Mahou Shoujo 1-2

It's been p. much foerver since I watched an ep of this so I started watching this all over again as a new group picked this up and is starting from the first ep so &#12541;(´&#12540;&#65344;)&#65417;

so worth it for yuu kobayashi screaming engrish at the end
One Piece Film Z part 1

Dead eye staring from Robin. That part actually reminds me of something I don't exactly like in anime, in where the character that isn't getting focused on remains still, no matter how silly their posture is. It doesn't feel lively, it's like at times, only one person can act at a time. Considering this is a movie, this isn't something that should be in here.

That being said...

We start off with a fight scene with revolver cameralot, which I enjoyed, even Kizaru appeared, and actually lost a match (well not really). And I enjoyed how the Straw Hats got decked by Z and friends before setting on an island.

LOLI NAMI EXISTS AGAIN, fanartists are rejoicing. Sanji is too, being excited to be near Loli Nami to see her "blossom". *shivers*

AOKIJI (Think I got that right)
And his missing leg D:
graces us and doesn't share info on his state of anything, and everyone else is doing whatever, but we see a display of Luffy's Haki, which was a nice treat.

Time to continue as we left off with explosions.
I don't have a complete familiarity of their work, but of what I have seen Soredemo.

I don't find the visual style itself unappealing but the execution so far for Monogatari S2 has been excruciatingly lazy to the point of insulting. Like, they literally hang on this still repeatedly. They come back to it because it is so deep and meaningful and they want to make sure the viewer understood everything though I'm sure. I'm also sure they copy and paste the cardboard tiger cutout because they want to give the viewer the best experience possible. And this boring fucking framing that allows them to cheaply animate most of the episode is super brilliant and engaging, so much so that I cannot even count the number of times it was used.

It really is incredibly lazy but it actually doesn't bother me in the least bit. During all the recycled stills I'm either enjoying the music or digesting the dialogues/monologues. Petty distraction? Low standards? Maybe, but for me it all works. I'll take cheap quick cuts and recycled stills over things like recycled henshin sequences because I'll at least get some new audio content to chew on.
Take that Mahou Shoujo gaf!

Also I wonder what other Animegaffers think is SHAFT's best work, I'm sure Madoka would rank pretty highly. I'd probably go with Soredemo too but Arakawa S1 doesn't get nearly as much love as it should.

DokiDoki Precure: 24

It's a Spy!

So Cure Ace is going to be the drill instructor mentor of the group. OK, I don't know how I'd take a forth grader yelling at them seriously, but OK. All honestly, this episode was kinda depressing and actually kinda boring. I don't know if its my mood right now or what.

But anyway, Sebastian is the best character, and looks like he might be featured a bit next episode! Hurray!

Dokidoki 24:


There were Rikka NTR tears, so I'm satisfied. Also pleasing: Meguca basically telling everyone that they fucking suck and that her authority is inviolate because she saved their incompetent asses. Any character immune to Mana's bullshit is a good character.


next week is going to be the BEST EPISODE IN THE HISTORY OF THE FRANCHISE AND RETROACTIVELY JUSTIFY ALL OF MY SUFFERING. The concept is so inherently amazing that not even Toei can fuck this up, and I am the last person on the planet who would normally make such a claim.

Damn am I tempted to watch dokidoki now, but surely batman/alfred precure isn't as good as bancho precure right? RIGHT?!
I don't think this denial is working, why do you guys have to tempt me with something like this, do you guys enjoy watching people suffer?!
If you're gonna review something then you really should wait to finish it first. :/

I should've noted it was an impression. I've done this before with other movies, but split those into 3 parts. I'm going with two because this movie is rather long. About the length the All Star movies should be considering the shit ton amount of Cures they have, but lol Toei.
Girls und Panzer 3

Oh snap, who'd a thunk Mako was a genius behind the wheel? I'm totally enthusiastic about her lack of enthusiasm! Getting up at 5 in the morning? Forget that noise! I'm surprised they managed to pull the win. Not very familiar with tanks, but the the other teams went down pretty easily. From the five minutes I spent in the World of Tanks Xbox 360 beta yesterday, I thought the worst possible place to hit a tank was the front, but that's pretty much what they did. I dunno, all I can think about is the actual match that's going down next episode. Well, that and this dance that's apparently really embarrassing. Hype!


So I don't want to derail the thread with myself overmuch, but since I DID cause one last night, I feel as a member of the community it is only right that I make some apologies and show that I learned a more valuable lesson than my youtube channel might make it sound.

To be fair, Corvo gets way too testy when pushed on something. Only a matter of time before somebody hit the button hard enough.

