Metaphorically disappointing. I was promised melting mountains and stuff! Also in Brazil an old woman stopped us and told us that the Devil's banner was plaid colored. So I better see some plaid.
Satan is Scottish?
Tartan = Tartarus = hmmm......
Metaphorically disappointing. I was promised melting mountains and stuff! Also in Brazil an old woman stopped us and told us that the Devil's banner was plaid colored. So I better see some plaid.
My true motives unraveled!But aside from BGBW getting the chance to bust out a Brass Eye screencap,
Will the antichrist be a loli? If so, will she rock that single fang look?
She also has to wear a tiny hat.
It's opt-out. There's a difference! And it's a massive waste of resources for all parties involved.Plus the internet filters are opt-in anyway - the government's just paying for Net Nanny for everyone, essentially, and you don't have to activate them if you don't want to.
Will the antichrist be a loli? If so, will she rock that single fang look?
She also has to wear a tiny hat.
And cute little horns. And a tail.Also half glasses.
Will the antichrist be a loli? If so, will she rock that single fang look?
From gaming side:
Youtube trailer:
Full site update, movie opens on Nov 23 in Japan, there's a brand new trailer too.
New trailer:
Character designs:
But, she's like the worst.
Yes, Fuuka is a candidate for worst. Aigis too.![]()
P3 waifu discussion is meaningless on the face of how absolutely superior Aigis is.
And cute little horns. And a tail.
More Kyoko is always a good thing too.
If you look at some hints, I think it wouldn't be a big surprise if the third movie will play betweenMadoka's final wish and the dialogue between Homura and Kyubey at the end of the last episode. It's more an addition to the anime than a successor.
Geography Bones edition.![]()
She chose... Poorly. Her tsun ways have backfired now. We'll see though.
With striped stockings and a Bow tie.
Knowing you, you don't have a preference for tomboys? smh
That's still violence. I should be gently hugging the evil out of them.
She needs a cute moe catchphrase too.
The big question is: who will voice her??
The big question is: who will voice her??
She's bipolar, voiced by Hanazawa and Miyuki Sawashiro.The big question is: who will voice her??
I can't think of anyone more suited to portray the voice of the antichrist than Omigawa.
Funi posted the Sankarea eng dub trailer. Havent heard Chihiro's voice before and I guess Rea sounds alright, Wanko sounds like typical funi voice.
Why thank you! It's not like I didn't enjoy it! Oh no, it was absolutely wonderful.
I mean, the design of the boat was just...amazing, and the way everything worked out in the end it's so amazing that it cannot be described. Sincerely! It was that beautiful!
Oh, I can only imagine the joy the person who wrote this episode felt. In fact, I even found a gif of the final touches being put on this masterpiece!
Excuse me while I go cry in a corner
Kayos' avatar is too cute. I tried to tell him this on Twitter but didn't get a response during my exile!
I should probably be glad I don't have much of a clue on what's going on.I've never played any of the Persona games, if that's what this is about.
Lack of talent?
Cameron wants to take away our doujins because he is frightened of the
Donno, but I've seen God as a lass rocking that huge dick look.Will the antichrist be a loli? If so, will she rock that single fang look?
Donno, but I've seen God as a lass rocking that huge dick look.
NewType: KLK is Trigger's first TV series. Trigger's CEO Ootsuka says that he feels driven ("triggered") by the studio's passion, and the work continues to largely expand.
Otsuka: KLK is a project that was planned even before Trigger got established. At first, it was just a one-episode story, and we thought we could make it simpler... but as we were reviewing the script with Imaishi and Nakajima, we decided to redo the whole script to make it more interesting.
As a result, the project became something quite overwhelming. Of course, you can't really stop once you decide to make something amazing (laughs). We were rather worried because Trigger's a new company with limited vitality/manpower and budget, but we only put in our best effort. It's a show without any brakes attached, to the point where Nakajima-san even began to worry.
NewType: As a result, it became an all-out, explosive work.
Otsuka: As the studio's CEO, I have the feeling that there's been many lines crossed (laughs). The proper procedure would involve preparing a budget, predicting the outcome, and THEN making a good show. But from what I've seen, Imaishi and the Trigger crew want a show that breaks away from tradition. No matter how difficult it is, they want to pour in their individuality and bring forth quality. They can only make things by removing limiters (laughs).
NewType: Kazuki Nakajima was in charge of virtually the entire script. The initial plan involved more writers participating, but as meetings progressed, Nakajima became the only one who could continue the script.
Otsuka: The Nakajima plus Imaishi concentration is very much higher than TTGL's. I participated in the Gurren Lagann discussions and had some input, but the director is really running it this time. I felt that he has greatly matured since Gurren Lagann, and our meetings make me only more confident."
NewType: So it's a work with a studio decided to break all limits and with a rich script.
Otsuka: The afurekos (off-recording) will also be very interesting. The cast this time is really quite splendid. I think Imaishi and Sushio's visions will expand even further once the cast provide their voices. The show's universe and settings will also grow even more. I'm looking forward to that.
NewType: Ootsuka served as assistant director for Gurren Lagann, but this time he is merely backup support, without any hand in the process. The veteran is a supporting pillar in the upcoming project.
Otsuka: All I can do for now is see it through to the finish. We have a mission, and I'll continue to support this production site from the back.
Donno, but I've seen God as a lass rocking that huge dick look.
Will the antichrist be a loli? If so, will she rock that single fang look?
She also has to wear a tiny hat.
Also half glasses.
And cute little horns. And a tail.
Trigger CEO Masahiko Otsuka on Kill la Kill:
We're not really creating anything if the concept already exists.This sounds like we're creating the greatest character ever.
I see you know the source.
Narag, what did you and CorvoSol even write?
I can't believe my little sister is the antichrist
I like my Personas grimdark, personally.
Suddenly realizing why I've gotten more shit for playing Demon's Souls than any other game.
The Madoka Magica movies continue to be great and look wonderful. I love spotting the tiny differences in them compared to the series. Almost all the backgrounds were redone, and lots of cleaned up animations. A lot of the new backgrounds are in CG, and have a more Monogatari like feel:
Series on the left, movie right.
I can not wait for the third movie. I love this franchise too much.
Knowing you, you don't have a preference for tomboys? smh
That's still violence. I should be gently hugging the evil out of them.
I'm in the mood for a good old fashioned smutty anime. I'm thinking Kanokon might scratch that itch.
Watch K-ON!
Meh. The UK already passed a law in 2009 essentially prohibiting possession of even non-realistic explicit images involving characters that appear to be under 18, so basically all my doujins are illegal there already, a fact which disgusts me. Every further step taken down that road just makes me more angry.
Negima's manga went there. Maybe yuyuyuri and maybe saki or saki side a?
Now watch the source.8/10 would laugh again. Good show ol chap.
Mission accomplished....And now I have an image I'll never get out of my head...And a terrible idea for a webcomic...
This guy knows his smut.Juden Chan![]()