P3 - better story
P4 - better waifus
It's a tough choice.
P3 has too many characters with daddy issues. Its also mostly just a bummer especially the last 1/4 of it with all the "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMED" crap.
P3 - better story
P4 - better waifus
It's a tough choice.
P3 has too many characters with daddy issues. Its also mostly just a bummer especially the last 1/4 of it with all the "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMED" crap.
I have a really devout coworker that didn't like that there were Demons in Warhammer 40K.
He was asking me what I was playing lately a few weeks ago and I said Shin Megami Tensei DEVIL SUMMONER SOUL HACKERS. He didn't want to have anything to do with it.
It's all about Lightning returning anyway.
Mitsuru > *
Chie > *
come at me.
Suddenly realizing why I've gotten more shit for playing Demon's Souls than any other game.
Yami Shibai 1
Noooooooooooooooo! ;_;
But you're killing demons!
That's still violence. I should be gently hugging the evil out of them.
The Madoka Magica movies continue to be great and look wonderful. I love spotting the tiny differences in them compared to the series. Almost all the backgrounds were redone, and lots of cleaned up animations. A lot of the new backgrounds are in CG, and have a more Monogatari like feel:
Series on the left, movie right.
I can not wait for the third movie. I love this franchise too much.
Negima's manga went there. Maybe yuyuyuri and maybe saki or saki side a?Random question, but does anyone remember which recent anime featured the Kiyomizu-dera shrine at some point?
For some reason, I thought it was K-On, but it turns out that they went to Kitano Tenmangu in the school trip episode (to rub those cows!) instead.
I just can't think of another anime that went on a Kyoto trip, but obviously it happened because I remember seeing an anime version of the shrine. lol
That's still violence. I should be gently hugging the evil out of them.
I think more important are the new soundtrack and voice work.
Espencially Sayaka's battle at the end of the first movie was in a completly different league compared to the TV version. And I loved the TV version.
Through BENEVOLENCE you say?
Get hype!
Awwww ye-
Noooooooooooooooo! ;_;
burton has refined tastes unlike pigs like you, smhKnowing you, you don't have a preference for tomboys? smh
Knowing you, you don't have a preference for tomboys? smh
That's still violence. I should be gently hugging the evil out of them.
It doesn't matter.But you're killing demons!
Fine I asked. Waiting for the answer!She would, and that's all that needs to be said.
Anime. It takes you to space.I guess that's an alternative way to become an astronaut
Cameron knows nothing and is just tossing shit on the wall related to sensitive issues to try and boost his ratings.Cameron wants to take away our doujins because he is frightened of the
It's not so much that it's crazy it just came out of nowhere and I'm not sure why it even matters yet. I suppose it will make the final battle more personal or something.The revelation thatDewey and Holland are brothers, along with the associated backstory for the two, was pretty nuts.
I really liked this episode. It was, I dunno, really humanizing to seeEureka struggle with makeup for the sake of looking attractive to Renton.
Theonik gets it, guys.
Wait, what's the point of like, all that fire and brimstone the Lord is bringing along in Revelations if He's just gonna hug it out with the D man?
I was promised a showdown.
Fuck Cameron. I want to feel proud of my homeland, but at this rate I'll have to start bitching about the UK almost as much as I do about Germany.
Why do all governments have to suck?
I can not wait for the third movie. I love this franchise too much.
Popping in at lnch. Persona. I think Im in the wrong topic
Wait, what's the point of like, all that fire and brimstone the Lord is bringing along in Revelations if He's just gonna hug it out with the D man?
I was promised a showdown.
Watch Manyuu Hikenchou instead.I'm in the mood for a good old fashioned smutty anime. I'm thinking Kanokon might scratch that itch.
Random question, but does anyone remember which recent anime featured the Kiyomizu-dera shrine at some point?
For some reason, I thought it was K-On, but it turns out that they went to Kitano Tenmangu in the school trip episode (to rub those cows!) instead.
I just can't think of another anime that went on a Kyoto trip, but obviously it happened because I remember seeing an anime version of the shrine. lol
Watch RE: Cutie Honey.I'm in the mood for a good old fashioned smutty anime. I'm thinking Kanokon might scratch that itch.
Odd I know, but I lost a lot of interest in anything Persona after Arena got region locked. It's like my disapproval at the region locking has mutated into a general apathy towards the franchise.
Edit: To keep this, er, vaguely on-topic, Yukiko is best girl in P4. It's Metis in P3.
Odd I know, but I lost a lot of interest in anything Persona after Arena got region locked. It's like my disapproval at the region locking has mutated into a general apathy towards the franchise.
I was promised a showdown.