The short version of the lesson is that Hitokage is smarter than me.

It feels weird to be openly discussing what we do and don't like about specific posters who can read the thread and will probably be back to post in it.

The positive side of this coin is that it provided me with a good chance to reflect not only on what I'd done wrong, but how I'd come off to others. This was not the first time I'd done something like this, and being sent to time out to think about what I'd done was well complemented by seeing others spell it out for me without the slightest sugaring.

I mean weird in the sense of uncomfortable, not strange. I can attest to how strange it feels to be through the looking glass as other posters are performing your autopsy, heh.

This was a good analogy both in the sense that it let me know I wasn't alone in feeling odd about it and in pointing out to me that this was a good chance for me to see what others thought and what I needed to fix. And I will be frank: I need to fix that short temper of mine.

I guess its always easier to blame others for your behavior rather than doing a little bit of self reflection. Shrug.

This I feel especially embarrassed about. I confess I worded what I said on my channel poorly, and I see why, coupled with my behavior last night, one would get that impression. So let me take this chance to say that what I learned was a little more concrete than that. I took things too far. I don't blame R for it. I needed to exercise self-control and walk away from something that was bothering me more than it should have if I couldn't prevent it from bothering me.

I am sorry not only for the confusion, but also for coming off as an arrogant ass and also last night's melodrama. During which I cannot blame others for seeing me as such, since my behavior was, well, that of an arrogant ass. So again, I am sorry.

I like this guy. My new Corvo.

Except for this. I thought we were bros, Peaceiscloser! Cajun didn't replace me in the space of a night! Hahaha.

I think when Corvo makes long intelligent posts they bring up good points. I think, just like how I fall prey to posting short posts, it sucks that sometimes threads get bogged down to some primitive LLOLLOLOL OMG TEH PWNAZOR posts or something like that. Not that I believe that's what Corvo was doing but his caps thing? It was sort of annoying.

I could just be misreading this, but I understand that my posting in caps can get annoying, and I do occasionally try and reign that in. I want you all to know I don't use capslock, though. I lovingly caress the shift key the whole time I'm ranting. In any case, I apologize for that grating part of my attitude, and will continue to attempt to not make it a larger part of myself on GAF.

So before I get back to my anime impressions, let me again repeat that I'm sorry for what I did last night, and that I have recognized in myself the problem, and will endeavor going forward to fix this problem.

That said:

A man is but a position to be filled and replaced as needed.


I have a twitter, too, if anyone ever needs to contact me off of GAF
Blood Lad 02


Staz running around spraying everything with his spit was pretty amusing.

I really enjoyed the jokes. I also really enjoyed the action. Great mix of both and miss space girl is a fun addition to the group. This show is great.


Well it did, Leonard really served no purpose in the series.
made it seem like it was going somewhere but nope just ends right there.

The anticlimactic nature of The Second Raid's ending is because the story doesn't actually end there. Besides that, though, which is fairly understood, what did you think of the series?

Attack on Titan 14
Although there was less action than earlier episodes, there was a decent amount of things going on. Which made this episode fairly good, in my eyes. The plot advanced, and something other than people doing nothing happened. Time wasn’t dilated for the sake of saving money, I suppose. There was a good deal of people standing around and talking, and some stock footage, but I think we can all survive that.

Bunny Drop 11
The toothpisode. Daikichi learns a valuable lesson in what “my own time” means to parents. He also copes with Rin losing her baby teeth and losing a competition. And of course, Daikichi is so Cannot Spit It Out with Nitani that he basically went grocery shopping with her son and all. I can’t believe the series just ends there, though. The manga will probably crush my hopes and dreams, but in my head Daikichi and Nitani definitely hook up in the future.

Looking up spoilers for the manga reveals that it was a good idea that the anime ended where it did. That is literally the only thing I can say about that. It never happened. Nitani and Daikichi got together and raised Rin and Kouki. The end.

Madoka 10

(For reelz this time)

Since I’ve again seen some complaints with regards to my LOLWTFBBQsauce responses to these episodes, I will endeavor to get through this episode without a single WHAAAAAT, WUT, OH, or any other lengthy capslock post. I assume that between the time I watch this episode and the time I post these impressions I will have posted an apology and explanation for such things, but as I realize they still serve as a nuisance to my fellow members of AnimeGAF, I will try to at the very least keep them to a minimum.