What have they done to Miyukichi's character just below the cat girl? I don't know if it's the angle or what but she looks squidgy.Site update for the Yozakura Quartet ~Hana no Uta~ TV anime reboot, with a new key visual and character profiles:
Also confirms the October 2013 start date that leaked before.
I seem to recall many people wishing Umineko's anime didn't exist? Aside from the glorious OP of course.Rebuild
Sankarea after episode three
Blood-C movie (?)
Max Heart
Technically you aren't allowed to own any form of hardcore porngraphy at all with stuff like bondage and such? There was a law passed about that maybe a couple of years back which ruled against most of that already.The only real change to previous laws is that you now can't own fake rape porn - which is presumably a sadness to some people, but surely not the end of the world (I know, civil liberties etc. etc. etc. but perhaps some fantasies are best left internalised?)
Plus the internet filters are opt-in anyway - the government's just paying for Net Nanny for everyone, essentially, and you don't have to activate them if you don't want to.
Maybe that's not in the spirit of internet crusaders crying out for freedom to indulge whatever fantasies we have however we want. But aside from BGBW getting the chance to bust out a Brass Eye screencap, I don't think this is going to affect anything much at all except David Cameron getting more votes from Daily Mail readers.
If you can withstand a shota-looking main lead, it's basically Awako Kawasumi and Mamiko Noto talking filth to each other for 50% of the show and that is always a good thing. It's a bad show but it's one of those secret things I like for just being smut.I'm in the mood for a good old fashioned smutty anime. I'm thinking Kanokon might scratch that itch.
It'll be just like the end of Gundam AGE.
Yeah, we should really be discussing Musou waifus instead since some of the thread is playing the game right now.
"It's metaphorical violence!"
Same here, if only to see how a practically flawless show could be continued. We've barely gotten anything on the plot, aside from the fact thatHomura is now in some kind of deep depression and...that's about it.
I'm in the mood for a good old fashioned smutty anime. I'm thinking Kanokon might scratch that itch.
Satan about to fire the nuke and then the memory of his two-day girlfriend persuades him not to? Then everybody decides that Satan was an okay guy and builds a statue of him? This sounds like an anime.
Same here, if only to see how a practically flawless show could be continued. We've barely gotten anything on the plot, aside from the fact thatHomura is now in some kind of deep depression and...that's about it.
Jesus demanding God not destroy those cast out of heaven die to mutual heritage followed by him wrecking Satan. Key animatoom by Masami Obari!
The Madoka Magica movies continue to be great and look wonderful. I love spotting the tiny differences in them compared to the series. Almost all the backgrounds were redone, and lots of cleaned up animations. A lot of the new backgrounds are in CG, and have a more Monogatari like feel:
Series on the left, movie right.
I can not wait for the third movie. I love this franchise too much.
Technically you aren't allowed to own any form of hardcore porngraphy at all with stuff like bondage and such? There was a law passed about that maybe a couple of years back which ruled against most of that already.
Suddenly I kind of do want to know what the Book of Revelations would be like if written by Motomu Toriyama and Hino. Probably would have Mary Magdalene as a time traveling sister.
Those character designs look like butt, the bad kind! Hopefully it'll be better than the first TV series though.
We are both not very wise people for watching this. At least there's Suou.
Yes, thus:
School Days - 12 END
So Katsura hooked up with Makoto once again. Lord knows how long that's gonna last before his next waifu knocks on his door. Sekai is royally pissed off, as I'd expect.
Damn, you two. You guys are just rubbing salt in her wounds now.
Oh, Sekai came back.
So what you're saying is, stock footage is the cancer that is killing Precure.
I can think of only one solution to this. Kidnap Ikuhara and make him direct a Precure series so he can show everybody how it's done.
It perplexes me how this statement is capable of perplexing you. It seems quite straightforward and natural to me.
Aside from OH NO CENSORSHIP (which is completely valid, but I'm a bit pragmatic (naive?) about these things and don't see this as the start of 1984), I'm not entirely sure how the law will change most people's doujin habits.
To cut a long post short, nothing in the vast majority of doujinshi is depicted in a "realistic" way (due to them being drawings!) which is one of the key parts of the law, nor do they fall under the "pseudo-photographs" prohibited under child pornography laws.
The only real change to previous laws is that you now can't own fake rape porn - which is presumably a sadness to some people, but surely not the end of the world (I know, civil liberties etc. etc. etc. but perhaps some fantasies are best left internalised?)
Plus the internet filters are opt-in anyway - the government's just paying for Net Nanny for everyone, essentially, and you don't have to activate them if you don't want to.
Maybe that's not in the spirit of internet crusaders crying out for freedom to indulge whatever fantasies we have however we want. But aside from BGBW getting the chance to bust out a Brass Eye screencap, I don't think this is going to affect anything much at all except David Cameron getting more votes from Daily Mail readers.
I like where this is going!