Ah, so now we get to see Homura’s past. A timeline in which she was also Madoka’s friend. Alt U Madoka has a funny lisp. Alt U Madoka smiles WAY more than regular Madoka, too. Seeing Magical Girl Madoka in the alternate timeline more or less makes it clear that Madoka won’t ever become one in the real time line, though. The scary part of this episode comes with the realization that in this timeline, Madoka did become a Magical Girl, and that means not only that Mami has survived, but that Sayaka did not become one at all. In other words, Homura’s interference to save one person cost the lives of two others. Oh, nevermind.

The weird thing is how different Madoka is in this timeline. Is she more confident because she became a Magical Girl, or something else? Because Madoka 1 is a pouty wet noodle, and Madoka 2 is a confident, friendly girl. Oh, I wonder if Madoka is wussier as a result of Homura’s wish? “You’ll want to protect Lara Croft” and all that. Also, the Soul Gem emerging from a girl’s chest is in no way reminiscent of guitar’s being pulled from people’s skulls in FLCL or swords from chests in Utena. And just like in those cases, it definitely is not suggestive. No sir.

Oh. Oh my. This isn’t the first time Homura went back in time to save Madoka? How many times has she done this? Has this poor girl been caught in a loop? For how long? Teehee, threw a grenade up a skirt. A lot of times, apparently. That’s horrible.

This scene of her gathering some serious weapons to try is hard core, though. And of course Sayaka would not believe that Kyube used and tricked them. And Sayaka turns into a witch every time? That certainly explains why Homura has given up and tells Madoka to do the same with Kyube. If you think you’ve been down every possible road, it must get frustrating after awhile.

Bit of a tangent, here, but I wonder if, stuck in his eternal time loop like he was, FFI’s Garland/Chaos did not feel a similar kind of frustration after spending so long dying at the hands of the Light Warriors? Maybe he wanted saved, too.

WOW. I mean WOW. Wasn’t expecting her to have to do that. That’s . . . this explains a lot about Homura, actually. This reveal has been very well done. Whoa, suddenly we’re back to the beginning of the show. Does this mean that Madoka wasn’t dreaming? She was remembering the last timeline? I mean, when Homura first experiences it, she compares it to a dream until she sees the Soul Gem in her hand, so what if Madoka remembers it, but doesn’t realize it, since she has no physical evidence and since it is so outlandish she dismisses it as a dream?

OOOOOOOKAY. I know I said I wouldn’t use capslock, but this is something that bears discussion. As I mentioned like, last episode, Kyube’s plan inherently puts the world to waste. What bothers me is that, confronted with that truth, Kyube shrugs it off and says “that’s not my problem.” I mean, hello? Didn’t you give a speech earlier about how the various civilizations in the universe were wasting energy at a hilarious pace and rapidly consuming and destroying the universe? In what way, then, are you not doing the same by wiping out a planet for that sake? Especially when this planet houses a species which can produce the emotional energy your race is using to “save” the universe.
I can’t actually accept that Kyube would be so incompetent as to throw away a world which produces a species which produces the very energy he will need. Quota or not, Earth serves as a treasure trove of energy, and at the very worst, you’d be wise to keep it around in case you needed more. The only possibility, then, is that Kyube isn’t actually doing this to save the universe. Even removing Domon Kasshu’s point that destroying a part of nature is not the way to save nature, Kyube is wasting something he could continue to harvest. I can only conclude that he is either a terrible employee who never cared about his job (in the which case what was his motive at all) or he is still a satanic force, and destroying the world was always his objective, and everything else was part of his plan to create the strongest witch. After all, if Kyube eats the Grief Seeds, then does it not follow that he could hope to eat her?

Playing the OP at the end of an episode that essentially explains a series of events that all take place prior to the beginning of the series was a nice touch.

The Devil Works at McDonalds 1

Picked this as my follow up to Bunny Drop. Odd, but there you go. I really like that the beginning of it seems like an homage to the old, hyperdetailed fantasy anime of yore. Reminded me of Record of Lodoss War. The action sequences are better than SAO by a country mile, too, though I don’t expect there to be many of them in this series.
They’ve adapted to life on Earth pretty fast to be referencing Super Size Me. I mean, that movie came out at least five years ago.

And since you’re all wondering, after only one episode, I’m kinda leaning irrationally in favor of Red > Pink. Mostly ‘cuz Red looks sorta like Cordelia and Pink kinda looks more like Chibi Sailor Moon. But yeah, there you have it. Not bad. This version of the devil seems considerably geekier and nicer than (SPOILERS FOR OTHER SERIES
The Devil Gundam or Kyube.


I should've noted it was an impression.
Same thing afa this thread's concerned. If you have the time to pause a movie and write about it, then you have the time to watch it in full which is the way it's supposed to be viewed

The last thing this thread needs is even more anime liveblogging nonsense.
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